Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Harrison

Mrs Hopkins

Welcome to the Year 2 Homepage


Our Year 2 Team is Mrs Harrison (Monday- Wednesday) and Mrs Hopkins (Thursday-Friday). 

Mrs S Davies, Mrs J Jones, Miss Cobden and Mrs Smoje will be supporting the children.



Spring Term- Part 2


Welcome back to school! We hope you’ve enjoyed a well-deserved break and you are feeling ready for another busy and exciting half-term! During our second week back we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday March 6th. We look forward to sharing some of your favourite books together.

In English, we will be starting our new book which will be revealed in Week 1! There is a big clue as to what our new story is about about in the picture above! We will also begin our new text in Shared Reading which links nicely to our Writing text. It is our first chapter book of Year 2 and is very funny. We know that the children will love it!

In Maths we will be revisiting our methods for the four operations, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division before moving on to complete our work on measures 'Mass', 'Volume' and 'Temperature' before moving onto 'Money' and 'Time'. 


In Science we will re-visiting our earlier work on Materials but this time looking at 'Changing Shape' and in RE will be looking at Christianity with a focus on the Easter story. 


In the wider curriculum our History topic will focus on the inspirational story of Mary Seacole and in Computing we will start our work on Programming using the Beebots.


Legends Series: Mary Seacole » Explorersweb

PE will be on a Monday with Mrs Anders and on a Friday for Gymnastics with Mr Bell. 


We will be continuing with out topic of ‘Appreciate’ in our My Happy Mind sessions which looks at gratitude. We will also continue to add to our class and personal toolbox with strategies to help us when looking at the Zones of Regulation. Some of our favourite strategies are: Happy Breathing, Belly Breathing, Colour Counting,  Finger Tug, Pressure Points and Tight Hug with three deep breaths. 


Zones of Regulation(1).png


Year 2 Parents


Year 2 Weekly Timetable (Spring 2)



PE with Mrs Anders


Reading Books to be returned




Homework Due In


Homework Books and Reading Books sent home

PE with Mr Bell (Gymnastics)







Key Information

Contacting Class Teachers

The Year 2 class teachers are Mrs Harrison (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Hopkins (Wednesday-Thursday).

Please always feel free to come and speak to us or alternatively our emails are:

Please remember that emails will be read no later than 6pm and will be responded to as soon as possible. This might not always be the same day.

Alternatively, please catch us at hometime. 

A member of staff will be welcoming Year 1 and Year 2 in the mornings so they will be able to take messages at drop off.

If your messsage is urgent, please contact the school office.  


What will my child need each day?

Children in Year 2 will need their book bag in school with them each day. We only have a small area to store bags outside the Year 2 classroom so book bags are the correct size for the space we have. Children need to have their reading book in school with them each day. They also need to remember to bring a water bottle and a coat as children do go outside when raining. 


Children should come to school dressed in their PE kits on Mondays and Fridays in Autumn 2. Hair should be tied back and jewellery should be removed for PE lessons. If ears are newly pierced, children must be sent to school with tape over their earrings for safety.  

Hot Dinners and Snack 

Please ensure hot dinner and snack choices are completed using the online system by Sunday Evening.  Alternatively, children can bring in their own packed lunch (nut free) if they wish to do so. Children should be able to access the items in their lunchboxes themselves - opening packaging, small tubs etc.

Children in Year 2 are provided with free fruit each day. The type of fruit varies each day and we do not know ahead of time what will be provided. Your child is welcome to bring in a piece of fruit from home if they would prefer. Children also have the opportunity to have a piece of toast instead of fruit. The cost of this is 25p per day (£1.25 per week). To be paid online  

Children should to bring their full water bottles in daily. We are a healthy school so please fill water bottles with water only. 


If your children needs to take medication during the school day, please complete a form at the school office. Medication sent into school should be clearly labelled with the pupils name, dosage and storage requirements. Medication must be given to a member of staff by the adult responsible for the child. If your child needs an inhaler or epipen in school, please ensure this is sent into school and again handed over to the class teacher. Please make a note of the expiry date before sending into school and ensure that a replacement is sent into school in advance of the expiry date.  





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Y2 Computing, by Mrs Harrison

Y2 Beatboxing, by Mrs Harrison

Y2 Design Technology, by Mrs Harrison

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