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Year 3 - Maths of the Day; Reading and Writing 3-digit numbers., by Miss Jones

Date: 17th Sep 2018 @ 2:46pm

Today we went in the hall to complete an Around the World quiz with a partner. Frist we identified 3-digit numbers using lots of different representations and recorded the numbers in numerals and words. We also solved Chilli Challenges that involved place value problems.

Year 3 - Roald Dahl Day 🐊🦒🍫, by Miss Jones

Date: 15th Sep 2018 @ 7:28am

We had a great time celebrating Roald Dahl Day on Thursday 13th September. In English, we practised skim reading; reading to find key bits of information within a text and made notes all about Roald Dahl’s life. We then turned our notes into full sentences to add to our biography poster all about our Author of the Month, Roald Dahl. 

We also enjoyed practising representing 3-digit numbers in different ways. We used  the number of pages in some of Roald Dahl’s most Famous books as our starting number.

The children also really enjoyed discovering their Roald Dahl name. This is displayed on our window. I wonder what your Roald Dahl name would be? Why not have a look the next time you are outside our classroom. 

Year 3 - Art and Design , by Miss Jones

Date: 15th Sep 2018 @ 7:17am

This week, the children have been investigating cave paintings. We used the iPads to research facts about Stone Age cave art and to get a closer look at some paintings. They also used a range of different art media to sketch on different papers, specifically experimenting with tone and texture. Next, as a class we looked at how we could design our own cave art inspired line drawing to make a tile for press printing. The children worked very hard creating their own unique design for their printing. We used ink and the repeated printing techniques to create new covers for our topic books. The final results were wonderful! 

Year 1 Our Week, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 6:16pm

Year 1- Roald Dahl Day, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 6:00pm

We had a great time celebrating Roald Dahl Day and really enjoyed reading and sharing his story 'The Enormous Crocodile'. We made our own crocodiles to practise our cutting skills and used paint and collage to complete the Enormous crocodile and the 'notsobigone'!!

Year 3 - Our First Week, by Miss Jones

Date: 11th Sep 2018 @ 10:49am

What a busy week we have had!

Mrs Woodward, Mrs Woodington and Miss Jones are very impressed with how quickly the children have settled into Year 3. The children also brought in at least one special item of their’s and talked about so that Miss Jones could get to know them. We enjoyed getting to know Miss Jones during a quiz and when she shared her all about me bag. We even saw a photo of her when she was in Year 3!

We also talked about our School Values at Oldfield and made a class display for CARE - Can your child tell you what each letter strands for. We learnt the new School Rules and made a sign for our door. Every child signed each rule with their finger print too. 

On Friday, the children enjoyed a Golden Time afternoon with Mrs Bailey and tried out their new activities rota. Can you remember what activities we have this term?

The chlidren earn Golden Time each week if they manage to keep all of their NOISE letters. 

I wonder what we will do next week? 

Year 1- Our first week, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Sep 2018 @ 5:12pm

Year 2 - Our first week, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Sep 2018 @ 2:38pm

Here are some photographs to show our first week in Year 2.

I wonder whether the children can explain what the toothpaste was about?

Year 4 - First day!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 5th Sep 2018 @ 8:52pm

Catching up with friends after the holidays with a game and sketches of chimpanzees linking to our new text 'Gorilla' in English!

Afternoon Tea for our volunteers, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 20th Jul 2018 @ 11:07am

Thank you to all our volunteers who give up their time to support us. It was lovely to treat them to Afternoon Tea in the grand hall yesterday! We appreciate all that they do to support us.

Reception's visit to the Library, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 18th Jul 2018 @ 12:23pm

We really enjoyed our trip to the library.

Sports Day , by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 18th Jul 2018 @ 12:17pm

Everyone was amazing on Sports Day. Well done Superstars!

Year 4 - Roman Bread!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 17th Jul 2018 @ 8:39pm

Today we tasted and evaluated different bread products - rye bread wasn't so popular!  We also baked and tasted our own Roman bread.

Year 4 Assembly, by Mrs Hover

Date: 16th Jul 2018 @ 8:55pm

Thank you to everyone who came to watch Year 4's conservation assembly!

Year 4 - Oldfield's Got Talent Auditions, by Mrs Hover

Date: 16th Jul 2018 @ 8:22pm

A massive well done to the following children:

Will, singing 'I want to break free'

Isla and Esme, writing and singing, 'The Wrap Rap'

Summer, dancing to 'Lullaby'

Amelia, singing, 'Symphony'

Vinny, singing, 'Raining Tacos'

Ruth, playing 'The Cracoe Waltz' and 'The Witch of Wooky Hole' on her accordion

A.G.G. (Erin, Evie, Felicity, Grace, Lindsay) dancing to 'One Last Time'

Y5 Making clay elephant models, by Mrs Percival

Date: 10th Jul 2018 @ 12:07pm

We were making clay models today as part of our zoo project work

Year 2 Seahorse bookmarks - stitching, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 6th Jul 2018 @ 2:45pm

Year 3 library visit , by Miss Jones

Date: 5th Jul 2018 @ 6:10pm

Today we visited the library to hear all about the Summer Reading Challenge. We then had time to explore the library and enjoy some quiet reading time. 

Year 1 Making a Victorian Toy, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 2nd Jul 2018 @ 7:00pm

For our history lesson today we learnt all about the Victorian times and the kind of toys that children would have played with. 

We learnt that a popular toy at the time, particularly with poorer Victorians, was a cup and ball game, so we had a little go at making one of our own!

The children had great fun doing this and loved playing with them once we had finished. They did an excellent job of following the instructions and worked really independently to complete their toys :)

Y5 Zoo Trip, by Mrs Percival

Date: 2nd Jul 2018 @ 3:32pm

Today we visited the zoo, looking at animals endangered through illegal wildlife trade. We took our elephant poems that we had written and gave them to the elephant keepers, who loved them. We had a great day and stayed in the shade as much as we could, it was such a hot day!

Y1 Goodbye to our Associate Teachers, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 29th Jun 2018 @ 1:48pm

Today we said a sad farewell to our Associate Teachers from the University of Chester.

Miss Kearns and Miss Barrett have been with us since November and have just come to the end of a six week teaching block where they have been teaching Literacy, Numeracy, Phonics and Science to Year 1.

We have really enjoyed having them with us and the children are going to really miss them. 

We would also like to thank them for their lovely card and for the copy of 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson which they kindly bought us as a gift for our book corner. We will think of them every time that we read it :)

We wish them luck in their next school placement and in their future careers :)



Year 4 - Active Angles!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 28th Jun 2018 @ 7:34am

Today we identified and ordered different angles through lots of practical activities.

We had great fun singing along to the the angle song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgMYZHBgUxI&t=7s



Y5 Maths Fun Day at Bishops , by Mrs Percival

Date: 26th Jun 2018 @ 3:25pm

Today, 10 children went to a Maths fun day at Bishop’s High. They did some orienteering, built a village and took part in a Maths relay with other Primary schools. They had a great time.

Year 6 Enterprise Project. We had great fun selling our products and raised £212 for two conservation charities; Chester Zoo and Tiger Awareness, by Mrs Pickering

Date: 25th Jun 2018 @ 3:37pm

Year 6 had a great time selling their products and raised £212 for their two chosen charities- Chester Zoo and Tiger Awareness. Well done year 6 and thank you to the rest of the children for your support.

Year 1 Making a Hoctopize, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 21st Jun 2018 @ 2:33pm

We are reading a brilliant book called 'Toys in Space' by Mini Grey in Year 1.

One of the characters in the story is a Hoctopize so we had a go at  making one of our own!

We had lots of fun doing it and if you fancy making one, we will be writing the instructions for how to do it!

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