Homework is one task linked to our learning in school that week - either English, Maths or from the Wider Curriculum. It should take your child about 20 minutes and should be able to be completed independently or with some adult support. When your child is completing their homework, please encourage them to present their work neatly.
Reading is still very much the priority in Year 2. In Year 2, your child will be building up a range of reading skills. They should have good phonic knowledge and growing comprehension skills, which will help them read more broadly, confidently and fluently. We strongly encourage short, daily reading at home. This is to support fluency and to allow plenty of discussion around unfamilar vocabularly.
This is a great website for more information about reading in Year 2. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-age-6-7-year-2/
Times tables
Learning times tables off by heart makes mental maths much easier. It will boost your child’s confidence in their maths lessons at school, but it’s also a skill they’ll use all the time in the world outside school.
In England, children will be expected to know the following in each year at primary school:
- Year 1: count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
- Year 2: be able to remember and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables (up to 12 x 2/5/10), including recognising odd and even numbers.
Numbots is a great place to practice mental maths. You will find your child's login details in the front cover of their homweork book.
There are also some other fabulous online games to help children develop their fluency and confidence with times tables. The TopMarks Website has lots of games to try. Click here to go to the website.