Our Gallery
Y2 Sharing our special books, by Mrs Marshall
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 4:25pm
Our fantastic first week..., by Mrs Harrison
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 4:19pm
Year 4 - First full week back at school!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 7:16am
Year 4 have settled brilliantly back into school and they have been extremely busy! Here are some pictures from their first drawing lesson looking at tone in preparation for some art work linked to the Ancient Greeks!
Welcome to Year 3, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 7th Sep 2020 @ 4:24pm
Year 3 have been using a range of texts over the past couple of days. We have been focusing on emotions, how to express them and how to manage them through the books 'The colour monster' and 'Snow White and the angry dwarf'. We have also looked at changes, adaptations and hygiene through the following texts 'The koala who could' and 'Blow your nose big bad wolf'.
I wonder whether the Year 3s can recall one of the texts at home?
Hands-on learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 4:53pm
Welcome to the Year 3 Classroom, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 5:25pm
Learning in Year 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 3:07pm
Thank you for sending me you work from the final week of Year 1.
You are all Superstars and I hope you have a lovely break over the Summer Holidays.
Thank you all for making me smile this year.
See you at 4:30 for our Goodbye Zoom.
Miss Jones.
Year 3's home learning! Week 14 (final week), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 9:20pm
Wow! What a way to end Year 3. We had a fantastic end of year Zoom party on Thursday afternoon and Miss Yates and I loved seeing all your smiley faces. It was a real treat. The hats and decorations you made were fabulous. We thoroughly enjoyed looking at your artwork and hearing all your lovely memories. Also, what a difficult game of musical statues. You were all so good (parents as well)!
I hope you enjoyed seeing your surprise guests and are now looking forward to Year 4.
Have an incredible summer break.
Stay safe,
Mrs Harrison and Miss Yates
Year's 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Final Week!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 15th Jul 2020 @ 1:10pm
David has researched the prey of the komodo dragon - the water buffalo. See his PowerPoint below.
Brooke has found lots of facts about rabbits and she found a burrow entrance at Delamere Forest. Read more in Brooke's PowerPoint.
Luke has also been finding out lots of information about bunny rabbits! Find out more in his PowerPoint!
Felix has learnt lots about zebras. Do you know what a group of zebras are called? Have a look at his slides below to find out.
Freya has made an impressive sculpture of a volcano out of clay!
Niamh has used a very effective way of presenting all her information on deer!
Home Learning Resources from Week 13 (week beginning 6th July), by Miss Yates
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 10:32pm
Year 3's home learning! Week 13 (beginning 13th July), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 9:07am
Our Superstar Year 3 class!
Mrs Hover and Mrs Leake, we hope you enjoy looking through our amazing artwork in preparation for Year 4.
This is us!
Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer 2 (Week 6), by Mrs Hover
Date: 5th Jul 2020 @ 7:43am
Here are some stills from Aidan's interactive Powerpoint on Japan! Do you know any of the answers? His Powerpoint is saved in 'Files to Download' with further questions!
Sophie has been busy building a volcano and making it erupt with vinegar, bicarb and some cherryade!
David has shared his PowerPoint on the nearby city of Liverpool! His Powerpoint is also saved in 'Files to Download'.
Felix has carefully constructed his volcano and the final photograph is a video still of his volcano erupting!
For this week's activity, Luke's predator is the anglerfish! There are two photographs from his PowerPoint and a still from his Lego mini movie!
Alfie has found out lots of facts about African Wild Dogs! Read more in his Powerpoint saved in 'Files to Download'.
Alice has researched and drawn a lovely picture of a jaguar!
Ollie C has been finding out about another big cat - the panther!
We have three birthdays this week in Year 4. Hapy Birthday to Lili (Thursday), Luke (Friday) and Connor on Sunday!! Luke sent us a picture of his birthday message!
David has researched the largest lizard - the Komodo dragon! Read David's Powerpoint to find out how they munch on big prey!!
Niamh has found out lots about an animal that used to roam in the wild in Britain. Find out more about wolves in Niamh's Powerpoint.
Brooke has also researched wolves but she has chosen a word wheel to effectively present her information.
Freya has found out lots of facts about killer whales! Read Freya's Powerpoint to find out information including how much they weigh!
Here are some pictures taken from Felix's project on hyenas - I wonder which animals they like to eat?
Sophie created her predator work using Book Creator (see 'Files to Download' and she painted a silhouette of a lion against a sunset using watercolour.
Home Learning Resources from Week 12 (beginning 29th June), by Miss Yates
Date: 4th Jul 2020 @ 1:22pm
Year 3's home learning! Week 12 (beginning 6th July), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 10:51am
Danny has used some fantastic language to describe the fairies this week. Well done Danny you have worked hard on your setting description.
Maya has written a very creative setting description and really focused on expanding her colour description by using the colour thesaurus. She has also worked extremely hard on her spellings this week. What a Superstar!
Sam has used some fantastic descriptive language this week. I particulary like his use of the words fleeing, leaps and the phrase 'depths of the cobalt blue ocean'. Brilliant work Sam!
Alice has used her imagination to write a beautiful and creative setting description. Trampolines disguised as mushrooms and purple lavender growing all around the fairy village. It sounds like a tranquil place to be right now!
Emma has created a beautiful painting for Alice and her family before they go away.
Erin has worked hard this week on her English and maths work. Superstar!
Nye has had a busy week this week achieving awards, reading books, making jam tarts, practising his spellings, solving his angle work and writing a fantastic setting description. Well done Nye.
Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer 2 (Week 5), by Mrs Hover
Date: 29th Jun 2020 @ 7:04am
For Evie's English and Geography project, she researched the 'Mull of Kintyre' - Can anyone find this on a map?
Niamh has been doing some of the Brownies challenges and the first photo shows her blowing a bubble inside a bubble inside a bubble! She has shared her home learning in English/Geography and Science and Niamh has been for a very wet and muddy walk in the rain. Finally, she invited lots of wild animals into her house!! (Google Live)
Brooke has drawn a very neat and detailed cross-section of a volcano!
David has found out about the Sahara Desert this week whilst Luke chose Brazil! Luke has also included photos of his annotated volcano diagram and his exploding volcano!
Alfie reserached Mexico and used photographs and cue cards to present his information.
Alice has enjoyed looking at a globe and Google earth and the different continents, countries and cities. She chose to research the Amazon Rainforest in more detail.
Heather has been watching some episodes of Grand Designs and here are her exterior and interior designs for a house.
Year 3's home learning! Week 11 (beginning 22nd June), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 11:23am
Sam has produced some fantastic home learning this week and completed a personal project inspired by his WWF magazine and rhino adoption. Can you spot his fantastic use of punctuation?
Reuben has worked hard using his comprehension and vocabulary skills to draw illustrations based on this weeks poem 'The Garden Year' by Sara Coleridge. Look at the effort he has particulary applied when drawing his lambs and pheasants.
Danny has used his and comprehension and vocabulary skills to investigate the poem 'The Garden Year' by Sara Coleridge. Look at all the new words he has learnt this week!
This week, Alice has worked hard to continue developing her understanding of angles in her maths and vocabulary through a poem in her English home learning. Look at how beautifully neat her handwriting is!
Nye has baked a beautiful apple crumble this week, yum! He successfully completed a 100K bike ride raising ALOT of money for Chester Zoo. What an incredible achievement Nye. Well done. I'm sure your Year 3 classmates, as well as the rest of the school, will feel really proud of you as it's a place close to alot of our hearts.
Home Learning Resources from Week 11 (beginning 22nd June), by Miss Yates
Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 6:13pm
Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer 2 (Week 4), by Mrs Hover
Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 2:25pm
Freya has cretead some very informative leaflets on Chester and an extra one on Italy - We wonder whether Italy was inspired by your history work Freya?
For Alice's research project, she has chosen Middlesbrough which is a place special to her.
Luke has chosen a place where a legendary monster lives! He has also found some interesting facts about ferrets' teeth!
Brooke chose to create an artistic poster full of facts about Cornwall.
Learning in Year 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 12:27pm
Here are some pictures of some of the work you have been doing whilst at home or with your bubble in school.
Year 3's home learning! Week 10 (beginning 15th June), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 20th Jun 2020 @ 11:06pm
This week Year 3 have been designing their own robots thinking about their appearance, purpose, functions and commands. Read below to find out more about their impressive inventions!
Alice and Toby the robot
Christian and Bot the robot
Maya and Snugglebot35 the robot
Nye and 90K20 the robot
Reuben and RM - 2M the robot
Sam and Bleepy the robot
Jack W and HPS Hero the robot
Erin and Fender 101 the robot
Danny and Bobby the robot
Home Learning Resources from Week 10 (beginning 15th June), by Miss Yates
Date: 20th Jun 2020 @ 9:04pm
Home learning in Year 1 (Week 10), by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 1:08pm
Week 10 home learning in Year 1
Year 4's Fantastic Home Learning - Summer 2 (Week 3), by Mrs Hover
Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 10:59am
Happy Birthday to Catherine today (Wednesday)! Have lots of fun playing on your bouncy castle!
Alice has been doing some writing to accompany her Blue Peter Badge and experimented with paint and squirty cream! She has created an illustration of the courtyard for 'The Ickabog' and built a den to write a 'scary' story!
Wonder- English Tasks, by Miss Young
Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 2:36pm
Wonder- English and transition resources.
These resources have been created to complete as your English tasks but also prepare you for the transition to secondary school.
The lessons are based on the book Wonder by R.J.Palacio and recordings of the book will be shared to accompany each lesson. If you have a copy at home, feel free to read along as the page numbers will be shared for each lesson.
WB 13th July
- engage with the reading and tasks from Lesson 9, 10 and 11 throughout this week if you can. Then enjoy the chance to celebrate yourself as a Wonder using the helmet outline as a guide to record what makes you a wonder. Follow the story book reading using the shared link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWOuoaAtXGE
Year 3's home learning! Week 9 (beginning 8th June), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 12:26pm
This week, Year 3 have chose, researched and had fun with a new word! Check out their posters below. Are there any new words you have not heard of before?
Biased by Zoe
Hippogriff by Maya
Reconciliation by Reuben
Ambivalent by Nye
Cantaloupe by Harry L
Kindred by Erin
Exceptional by Elliott
Satisfactory by Cai
Elongated by Alfie
Nanoplastic by Alice
Hydrangea by Jack W
Gratitude by Oliver
Contagious by Danny
Alongside Year 3's exceptional word searching skills, they have also completed many maths and cross-curricular activities. See the photographs below.