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Home learning resources from Week 4 (week beginning 26th April), by Miss Yates
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 3:09pm
Colour poems, by Miss Yates
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 2:33pm
Well done Year 3 - these poems are fantastic!
By Alfie:
By Jack W:
By Harry L:
By Reuben:
By Jayden:
By Alice:
By Elliott:
By Sam:
By Erin:
By Christian:
By Emily:
By Max:
Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 3 and 4), by Miss Jones
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 3:12pm
Thank you for sharing some of your home learning. I really like seeing what you have all been getting up to. Have a look to see what your friends have been up to.
Miss Jones
Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:59am
Hi UKS2,
we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July Bulletin. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads.
Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)
Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:56am
Hi LKS2,
we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July bulletin to view. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads.
Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)
Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:50am
Hi KS1,
we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July bulletin to share. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads.
Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)
Year 2's Fantastic Home Learning, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 12:34pm
Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer Week 2, by Mrs Hover
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 6:12pm
Our first Loo Roll Art Work - Well done Lili! We had a feeling you would enjoy this challenge!
One of our class has been going on some long bike rides with her family. Can anyone guess where the photos are taken?
Michael has been having lots of fun with the cornflour and water experiment!
Brooke has shared her poem with lots of description and clever rhyme and the last photograph is from her cornflour experiment.
The sketch of the eye reminds me of our 'I come from portraits'. Well done Freya.
Alice also enjoyed the Science experiment with cornflour and worked with her brother to competing a coding challenge.
Happy Birthday to Evie! Have lots of fun and eat lots of cake!
Alice has been busy looking for parallel and perpendicular lines around her house and baking delicious looking dominoes!
Thursday's Maths activities have also kept another one of our class busy. Can you spot the 'Time capsule booklet'?
I will need to find some more active Maths challenges! Can you guess which activities Inca and Jacob have had a go at?
Luke has been working hard on all the different activities this week, presenting his work to a high standard.
Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 4, by Miss Yates
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 3:51pm
Nye and his family were very busy over the Easter holidays building a pirate ship for their garden! It is a fantastic spot for reading - as Nye is showing here :)
Nye has enjoyed reading some David Walliams recently. Here he is enjoying his book and explaining why he loves it. If you like David Walliams' books too, you can listen to some of his audiobooks here
Sam and his sister Alice have been very busy coding and earned this certificate for completing an 'hour of code' on Code Studio. Well done :)
Zoe has been working on her art making these wonderful drawings with #drawWithRob
Alice has been working hard again this week. I love her paper aeroplane!
Here is Danny's fantastic poem about the colour red. What amazing writing :)
Home learning resources from Week 3 (week beginning 20th April), by Miss Yates
Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 12:55pm
Down Behind the Dustbin - a poem written by Year 3, by Miss Yates
Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 12:16pm
Down Behind the Dustbin
A poem written by Year 3 and inspired by Michael Rosen
By Sam
By Maya
By Harry L
By Jayden
By Emily
By Elliott
By Cai
By Danny
By Nye
By Erin
By Alice
By Oliver
By Max
Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer Week 1, by Mrs Hover
Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 6:58pm
Michael has been busy over the Easter holiday creating some superb Minecraft Ancient Temples!
Alice has shared her Science and Handwriting from this week's home learning. She has also set up a restaurant in the garden with her brother, creating a menu and serving her parents delicious treats!
Luke has sent in his handwritten version of 'The Garden Year' and some lovely drawings of different plants.
Ava has enjoyed dissecting a daffodil and creating window art to thank the NHS and cheer up people walking past.
Well done Alfie for your accurate sketches of flowers for Science and to Heather for her daffodil pictures.
Thank you to Heather, Alice and Connor for their beautiful first six verses of their poems.
Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 3, by Miss Yates
Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:09pm
Maya has worked very hard today making a fantastic musical instrument from recycled objects and writing her poem out in beautiful handwriting.
Sam has produced some excellent work today too. His handwriting for his poem is very neat. Look at his creative Science work - he used his magnet action figure to check if other objects were magnetic.
Here is Alice's excellent work so far for this week. Have a look at her brilliant 'I'm bored' jar! Those activities will keep her very entertained :)
Jack W has been working hard this week and over the holidays. He made a lovely card to thank important workers and made a cartoon to show the fight against the virus.
Reuben has been very busy working on his fantastic English, helping his Dad to plant vegetables and even burying a time capsule!
Sam has made this FANTASTIC drawing of his family in the style of the 'Wimpy Kid' illustrations.
Jayden has been working really hard on his English this week. Look at his beautiful joined handwriting and fantastic illustrations :)
Danny has been very busy this week :) I love his poetry work and fantastic illustrations!
Alice has been very busy making a musical instrument out of recycled things. She also worked on some very tricky Maths with her Mum!
I love Alice's History work here. She asked some brilliant questions to find out more about what life was like for her Grandfather when he was her age.
Home learning resources from Week 2 (week beginning 30th March), by Miss Yates
Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 2:14pm
Home Learning Pictures and Clips, by Miss Young
Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 12:02pm
Enjoy browsing what your peers have been doing whilst learning from home.
You can share any images or clips via the scrapbook section on school spider, or emailing them over to grace.young@oldfield.cheshire.sch.uk
Year 4 - Easter Holiday Pictures!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 11th Apr 2020 @ 6:35pm
Year 4 - Home Learning Spring Week 2 (updated), by Mrs Hover
Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 6:03pm
Enjoy looking at all of the activities Niamh has been up to over the last two weeks and well done to Sophie for her super personal project on Space and to Alice for her imaginative account of the Trojan War! Learn all about Lego from Luke's research and enjoy his funny cartoon drawing using the weblink. Check out David and Lili's brilliant personal projects in 'Files to Download'. Can you guess what they chose?
Year 4 - Chromatography experiments!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 8:20pm
We love the photos of the Science experiment going on in these two households and thankfully, it has been reported that it wasn't as messy as parents predicted!
Year 3's riddles. Can you guess the animals?, by Miss Yates
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 1:42pm
Thank you for your fantastic riddles, Year 3. Can you guess which animal each poem is about?
Here is Cai's:
Here is Casper's:
Here is Christian's:
Here is Elliott's:
Here is Jack W's
Here is Alice's:
Here is Jayden's:
Here is Nye's:
Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 1 and 2), by Miss Jones
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 12:30pm
I am really enjoying receiving emails and pictures of the children's home learning. Thank you for taking the time to share them. Year One, you have been busy bees!
Year 4 - Home Learning!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 4:24pm
Thank you Alice for sending in your photos. You have been really busy and your 2A senteces are brilliant!
Year 4 - Has anyone spotted this one?, by Mrs Hover
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 11:05am
Big thank you Brooke - we love the clouds!
Year 4 - LEGO Brick Delight Sweet!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 6:32am
A very imaginative sweet design! We love the illustration, ingredients and description of what happens when you eat the LEGO brick delight!
Year 4 - Another lovely rainbow!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:31pm
Big thank you girls for sending us your picture!
Year 3's fantastic home learning - Week 2, by Miss Yates
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 7:37pm
Sam has done lots of brilliant learning at home this week. Don't his Science experiments look exciting!
Alfie has made some lovely art work to help spread happiness from his window. He also knows A LOT of capital cities! He made this list without checking an atlas or google! Very impressive
Erin has written some lovely descriptive writing and drawn a fantastic picture looking out of one of her windows. Doesn't her trampoline look really fun!
Elliott wrote a fantastic report about pythons. I love the design on his title.
Alice has been doing lots of wonderful learning at home. I love her report about cheetahs. I really like how she had used pictures as a flap over writing. I love her letter for her history homework. She describes perfectly how we are feeling at this unusual time. Brilliant times table work too! I hope your little brother enjoyed your music lesson too, Alice
Jack W wrote a brilliant report about a rhino.
Elliott has been doing lots of reading
Sam wrote a fascinating report about Minecraft
Some more lovely work from Alice.
Nye has has a brilliant week! I think that he should wear his Joe Wicks outfit to school when we have our next pebble jar treat