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Home Learning Resources from Week 6 (beginning 11th May), by Miss Yates

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 5:05pm

Lovely Lockdown Recipes - a Year 3 cookbook :), by Miss Yates

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 4:17pm

Lovely Lockdown Recipes - a cookbook by Year 3 :)

Alice's Chocolate Cake

Cai's Crisp Sandwich

Christian's Fridge Cake

Reuben's Flack-Jacks

Harry L's Banana Bread

Jack W's Flapjacks

Max's Hot Chocolate

Megan's Egg Sandwich

Sam's Tacos

Brodie's Flapjacks

Erin's bowl of cereal

Nye's Courgette Fritters

Elliott's Warm Milk (or Hot Chocolate!) 

Jayden's Brownies

Casper's Marshmallow Crispie Cakes

Oliver's Rainbow Cheesecake

Danny's Custard Tart

Maya's Veggie Delight

Emily's Flapjacks

Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 5 and 6), by Miss Jones

Date: 15th May 2020 @ 2:40pm

Thank you very much Year 1 for continuing to send your photos and emails - it has been lovely seeing and hearing about what you've been up to! 

We have had a very creative week last week in Year 1 with painting in the sunshine, creating shape art, designing and making a musical instrument, decorating bunting for VE day, lego construction, baking, cooking, story writing and book making! 

This week the children have been busy measuring using objects in their home and finding out about different groups of animals.  

If you have not already, check out the other Time Capsule Gallery item to see your friend's time capsules. They all look great! 

Optional Tasks, by Miss Young

Date: 14th May 2020 @ 11:21am

Please find various documents that offer a range of alternative tasks for you to explore whilst we continue to learn at home. 


Browse the PDF booklets that cover a range of subjects and skills that you may wish to complete. There’s also some quiz questions for you to play against your adults.

Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 6 (beginning 11th May), by Miss Yates

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:59pm

Emily invented a very creative piplink. Have a read of her fantastic writing and look how beautiful her handwriting is!

Jack W and Reuben both designed fantastic posters for their Geography work this work. They both make me want to visit London when we are able to travel again.

Max created a very imaginative piplink.

Sam made a really cool robot!

Nye has been very busy organising his books into alphabetical order, learning to skate board, baking, beatboxing and even trying the crossword in the Guardian!

Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer Week 4, by Mrs Hover

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 2:55pm

For VE Day, Ollie baked a carrot cake and he has been getting lots of exercise running around with a very cute Max the labrador pup!

Ava celebrated VE Day by baking scones and having afternoon tea in the garden!

Alice and her brother Sam are currently very interested in robots, so here is one of the slides from their PowerPoint.

One of our class has sent in a photo of her ice cube work. She has learnt about rapeseed, celebrated VE day and spotted a rainbow as she was clapping for the NHS last Thursday.

Ava has used accurate dialogue, different speech verbs and action using 'The Black Hat'!

Luke has been busy planting sunflowers and tomatoes, colouring in the picture of Chester to display in his window, decorating a pebble for the garden and making bunting and baking biscuits for VE Day!

Michael has been baking Domino Biscuits and carrying out some amazing Science experiments!

Aidan has enjoyed the Science experiments too, especially dissecting the flowers best and the ice cube experiment. Thank you for sending us the stop motion video you made using a Stikbots app!

For his week's 'The Black Hat' task, Alice has described her own made-up creature called 'The Hoggan'!

Sophie has created some descriptive sentences linked to 'The Black Hat' and presented her work beautifully,

Ellie has sent in her writing based on 'The Black Hat'. She wanted to challenge herself by attempting to use similes, personification and alliteration following the video. 

Freya enjoyed creating her own Zentangle!

Home learning resources from Week 5 (beginning Monday 4th May), by Miss Yates

Date: 10th May 2020 @ 3:33pm

Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 5 (week beginning 4th May), by Miss Yates

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 2:01pm

Oliver has been very busy at home cooking, looking after his pets, reading, playing with his family and has even made a beautiful ice egg! Fantastic work, Oliver!

Nye has also been very busy working on some independent projects. He has been learning about border collies, researching the history of football, camping out in his garden and of course doing lots of reading. It looks like such fun, Nye!

Reuben has created a very imaginative piplink :) He also has invented a pokemon game! Reuben, you'll have to teach us all how to play it when we are back in school.

Have a read of Christian's excellent writing about his piplink.

Danny made a union jack to celebrate VE day and has written some fantastic and creative writing this week.

Jack W created a very imaginative piplink! What brilliant writing, Jack!

Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer Week 3, by Mrs Hover

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 6:14am

Thank you very much Year 4 for continuing to send us your photos and emails - it has been lovely seeing and hearing about what you've been up to! 

Ellie has been very busy with lots of different activities and her home learning which is beautifully presented. She has been busy enjoying time with her family in the garden too, completing numerous DIY jobs & getting it all ready for summer.

Felix's favourite piece of work is his mini project on Liverpool football club. He has enjoyed lots of walks, bike rides, some cooking and instead of planning an Easter egg hunt, he used Lego mini figures!

Freya has been using her extra time at home to learn something new! She has been learning to do something Mrs Hover would love to learn too - how to crochet!

Niamh has been doing lots too including cooking a delicious family dinner all by herself! She has been practising her gymnastics and even passed her BAGA Gold for floor and vault from home which she is very happy about!

Evie has loved setting up her Science experiment - she decided to use water, orange juice, vinegar and salt in her ice cubes.  Evie has also created some fantastic Harry Potter setenecs using fronted adverbials.

David has had lots of fun making the domino cookies, watching Horrible Histories videos, carrying out the cornflower experiment and practising guitar. We love the picture of your guinea pig!

Thank you to everyone who has sent in video clips of your latest Science experiment!

Catherine has loved being outside in the sunshine and here are some pictures including 'pink hair', Easter cupcakes and mouth-watering meringue.

Will has been working really hard with his home learning and here is a fantastic piece of work on Boudicca! He has also been practising his guitar, scooting, cycling, dog walking, playing games, gaming, enjoying BBQs and chatting to his friends.

Brooke has created a collage of a Roman Road using which is beautifully labeled!

Evie has created a dramatic piece of art work to celebrate VE day. 

Year 1 Time Capsule Project, by Miss Jones

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 4:16pm

During Week 4 of home learning, the Year 1 children worked on decorating and filling their very own time capsule so they can remember the sorts of things they have been doing during home learning. They will hide their time capsules in their house. The time capsules have an important instruciton on the front that says: DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2030.

The chlidren completed a different activity each day to complete their project. Examples of some of the things inside are: 

  • A family portrait drawing
  • An all about me fact file about themselves
  • A list of things they had enjoyed doing to keep themselves busy
  • A list of things they had learnt
  • Photographs, newspaper cuttings or sketches

It was lovely to recieve emails from the children and to see their time capsules! Thank you for your hard work Year 1. 



Home learning resources from Week 4 (week beginning 26th April), by Miss Yates

Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 3:09pm

Colour poems, by Miss Yates

Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 2:33pm

Well done Year 3 - these poems are fantastic!

By Alfie:

By Jack W:

By Harry L:

By Reuben:

By Jayden:

By Alice:

By Elliott:

By Sam:

By Erin:

By Christian:

By Emily:

By Max:

Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 3 and 4), by Miss Jones

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 3:12pm

Thank you for sharing some of your home learning. I really like seeing what you have all been getting up to. Have a look to see what your friends have been up to.


Miss Jones smiley

Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:59am

Hi UKS2,

we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July Bulletin. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads. 


Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)

Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:56am

Hi LKS2,

we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July bulletin to view. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads. 


Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)


Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:50am

Hi KS1,

we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July bulletin to share. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads. 


Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)



Year 2's Fantastic Home Learning, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 12:34pm

Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer Week 2, by Mrs Hover

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 6:12pm

Our first Loo Roll Art Work - Well done Lili! We had a feeling you would enjoy this challenge!

One of our class has been going on some long bike rides with her family. Can anyone guess where the photos are taken?

Michael has been having lots of fun with the cornflour and water experiment!

Brooke has shared her poem with lots of description and clever rhyme and the last photograph is from her cornflour experiment.

The sketch of the eye reminds me of our 'I come from portraits'. Well done Freya.

Alice also enjoyed the Science experiment with cornflour and worked with her brother to competing a coding challenge.

Happy Birthday to Evie! Have lots of fun and eat lots of cake!

Alice has been busy looking for parallel and perpendicular lines around her house and baking delicious looking dominoes!

Thursday's Maths activities have also kept another one of our class busy. Can you spot the 'Time capsule booklet'?

I will need to find some more active Maths challenges! Can you guess which activities Inca and Jacob have had a go at?

Luke has been working hard on all the different activities this week, presenting his work to a high standard.


Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 4, by Miss Yates

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 3:51pm

Nye and his family were very busy over the Easter holidays building a pirate ship for their garden! It is a fantastic spot for reading - as Nye is showing here :)

Nye has enjoyed reading some David Walliams recently. Here he is enjoying his book and explaining why he loves it. If you like David Walliams' books too, you can listen to some of his audiobooks here

Sam and his sister Alice have been very busy coding and earned this certificate for completing an 'hour of code' on Code Studio. Well done :)

Zoe has been working on her art making these wonderful drawings with #drawWithRob

Alice has been working hard again this week. I love her paper aeroplane! 

Here is Danny's fantastic poem about the colour red. What amazing writing :)

Home learning resources from Week 3 (week beginning 20th April), by Miss Yates

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 12:55pm


Down Behind the Dustbin - a poem written by Year 3, by Miss Yates

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 12:16pm

Down Behind the Dustbin

A poem written by Year 3 and inspired by Michael Rosen

By Sam

By Maya

By Harry L

By Jayden

By Emily

By Elliott

By Cai

By Danny

By Nye

By Erin

By Alice

By Oliver

By Max

Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer Week 1, by Mrs Hover

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 6:58pm

Michael has been busy over the Easter holiday creating some superb Minecraft Ancient Temples!

Alice has shared her Science and Handwriting from this week's home learning. She has also set up a restaurant in the garden with her brother, creating a menu and serving her parents delicious treats!

Luke has sent in his handwritten version of 'The Garden Year' and some lovely drawings of different plants.

Ava has enjoyed dissecting a daffodil and creating window art to thank the NHS and cheer up people walking past.

Well done Alfie for your accurate sketches of flowers for Science and to Heather for her daffodil pictures.

Thank you to Heather, Alice and Connor for their beautiful first six verses of their poems.




Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 3, by Miss Yates

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:09pm

Maya has worked very hard today making a fantastic musical instrument from recycled objects and writing her poem out in beautiful handwriting.

Sam has produced some excellent work today too. His handwriting for his poem is very neat. Look at his creative Science work - he used his magnet action figure to check if other objects were magnetic.

Here is Alice's excellent work so far for this week. Have a look at her brilliant 'I'm bored' jar! Those activities will keep her very entertained :)

Jack W has been working hard this week and over the holidays. He made a lovely card to thank important workers and made a cartoon to show the fight against the virus.

Reuben has been very busy working on his fantastic English, helping his Dad to plant vegetables and even burying a time capsule!

Sam has made this FANTASTIC drawing of his family in the style of the 'Wimpy Kid' illustrations. 

Jayden has been working really hard on his English this week. Look at his beautiful joined handwriting and fantastic illustrations :)

Danny has been very busy this week :) I love his poetry work and fantastic illustrations!

Alice has been very busy making a musical instrument out of recycled things. She also worked on some very tricky Maths with her Mum!

I love Alice's History work here. She asked some brilliant questions to find out more about what life was like for her Grandfather when he was her age.


Home learning resources from Week 2 (week beginning 30th March), by Miss Yates

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 2:14pm

Home Learning Pictures and Clips, by Miss Young

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 12:02pm

Enjoy browsing what your peers have been doing whilst learning from home.


You can share any images or clips via the scrapbook section on school spider, or emailing them over to grace.young@oldfield.cheshire.sch.uk

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