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Year 4 Trip to Little Moreton Hall, by Miss Shaw
Date: 3rd Oct 2013 @ 9:01pm
What a fantastic time we had at Little Moreton Hall Year 4!
We had a fun filled day learning about Tudor life, in particular the life of the Moreton family. We found out about Tudor clothing and the kind of games children would have played in the Tudor times. We also had a tour of the house and found out some really interesting facts. Without a doubt the most popular point of interest was the long drop (toilet!).
Mrs Finch and I feel extremely proud to be your teachers Year 4, your behaviour at the hall was excellent andthe staff commented on what a pleasure it was to spend the day with you. Well done everybody!
Thank you to Mrs Jenson and Mrs Flint for being excellent helpers on the day, Mrs Flint especially for coming to the resuce when the wrong coach turned up! We really appreciate your help and hope you enjoyed your day.
Science work on Forces, by Miss Shaw
Date: 19th Sep 2013 @ 6:09pm
The children have already been getting on with science this term investigating the force of gravity and testing out Friction! It has been great to see the children so enthusiastic about their learning and working so well as a team! A special mention goes to Rhys, Ben, Kaitlan and Molly who earned themselves a sticker for being the best cooperative team!