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Vocabulary in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 11th Feb 2019 @ 2:14pm

Thank you to Suraya for teaching us a new word this week - deciduous!

We are enjoying reading The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch and building up a huge list of new vocabulary to enjoy reading, listening to and saying.

Busy in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 10th Feb 2019 @ 8:22pm

PTA Spring 2019 Cakes, by Mr Brown

Date: 8th Feb 2019 @ 3:13pm

Thank you to everyone who supported the PTA bake sale this afternoon. We raised £133.50. Once again, there was an array of amazing cakes under the umberella theme of space. They were truely out of this world!

A special thank you to Lucy Wilson for coordinating the event.

Year 3 - Safer Internet Day 2019 , by Miss Jones

Date: 5th Feb 2019 @ 6:08pm

Year 3 have had a wonderful afternoon completing a carousel of activities about staying safe online. Our activities included sorting statements into fact and opinion so that we are able to spot fake news online. We also completed a quiz to understand what information is safe to share online. Another activity involved writing rules and top tips for keeping safe online and sorting true and false facts about internet usage. Finally, we read a story about Buddy the Dog  and how we could stay safe when using tablets. Buddy taught us a song. Why not ask the children to sing it to you at home? 

Space-themed PTA cake sale and coffee afternoon this Friday , by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Feb 2019 @ 4:52pm

The force is calling you from a galaxy far, far away! 




From 3pm on Friday 8th February 2019

in the School Hall


It’s time to get your imagination working over time. Think out of this world (literally) for our Space Themed bake sale this Friday. 

We can’t wait to see your creations!


Tea and coffee available 

Prizes for the best entries from each class.


Please label cakes with your child’s name and year group and give to class teachers or the school office on the day.


Please bake and buy generously. All proceeds raised go to the PTA

If you wish to support the cake sale but don’t wish to bake, shop bought cakes are always well appreciated.



We would also be grateful to any of you who can help set up or sell on the day - just reply email to let us know!

Orienteering at Oldfield, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Feb 2019 @ 12:36pm

Thank you to Michelle who has been busy setting up an orienteering course around the field today. Training will take place during the summer term.

New benches have arrived! , by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Feb 2019 @ 11:48am

A huge thank you to the PTA and to all those who have supported the PTA over the year through fundraising events.

5 new benches have just arrived in school and Mr Jones is busy building them. Keep an eye out for them over the next couple of weeks around school.

Digital Wizards club, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 3rd Feb 2019 @ 4:40pm

Our children are really enjoying attending Digital Wizards club on a Monday morning with Mr Strickland. There is always a buzz of excitement and activity!

Sharing homework in Year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 1st Feb 2019 @ 9:00pm

Year 3 have been very busy at home over the past 2 weeks. As part of our English text, Escape from pompeii, the children had to research the events in Pompeii, 79AD. Children used the internet, trips to the library, videos and even song lyrics to gather their information.  They then presented their research in a variety of ways.  We had lift the flap peters, posters made on the computer, leaflets with glossaries, speeches, story writing, fact files and PowerPoint presentations. It was brilliant to see the children use features that we have looked at in English and guided reading. 

Year 4 - Techniquest!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 31st Jan 2019 @ 4:03pm

Meeting the Cheshire Phoenix Players, by Miss Jones

Date: 27th Jan 2019 @ 1:52pm

Well done to the group of  Year 6 boys who represented Oldfield at a basketball tournament on Thursday. The boys played brilliantly together as a team and developed their basketball skills and tactics. They even got to meet some of the Cheshire Phoenix Players. 

Thank you to Mr Sinclair for coming along to support the team and for helping with transport. 

Miss Jones smiley

Zoo visitor, by Miss Jones

Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 11:43am

Today we had a visitor from Chester Zoo, as a class we discussed how we can protect our environment by recycling our household products.

Year 4 - Dreamer Poetry, by Mrs Hover

Date: 17th Jan 2019 @ 8:17pm

Poems inspired by the picture book 'Dreamer' by Brian Moses.

Year 4 - Kites!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 10th Jan 2019 @ 9:02pm

Year 4 - Awareness Video about Sumatran Tiger, by Mrs Hover

Date: 10th Jan 2019 @ 8:50pm

Year 4 created a video called, ‘Would it be OK…?’ about the plight of Sumatran Tigers.  They are critically endangered and we wanted to educate people so this beautiful animal doesn’t become extinct.  We worked in pairs thinking about the ‘voice’ of the tiger and then created powerful questions based upon their threats.

Christmas lunch, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 1:52pm

We enjoyed a tasty Christmas lunch today. Thank you to everyone involved in preparing and serving the meal. We listened to festive Christmas music whilst we ate. It was exciting pulling our crackers and reading the jokes inside!

A special thank you to Mrs Stark, Mrs Maddocks and Ms Denham for preparing the food , to our governors who came in to help serve the food and to staff who gave up part of their lunchtime to ensure the lunch went smoothly. 

Fun Friday in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 14th Dec 2018 @ 4:50pm

Year 1 and 2 Pebble jar treat - watching Inside out with our teddy bears, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 13th Dec 2018 @ 12:08pm

KS1 Dress rehearsal, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 10th Dec 2018 @ 2:02pm

KS1 had their dress rehearsal in the hall this morning. Our KS2 children and some residents from Oaklands Nursing Home enjoyed the performance. You are in for a treat when you come to watch this week.

PTA School Disco, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 9th Dec 2018 @ 7:17pm

Great fun was had by all at our annual PTA School Disco on Friday night. 

A huge thank you to Sam Brander and her team for organising the event.

A busy Friday in Year 1!, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Dec 2018 @ 1:56pm

Y5 Square numbers, by Mrs Percival

Date: 4th Dec 2018 @ 8:21am

We have been working on square and cube numbers this week. Have a go at home....can you remember what all the cube numbers are?

Year 4 - Chester Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Hover

Date: 29th Nov 2018 @ 12:14pm

Chester Zoo Workshop - Act for Wildlife

We all learnt lots today with our safari ranger, Marissa from Chester Zoo. Marissa explained that Chester Zoo’s whole aim is to prevent animals from becoming extinct. We then looked at the main threats to endangered animals and these are:

1) Habitat loss 2) Illegal Wildlife trade 3) Pollution

Marissa explained that we need to ‘SPREAD THE WORD’ in order to help conservation. In groups, we looked at different animal artefacts that had been seized by the police due to illegal wildlife trade. They included a handbag made from snake skin, an elephant tusk, rhino medicine, leopard skin and chimpanzee skulls.

Finally, we discussed the impact of pollution and worked as a class to create a timeline, looking at how long it takes for everyday objects to break down and decompose.

Year 4 - Fantastic Samba Performance!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 29th Nov 2018 @ 12:05pm

Year 3 visitors , by Miss Jones

Date: 27th Nov 2018 @ 12:21pm

Year 3 have been very lucky to have had two visitors into the classroom this week. Last Tuesday, Mr Trevor visited the class to deliver a workshop about the Stone Age. The children were fabulous at asking and answering historical questions. It was a perfect opportunity for them to show Mr Trevor what they have learnt during their English and topic lessons. I was very proud  of the children and amazed at just how much they could remember from lessons. 

This Tuesday, we welcomed a ladycalled Marissa from Chester zoo . She tasked to us about the importance of looking after our planet by recycling and reducing plastic waste. The children were shocked to learn just how long it takes for certain materials to rot after they are thrown in the bin. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle ðŸ˜€

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