Our Gallery
Year 4 - Easter Holiday Pictures!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 11th Apr 2020 @ 6:35pm
Year 4 - Home Learning Spring Week 2 (updated), by Mrs Hover
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 6:03pm
Enjoy looking at all of the activities Niamh has been up to over the last two weeks and well done to Sophie for her super personal project on Space and to Alice for her imaginative account of the Trojan War! Learn all about Lego from Luke's research and enjoy his funny cartoon drawing using the weblink. Check out David and Lili's brilliant personal projects in 'Files to Download'. Can you guess what they chose?
Year 4 - Chromatography experiments!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 8:20pm
We love the photos of the Science experiment going on in these two households and thankfully, it has been reported that it wasn't as messy as parents predicted!
Year 3's riddles. Can you guess the animals?, by Miss Yates
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 1:42pm
Thank you for your fantastic riddles, Year 3. Can you guess which animal each poem is about?
Here is Cai's:
Here is Casper's:
Here is Christian's:
Here is Elliott's:
Here is Jack W's
Here is Alice's:
Here is Jayden's:
Here is Nye's:
Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 1 and 2), by Miss Jones
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 12:30pm
I am really enjoying receiving emails and pictures of the children's home learning. Thank you for taking the time to share them. Year One, you have been busy bees!
Year 4 - Home Learning!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 4:24pm
Thank you Alice for sending in your photos. You have been really busy and your 2A senteces are brilliant!
Year 4 - Has anyone spotted this one?, by Mrs Hover
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 11:05am
Big thank you Brooke - we love the clouds!
Year 4 - LEGO Brick Delight Sweet!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 6:32am
A very imaginative sweet design! We love the illustration, ingredients and description of what happens when you eat the LEGO brick delight!
Year 4 - Another lovely rainbow!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:31pm
Big thank you girls for sending us your picture!
Year 3's fantastic home learning - Week 2, by Miss Yates
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 7:37pm
Sam has done lots of brilliant learning at home this week. Don't his Science experiments look exciting!
Alfie has made some lovely art work to help spread happiness from his window. He also knows A LOT of capital cities! He made this list without checking an atlas or google! Very impressive
Erin has written some lovely descriptive writing and drawn a fantastic picture looking out of one of her windows. Doesn't her trampoline look really fun!
Elliott wrote a fantastic report about pythons. I love the design on his title.
Alice has been doing lots of wonderful learning at home. I love her report about cheetahs. I really like how she had used pictures as a flap over writing. I love her letter for her history homework. She describes perfectly how we are feeling at this unusual time. Brilliant times table work too! I hope your little brother enjoyed your music lesson too, Alice
Jack W wrote a brilliant report about a rhino.
Elliott has been doing lots of reading
Sam wrote a fascinating report about Minecraft
Some more lovely work from Alice.
Nye has has a brilliant week! I think that he should wear his Joe Wicks outfit to school when we have our next pebble jar treat
Year 4 Rainbow!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 6:30am
Thank you for sending a picture of your giant rainbow on the driveway and making us all smile!
Home Learning resources from week 1 (week beginning 22nd March), by Miss Yates
Date: 29th Mar 2020 @ 12:27pm
Here are all of the resources that you will need if you missed out on anything from the week beginning the 22nd March.
Year 1's rainbows spread happiness , by Miss Jones
Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 5:15pm
I have loved receiving all of your rainbow pictures. They have certainly brought a smile to my face.
Here is mine:
If you go for a walk around your local area, count how many rainbows you see?
Year 3's fantastic home learning!, by Miss Yates
Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 11:28am
Have a read of Jack W's wonderful descriptive writing.
Excellent home learning from Alice. Look at her fantastic descriptive writing! The PE obstacle course sounds very fun too
Look at Max's wonderful home learning His rainbow is making us all feel cheerful.
Here is a lovely rainbow picture by Jayden - it makes me feel full of joy!
Here is Christian's fantastic descriptive writing with a lovely illustration.
Reuben made this fantastic obstacle course in his PE session this week.
Nye has been working hard in the cabin in his garden. What fantastic writing!
Alice's home learning is brilliant. Look at her wonderful writing and lovely rainbow picture.
Drawing Ideas to try at home, by Miss Jones
Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 6:44pm
Something to try at home....
Here are some step by step guides for turning numbers or letters into drawings.
Happy drawing!
Miss Jones
Year 1 - what are the five senses?, by Miss Jones
Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 8:03pm
Year 1 visited the 'Senses Stations' to find out about the 5 senses. Our favourite activity was jelly tasting of course! The jelly was not the colour we expected so we had to reply on our sense of taste to identify it's flavour.
Year 1 World Book Day 2020, by Miss Jones
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 1:04pm
What a wonderful Wonderful Word Book day we had!
Our day started off with a mysterious present being left on Miss Jones’s chair. It was a special type of book that we had not seen before. It was a .... dictionary! The message on the book told us to enjoy learning a new word every hour. We loved picking a page to learn a new word every hour. Some of the words we learnt were acorn, acrobat, yolk and igloo. We loved this so much, we will try to do it everyday.
Then we walked to the library. We enjoyed listening to two stories and explored be books in the library. It was very peaceful and the children loved reading there.
Next we shared our books from home with Year 3. It was lovely to see the children coaching one another and talking about their books. Then we swapped teachers for story time. Year 1 enjoyed having Miss Yates read a story to them and Year 3 enjoyed Miss Jones reading to them.
Finally we got creative and made our own monster bookmark to keep track of our page in our favourite book, at home.
Remeber to use your book tokens to get your FREE book. You can use your tokens at Waterstones, WH Smiths, Tesco and Sainsburys.
Year 1 - maths Superstars , by Miss Jones
Date: 1st Mar 2020 @ 7:17pm
What maths superstars we are!
Year 1 have enjoyed learning number bonds to 5 and 10. We used lots of different ways to help us such as matching games, a giant tens frame, counters, cubes, ping-pong and the hit the button game.
We enjoyed working with our partners and recording our number sentences.
Year 1 science , by Miss Jones
Date: 28th Feb 2020 @ 4:18pm
We have started our new topic in science this week. George volunteered to help us identify the parts of the body. We made a life-size diagram of George and added labels.
On Friday, we learnt the names for the parts of our face by drawing and labelling self portraits.
Year 4 - Badminton!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 25th Feb 2020 @ 9:49am
Year 1 - Find your brave , by Miss Jones
Date: 22nd Feb 2020 @ 1:24pm
From 3rd – 9th February 2020, Year One took part in Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme was ‘Find your Brave’. Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes and is different for everyone. Bravery could be about sharing your worries, asking for help or trying something new. Finding your Brave can build your confidence and make you feel happy.
We all have times where we need to find our Brave our
Just like with our body, it is important we do things to help our minds to be healthy and feel well.
Just like our body, our minds need a rest too.
We learnt about mindfulness and how being calm and quiet each day can help our minds stay healthy. We even tried finger breathing, yoga and mindfulness colouring.
Year One’s Tips for a healthy mind
- Exercise
- Eat healthily
- Share your worries
- Ask for help
- Spend time outside
- Be creative
- Get enough sleep
- Have time each where you can be calm and quiet
- Remember you are special just the way you are
Reception Library visit, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 4th Feb 2020 @ 11:31am
We enjoyed visiting the library. Pam welcomed us all and read us a story before we looked at the books.
Year 4 - Young scientists at Techniquest!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 5:41pm
Year 4 - 'The Place Between' collages, by Mrs Hover
Date: 30th Jan 2020 @ 5:33pm
Year 4 - First Samba lesson, by Mrs Hover
Date: 15th Jan 2020 @ 1:18pm