Our Gallery
Making castles, by Mrs Marshall
Date: 7th Mar 2014 @ 4:13pm
On Wednesday Year 1 had a fantastic day making castles.
Just look at the fantastic creations that they made! Each one looks so different too!
Forest Schools, by Miss Lynch
Date: 7th Mar 2014 @ 1:50pm
The children throughly enjoyed forest schools. They worked hard as a team to build dens. This included problem solving skills and collecting objects for their furniture. The children also enjoyed sitting around the fire having hot chocolate.
I asked the children what they thought of Forest Schools. Here are a few of their responses:
"I thought it was really really good" (Shannon)
"I liked the hot chocolate and making the tents" (Macie)
"It's really muddy and I like getting muddy" (Matthew Y)
"My favourite part was getting mud all over my face" (Amelie)
"My favourite part was building the tents" (Olivia)
"I liked making the fairy houses" (Amelia)
World Book Day in Year 2, by Miss Lynch
Date: 6th Mar 2014 @ 8:45pm
We had a fantastic day! The children loved dressing up and swapping books.
We read favourite books on our own or with friends. We also enjoyed a free writing session whilst listening to One Direction and Little Mix. In the afternoon we took part in a quiz and the 'Red Devils' team won with 8 points! Finally we enjoyed other book puzzles and games and had a great day.
World Book Day in Year 4 , by Miss Shaw
Date: 6th Mar 2014 @ 8:20pm
Fairtrade Cafe, by Mr Cunnington
Date: 28th Feb 2014 @ 4:23pm
A wonderful turnout to the Oldfield Fairtrade Cafe.
Thank you to everyone who came and supported a fantastic cause!
This week the children have learnt lots in the classroom about the importance of fairtrade.
Take a look at our photos.
Thanks again!
Mr Cunnington
Fairtrade Boards made by Y4 & Y6, by Mr Cunnington
Date: 28th Feb 2014 @ 12:27pm
See attached fairtrade photos of the wonderful boards that were part of the trail!
Year 4 Trip to Beeston 2014, by Miss Shaw
Date: 4th Feb 2014 @ 4:04pm
What a fantastic time we had at Beeston Year 4!
I am extremely proud of your behaviour and attitudes throughout the trip and thank you for being such a fun bunch to be with.
Thank you to all of the adults who helped out too.
What do you Shine in?, by Miss Shaw
Date: 23rd Jan 2014 @ 4:46pm
Year 4 I loved reading about the areas in which you SHINE!
I know that I see you all shining every day in school in your own way!
Miss Shaw
Year 4 Music for Life Guitar Concert, by Miss Shaw
Date: 2nd Dec 2013 @ 9:14pm
Well done to Year 4 who put on a fantastic performance today for their parents. Over the last 9 weeks, the children have learnt songs such as Flamenco Frenzy, Green Onions, the James Bond Theme, I Gotta Feeling and The Lazy Song. You did a wonderful job Year 4 and i am really impressed with what a talented bunch you all are!
Miss Shaw
Y1 and 2 Football at Christleton High November 2013, by Mr Brown
Date: 19th Nov 2013 @ 4:21pm
We had a great day with Mr Jones and Mr Reddy playing football. We really liked our kit and kissed the badge when we scored.
Children In Need 2013 Year 4 Dressed Disasterously!, by Miss Shaw
Date: 17th Nov 2013 @ 5:30pm
Year 4 looked terrible on Friday 15th November, disasterous in fact!...but it was ok, it was all in the need of Children in Need!
Well done everybody for taking part and for raising money for such a fantastic charity!
Primaryship League Table , by Mr Huddart
Date: 16th Nov 2013 @ 10:03am
Girls Football Team , by Mr Huddart
Date: 4th Nov 2013 @ 2:48pm
Massive well done to the girls who won all of their games in a Chester Cluster Football Round Robin!
Tag Rugby Year 5/6 , by Mr Huddart
Date: 4th Nov 2013 @ 2:47pm
Well done to all who took part in the Cluster Tag Rugby Competition!
Year 6 Stockport Air Raid Shelter, by Mr Cunnington
Date: 4th Oct 2013 @ 4:56pm
Year 6 had a fatastic class trip to Stockport Air Raid Shleter linked to our topic work on World War 2!
Take a look at our fantastic photographs!
Mr Cunnington
Mad Science Assembly, by Miss Shaw
Date: 4th Oct 2013 @ 4:35pm
This week we took part in a very interesting assembly with Kerry from Mad Science. She showed us some experiments and got us all very excited about science!
Mad Science will be running a club in school every Thursday for 8 weeks beginning on 17th October. Children have been given a letter today and should return it to school as soon as possible if they would like to take part.
Year 4 Trip to Little Moreton Hall, by Miss Shaw
Date: 3rd Oct 2013 @ 9:01pm
What a fantastic time we had at Little Moreton Hall Year 4!
We had a fun filled day learning about Tudor life, in particular the life of the Moreton family. We found out about Tudor clothing and the kind of games children would have played in the Tudor times. We also had a tour of the house and found out some really interesting facts. Without a doubt the most popular point of interest was the long drop (toilet!).
Mrs Finch and I feel extremely proud to be your teachers Year 4, your behaviour at the hall was excellent andthe staff commented on what a pleasure it was to spend the day with you. Well done everybody!
Thank you to Mrs Jenson and Mrs Flint for being excellent helpers on the day, Mrs Flint especially for coming to the resuce when the wrong coach turned up! We really appreciate your help and hope you enjoyed your day.
Science work on Forces, by Miss Shaw
Date: 19th Sep 2013 @ 6:09pm
The children have already been getting on with science this term investigating the force of gravity and testing out Friction! It has been great to see the children so enthusiastic about their learning and working so well as a team! A special mention goes to Rhys, Ben, Kaitlan and Molly who earned themselves a sticker for being the best cooperative team!