Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Wheatcroft
Welcome to our Reception page
Our Literacy book this half term is The Pirates Are Coming! by John Condon. We will be looking at all things piratey including treasure maps, pirate props, journeys, sea creatures, parts of a ship and, of course, treasure hunts! This book also gives us opportunities to look at families and jobs and how different they can be, and links with our No Outsiders theme; no-one is the same but everyone is equal.
In phonics, we are now working in Phase 3, where the children will consolidating their understanding of all the digraphs and trigraphs we learned last term. The children will continue to read with an adult three times each week and are working hard with a range of writing based activities, based on our literacy book, in independent activities and on other topics, including how and why Christians celebrate Easter.
In maths we will be focussing on doubling numbers to 10 and comparing numbers and quantities and will continue to use our friends The Numberblocks to help us!
Please continue to read with your child at home as often as you can. Little and often is best and makes such a difference to your child's progress.
Thank you.
Files to Download
Reception: Gallery items
Fine motor skills, by Mrs Wheatcroft
First Aid in Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Chinese New Year, by Mrs Wheatcroft