How can I support my child at home?
There are many elements of maths that can be supported at home such as:
- read and write all numbers to 100 in digits and words.
- say 10 more or 10 less than any number to 100.
- reading the time on an analogue clock to the nearest 15 minutes. Progressing to reading time in 5 minute intervals when ready.
- recognising various UK coins and notes and using different coins to make the same amount.
- identifying quarters, half and thirds in shapes and real objects.
- learning numbers bonds to 10 fluently and applying to number bonds to 20.
- recognising common 2d and 3d shapes and discussing their properties including number of sides,
vertices (corners), edges, faces and lines of symmetry. - practising counting in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 (forwards and backwards) and applying this to learning times tables (x2, x5 and x10).
Websites to use at home
Top Marks and ICTgames both offer a wide range of fun and interactive maths games that your child could play at home.
Numbots is an online learning platform that helps children learn how to add and subtract, improving their recall and fluency. Numbots covers number recognition, number bonds and addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers. We recommend a little and often approach. 3 minutes practise 4 times per week is a good target. You can find your childs login to Numbots in the inside cover of their homework book.
Times tables
Learning times tables off by heart makes mental maths much easier. It will boost your child’s confidence in their maths lessons at school, but it’s also a skill they’ll use all the time in the world outside school.
In England, children will be expected to know the following in each year at primary school:
- Year 1: count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
- Year 2: be able to remember and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables (up to 12 x 2/5/10), including recognising odd and even numbers.
There are some fabulous online games to help children develop their fluency and confidence with times tables. The TopMarks Website has lots of games to try. Click here to go to the website.