Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Wheatcroft





Welcome to our Reception page

Our Literacy book this half term is Let's All Creep Through Crocodile Creek' by Jonny Lambert.  We will be looking at journeys, maps, holidays and comparing places and environments. 

In phonics, we are securing our knowledge of Phase 2 and are now working in Phase 3, where the children will be learning digraphs to match the sounds ai, ee, igh, oa and oo/oo (long and short sounds). The children will continue to read with an adult three times each week and are working hard with a range of writing based activities, based on our literacy book, in independent activities and on other topics, including Chinese New Year. 


We will be going to the hall for PE sessions this half term so children will need to come into to school in their PE kits on a Tuesday until further notice. 



Numberblocks - CBeebies - BBC

We will continue to work with the Numberblocks to help to support our maths sessions and activities in the classroom. We will be looking at numbers that go togther to make 5, and playing a range of games, including some track games with dice. 










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Chinese New Year, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Prickly Hay, by Mrs Wheatcroft

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