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Year 4 - Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Hover

Date: 29th Nov 2018 @ 12:14pm

Chester Zoo Workshop - Act for Wildlife

We all learnt lots today with our safari ranger, Marissa from Chester Zoo. Marissa explained that Chester Zoo’s whole aim is to prevent animals from becoming extinct. We then looked at the main threats to endangered animals and these are:

1) Habitat loss 2) Illegal Wildlife trade 3) Pollution

Marissa explained that we need to ‘SPREAD THE WORD’ in order to help conservation. In groups, we looked at different animal artefacts that had been seized by the police due to illegal wildlife trade. They included a handbag made from snake skin, an elephant tusk, rhino medicine, leopard skin and chimpanzee skulls.

Finally, we discussed the impact of pollution and worked as a class to create a timeline, looking at how long it takes for everyday objects to break down and decompose.

Year 4 - Fantastic Samba Performance!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 29th Nov 2018 @ 12:05pm

Year 3 visitors , by Miss Jones

Date: 27th Nov 2018 @ 12:21pm

Year 3 have been very lucky to have had two visitors into the classroom this week. Last Tuesday, Mr Trevor visited the class to deliver a workshop about the Stone Age. The children were fabulous at asking and answering historical questions. It was a perfect opportunity for them to show Mr Trevor what they have learnt during their English and topic lessons. I was very proud  of the children and amazed at just how much they could remember from lessons. 

This Tuesday, we welcomed a ladycalled Marissa from Chester zoo . She tasked to us about the importance of looking after our planet by recycling and reducing plastic waste. The children were shocked to learn just how long it takes for certain materials to rot after they are thrown in the bin. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle 😀

Year 4 - Designing kite tails, by Mrs Hover

Date: 22nd Nov 2018 @ 9:20pm

Year 4 - A young orangutan, by Mrs Hover

Date: 22nd Nov 2018 @ 8:29pm

Really impressed by the children's thoughts based on the Greenpeace advert, 'There's a Rang-Tan in my bedroom'. This led to research on palm oil and deforestatation.  The children then wrote from the point of view of a young orangutan in its natural habitat and then during and after deforestation.

PTA Bingo night, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 18th Nov 2018 @ 9:08am

Our first PTA Bingo night was a great success and raised £338.93. A huge thank you to Lucy Wilson, Jo Evans and Leanne Cragg for organising the event. Thank you to everyone who supported the event, it was lovely to see so many families attending.

Year 3 visit Waitrose, by Miss Jones

Date: 13th Nov 2018 @ 6:01pm

Today we walked to Waitrose for a visit. We had a special tour around the store; visiting the delivery entrances, store rooms and even the giant freezer! We also made fruit kebabs to bring back to school in the Waitrose staff room. We learnt lots about making healthy food and drink choices. The children were fabulous today and were very sensible when walking near the roads and canal. We even has a member of the public compliment the children on their fantastic behaviour. How wonderful is that!

Your money Your future workshops, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 10th Nov 2018 @ 4:00pm

Thank you to Mrs Kiberd and her team from Lloyd's bank for presenting workshops to our children this week. They delivered interesting and thought provoking workshops to support children's understanding of the value of money, looking at the following areas:

  • Why we use money

  • How to take good care of our  money

  • Spending and saving money

Hands-on learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 10th Nov 2018 @ 3:13pm

Welcome to our University of Chester Trainee Teacher, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 6th Nov 2018 @ 9:59am

Welcome to Jessica Hopley from the University of Chester. Miss Hopley is in her final year of teaching and is on placement with us in our Year 2 class. We are looking forward to working with her over the term.

Year 4 - Charcoal Chimpanzees!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 1st Nov 2018 @ 6:58pm

A display to showcase the children's sketchbook work and their final charcoal pictures.

Welcome to our University of Chester trainee teachers, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 22nd Oct 2018 @ 5:27pm

Welcome to Chloe Steadman and Tom Wosley who are trainee teachers from the University of Chester who are on placement with us at the moment. Miss Steadman is based in Year 5 and Mr Wosley is based in Year 2. 

PTA cake sale, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 5:07pm

Another fabulous display of cakes were donated to our PTA cake sale today. The sports and hobbies theme clearly captured your imaginations! 

Thank you to everyone who donated cakes and bought cakes, alongside those who helped to set up. A special thank you to Lucy Wilson for coordinating the event.

We raised £146 which the PTA will use to support our children at Oldfield.


Congratulations to the following children who will be awarded a prize on Monday:

FS2 Ben

Y1 Suraya

Y2 Maya

Y3 Sophie

Y4 Eve

Y5 Isla

Y6 Sophia Rose

Year 4 - Sweet Inventions, by Mrs Hover

Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 12:24pm

To celebrate Roald Dahl day, the children enjoyed inventing a 'Mr Wonka' type of sweet or chocolate with a magical feature!

Year 3 National Poetry Day celebrations 🍁 🍂 , by Miss Jones

Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 7:36am

To celebrate National Poetry Day, Year 3 thought about what Autumn means to them and wrote their own acrostic poem about Autumn for a class poetry anthology. For homework, the children went on Autumn walks with their family and made collages, posters or artwork to show what they saw. 

Y5 First Aid - Mini Medics, by Mrs Percival

Date: 8th Oct 2018 @ 10:45am

Today we were learning First Aid. We learnt how to do CPR and how to put a casualty into the recovery position, as well as how to help someone who is choking. Fabulous life saving skills! 

Year 3 - cooking a fruity Stone Age pudding. , by Miss Jones

Date: 5th Oct 2018 @ 1:44pm

This week, we cooked like a Stone Age person and made delicious stewed fruit using ingrediants we predicted they would have used in the Stone Age. We wrote up the recipe and a set of instructions using imperative verbs and adverbs for when and how. We even worked out the total cost for the recipe. 

We talked about how they might have foraged and gathered fruits like plums and blackberries and nuts and seeds. To make our pudding sweet, we used honey becuse there was no sugar in the Stone Age.

If you would like to make it at home, I have uploaded the recipe. 

Y5 STEAM festival , by Mrs Percival

Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 5:47pm

We had a great day today at the Boat Museum, taking part in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths activities.

Ignite STEAM Festival , by Mr Brown

Date: 1st Oct 2018 @ 2:14pm

We build rockets and a city. 

Year 4 - Train Like a Jedi!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 28th Sep 2018 @ 1:30pm

On Wednesday, we had great fun training like a jedi to participate in 'National Fitness Day'!

If your child would like to practise at home, click on www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities/train-like-a-jedi


Year 4 - Samba & Art, by Mrs Hover

Date: 28th Sep 2018 @ 1:24pm

What a creative bunch! Christmas cards are coming home next week with a letter to explain how to order!

Year 3 National Fitness Day , by Miss Jones

Date: 26th Sep 2018 @ 9:35pm

We enjoyed training like a Jedi with Jade Jones today as part of National Fitness Day. 

Y5 National Fitness Day, by Mrs Percival

Date: 26th Sep 2018 @ 11:36am

Today we trained like Jedis! We also had a bit of a laugh too 😀

Y5 adding speech to a scene, by Mrs Percival

Date: 26th Sep 2018 @ 11:28am

In Year 5, we have been adding speech to our writing to make it more interesting for the reader.

Year 2 - Train like a Jedi , by Mrs Harrison

Date: 26th Sep 2018 @ 10:17am

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