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Aldi Team GB stickers update, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd Oct 2019 @ 6:31pm
Thank you to everyone who has sent Aldi Team GB stickers into school. Mrs Holmes and her team have been adding the stickers to the posters. As you can see, one poster is already complete and we are well on our way to completing our second.
Please continue to send your Team GB stickers into school.
Periscopes, by Miss Young
Date: 18th Oct 2019 @ 4:02pm
During our Science unit on Light, we have created our own periscopes to investigate how light travels in straight lines and reflects off mirrors.
Performance Poetry, by Miss Young
Date: 18th Oct 2019 @ 3:05pm
In table groups, we practised and performed an alphabet poem relating to WWII.
We aimed to alter the pitch, volume, intonation and pitch. We considered how sound effects and actions would also be effective in our performance.
Y5 Becoming a Dementia Friend, by Mrs Percival
Date: 10th Oct 2019 @ 11:33am
Today is World Mental Health Day nod we had a visit from Susan, who is a Dementia nurse. She taught us about what dementia is and how we can support those with dementia. Such a valuable lesson for us all. Please ask the children, who are now Dementia Friends, how you can help people with this condition too.
Mini Makers in Y3, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 5:04pm
Year 3 have had an AMAZING day today with the Mini Makery team! We made potions, vegetable skeletons and rainforest pictures... and then ate them! Including LOADS of foods that lots of us had never tried before. The Makery team also set us the Mini Makery Rainbow Challenge - the children have taken these home and are attempting to try 55 different fruits and vegetables over the next seven days! Visit https://www.facebook.com/theminimakery/ for more information on this super experience, linked with our healthy food and bodies topic in Science.
Thank you to Young Carers Trust in Y3 sharing the experiences of young carers and the great work they do. , by Mrs Bailey
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 5:01pm
Year 4 - Moodboards for our kites!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 4:05pm
Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby Festival, by Mrs Hover
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 3:58pm
A huge well done to the Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby team! They showed great sportsmanship and improved their tag rugby skills!
Flour!, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 8th Oct 2019 @ 12:28pm
We are having a great time in the flour. We have been swishing, swirling, patting, squeezing, pushing, sprinkling and talking and singing!
Hot Seating, by Miss Young
Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 1:56pm
During our English lesson, Y6 considered questions that they would like to ask the characters from our text. Through drama, the children then hot seated the appropriate character and provided their response.
Young Carers Information Session, by Miss Young
Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 1:49pm
Nicki from Young Carers delivered a very informative session to Y6. We considered the day to day tasks of a young carer and suggested how we could help someone who is a young carer.
Active Maths, by Miss Young
Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 1:39pm
Year 6 completed some Maths of the Day activities to demonstrate our knowledge and understanding of Place Value.
Year 4 - Senses!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 10:12am
On Wednesday, Year 4 used their five senses to describe four different scenes from our brilliant book, 'Gorilla'!
Year 1: Active Maths , by Miss Jones
Date: 2nd Oct 2019 @ 6:50pm
Year 1 enjoyed an active maths lesson on Tuesday. In groups, children had to run, skip, hop or jump to a hoop to collect a pictorial number card. They then had to work as a team to match it to the correct numeral. They worked brilliantly together and had lots of fun.
Year 1: Mystery Objects , by Miss Jones
Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 7:24pm
Year 1 had an unexpected surprise today. When the children returned from playtime, they discovered a mysterious cloth covering several different objects. There was a note that read:
Here are some things to get you thinking about your new book.
The objects included: a suitcase, an umbrella, a torch, a penguin book and teddy, a lost poster and a boat!
The children used the objects to make predictions about our new book, which we later discovered is called Lost and Found. I was very impressed with the children’s excellent speaking and listening skills as well as super predictions.
We can’t wait to read more of our new book ...
Year 1: Funky Fingers, by Miss Jones
Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 7:19pm
We just love Funky Fingers time in Year 1. After lunchtime everyday, we take part in lots of activities to help develop our fine motor skills. We have lots of fun and it will help us with our writing.
Here are are some ideas if you wanted to try Funky Fingers at home:
Autumn PTA Bake Sale, by Mr Brown
Date: 27th Sep 2019 @ 5:33pm
Thank you everyone who made, bought, ate and sold cakes today. We raised an enormous £250.70!! Fantastic!
Friday was also out first attempy to be plastic free, sedning cakes home in paper bags and asking customers to re-use their own containers.
Thank you.
Year 4 - Testing our kite prototypes!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 1:19pm
Year 4 had to run very fast as there was very little wind! I don't think the IPAD could cope with their speed - hence the grainy pictures!
Year 4 - Who inspires you and why?, by Mrs Hover
Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 1:07pm
WWII Stockport Trip, by Miss Young
Date: 26th Sep 2019 @ 8:28am
Year 6 had the pleasure of visiting Stockport Air Raid Shelter and Museum for an interactive experience of life as a WWII evacuee.
- 25/10/19
Year 2 Out and about in Vicars Cross, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 19th Sep 2019 @ 8:46pm
You may have spotted us out and about this morning in Vicars Cross. We were completeing some Geography fieldwork in our local area looking at the features of where we live. We will be using all the information we collected to make our own maps. Thank you to the adults who came to help us!
Year 1: our first few weeks , by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Sep 2019 @ 5:22pm
The children in Year One have really enjoyed their move into their new classroom. We are all very impressed with how quickly they have learnt the new routines in their new class. The children have enjoyed working in our writing, maths, reading and phonics groups as well as doing yoga with Miss Jones and gymnastics with Mr Bell. They have also been very supportive to our new Reception children, helping them at play times and lunchtimes.
Y5 First Aid training with Millie's Trust, by Mrs Percival
Date: 16th Sep 2019 @ 2:36pm
Today we were visited by Martin from Millie's Trust who taught us all about emergency First Aid. The children were taught how to perform CPR, how to give rescue breaths, about the recovery position and how to help someone who is choking. The children enjoyed the afternoon and learnt a really important life skill.
Ask the children to put you in to the recovery position and to tell you how to perform CPR.
Remember if you don't know your postcode.....now is the time to learn it.
Year 4 - First Aid Training with Millie's Trust, by Mrs Hover
Date: 16th Sep 2019 @ 1:56pm
The children have enjoyed a whole morning of First Aid with Martin from Millie's Trust. They learnt about CPR, the Recovery Position and techniques to help with Choking.
Year 4, can you put a family member into the Recovery Position?
Can you tell them how to help someone who is choking?
Can you also learn your address including your postcode in case of an emergency?
Reading surprises in Y3, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 15th Sep 2019 @ 5:32pm
Our Year 3 children are looking forward to choosing from our mystery books. Which one will they choose for us to read together next?! There are clues to help them make their choices.