Our Gallery
Year 4 - Guitar Performance, by Mrs Hover
Date: 2nd Dec 2019 @ 4:56pm
Well done Year 4! Fantastic performace!
Year 4 - The Nowhere Emporium!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 1st Dec 2019 @ 7:03am
Linking to the themes in our text, 'Leon and the Place Between', we read the prologue from 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross MacKenzie. The children then created their own mysterious shop which appears from nowhere. We looked at the shops in Diagon Alley to inspire us! Some of the children then created drawings of their magical shops at home!
Year 2- Fire on the playground, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 3:16pm
What an exciting day in Year 2! We set up our model of Pudding Lane on the school playground. The fire brigade helped us to set the bakery alight. We recreated the windy conditions of 2nd September 1666 and the houses were ablaze! Luckily the children were on hand with the hose to extinguish the fire! We had a wonderful time watching the fire, trying on the fire equipment and sitting in the fire engine. Thank you to Mr Gerrard and the fire brigade for coming to help us.
Year 2 Building Pudding Lane, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 3:00pm
On Thursday we had a wonderful afternoon building Pudding Lane so that we can re-enact the Great Fire of London! We will be investigating how the fire spread under the conditions in London at that time.
Boxes in Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 12:30pm
Reception had great fun with some empty boxes!
Year 1 - book by the fire, by Weeks
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 4:53pm
After a busy day, year one enjoyed reading from a super book by our 'fireplace'. The book prompted discussions about kindness, individuality, and being brave. A great end to our day!
Year 1 - multiskills, by Weeks
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 4:49pm
Today year one travelled to Ellesmere Port Sports Village to take part in their multiskills event. The children practised jumping, hopping, ball-throwing, aiming beanbags and cup-stacking. One child said they did not want to leave. The children's behaviour was superb and they were great representatives of Oldfield. A big thank you to Mrs Egan-Simon for coming along to help.
Welcome to new staff at Oldfield, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 23rd Nov 2019 @ 4:06pm
This month we have welcomed a few new staff to Oldfield. Ms Mort is covering Mrs Stark in the kitchen. Ms Jones and Miss Turner are covering in Y1 and Mr Stevens has taken over the Caretaker role from Mr Jones, who left at the end of October.
Encouraging words about each other in Y3, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 23rd Nov 2019 @ 10:35am
I RE this week we have been looking at comments in the Bible to find out what Jesus said about himself - I am the Bread of Life, I am the Good Shepherd and I am the Light of the World.
We then thought about each other and how we would describe ourselves. Our friends helped us with this. We have chosen one comment to share with you about each other. Some children used this opportunity to write about members of their family and staff at school.
Y3 comments about each other
Joel is a bundle of fun.
Jack O is rollercoaster of happiness.
Sophia is ray of friendship.
Casper is a bundle of kindness.
Niamh is a body of love.
Cai is a sparkle of friendship.
Libby is a heart of energy.
Brodie is a sparkle of joy.
Danny is a wave of happiness.
Lucie is a bubble of friendship.
Harry M is a mansion of friendship.
Oliver is a heart of friendship.
Harry L is a glass of laughter.
Max is a palace of imagination.
Elliott is a ship of hope and destiny.
Christian is a bubble of happiness.
Matilda is a house of friendship and laughter.
Jack W is a body of joy.
Sam is an ocean of imagination.
Emily is a jug of joy.
Alice is a mansion of creativity.
Jayden is a drone of imagination.
Emma is a star of respect.
Megan is a flower of happiness.
Zoe is an adventurous cloud.
Alfie is a crown of care.
Erin is a queen of intelligence.
Maya is a delicate flower ready to bloom into a glorious rainbow.
Nye is a mansion of comedy.
Reuben is a zooming basketball of triumph and intelligence.
Y5 Hoops for Health, by Mrs Percival
Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 10:52am
Cheshire Phoenix Basketball team came in to work with us today. We practised some basketball skills with them then went on to discuss how to keep healthy and eat well.
Cheshire Phoenix- Hoops for Health, by Miss Young
Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 8:22am
Cheshire Phoenix paid Year 5 and 6 a visit to deliver their 'Hoops for Health' workshop.
We were joined by 3 of the current Phoenix players and learnt the dangerous effects of smoking along with the need to live a healthy and active lifestyle.
Year 1 - Gunpowder plot role-play, by Weeks
Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:15pm
This afternoon in year 1 we acted out a role-play of Guy Fawkes and his friends plotting to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The children used masks to get into character, and thoroughly enjoyed presenting their role-play to the rest of the class.
Conscience Alley , by Miss Young
Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 3:35pm
Year 6 conducted a conscience alley activity around our class text 'The Day War Came'.
They considered why a lone refugee child might be feared and contrasted this with how she could be supported by the community.
Author Visit- Murray Lachlan Young, by Miss Young
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 4:12pm
Murray Lachlan Young and the Action Transport Team visited KS2 and delivered a fabulously funny assembly. Before Y5 and 6 created their own stories, with the help of Murray and Joe using juxtapositions as their inspiration.
Remembrance Day, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 2:53pm
Our Y5 and Y6 children coordinated the sale of Remembrance Poppies and other related items this year. Thank you to everyone who supported the Poppy Appeal.
Stone Age Workshop, by Miss Young
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 4:03pm
We loved our Stone Age workshop this morning. We explored artefacts from the Stone Age, learned what it means to be an archaeologist and enjoyed seeing what a Stone Age man might wear!
Into Film Festival- Horrible Histories, by Miss Young
Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 3:42pm
Year 6 visited Chester Storyhouse and partook in the 'Into Film Festival', enjoying the screening of Horrible Histories- Rotten Roman's.
Year 2 History Detectives, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 9:26am
Year 2 received a letter from the police this week with a request to help them with an investigation! It was accompanied by a case full of evidence about a fire that took place in London a very long time ago in London. We made predictions from the clues we have seen so far and we look forward to learning a lot more about the fire over the next few weeks!
Year 4 - Circus!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 9:40pm
Today our classroom was transformed into a circus! There was music, incense, fairy lights, popcorn, candyfloss, images of the ‘Big Top’, acrobats, clowns, a white rabbit coming out of a top hat, a ringmaster, clowns on stilts and a lot more! In groups we wrote down what we could see, hear, smell and taste.
Year 2 Feathery Folk Owl Workshop, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 9:01pm
This half term Year 2 are learning to write Non Chronological Reports to link with our story The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. Today we had a visit from some beautiful flying creatures from The Feathery Folk to help us with our learning!
Year 2 Zoo African Animal Workshop, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 5th Nov 2019 @ 4:15pm
Y5 Life Cycles Zoo Visit, by Mrs Percival
Date: 4th Nov 2019 @ 2:19pm
Today we had a visit from Chester Zoo Education Centre. We looked a different animal life cycles, different eggs and matched life cycles. The children were amazing when answering questions and showed that they really have learnt a lot this term.
Happy Diwali, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 1st Nov 2019 @ 2:27pm
Y3 enjoyed learning about Diwali on Friday. We were involved in self-learning tasks, sharing what we had learnt with others in the class. We had a go at designing our own Rangoli patterns - which aren't as easy as they look!
Farewell to Mr Jones, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 1st Nov 2019 @ 2:14pm
On Friday we said a sad farewell to Mr Jones who has been our site manager for 15 years. At a special assembly, we reflected on Mr Jones' time at Oldfield, children read out poems and Mr Jones was presented with some gifts from staff and governors.
We wish Mr Jones a happy and healthy retirement.
Year 4 - Kite Flying!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 9:51am