Our Gallery
Year 4 - Exploring a setting from 'Gorilla', by Mrs Hover
Date: 4th Sep 2019 @ 2:50pm
Year 4 - Our last two days, by Mrs Hover
Date: 23rd Jul 2019 @ 3:50pm
We had a lovely last two days in Year 4! On Monday, we had a D&T day where we tasted and evaluated different bread products. We also baked and tasted our own Roman bread.
Today, lots of the children chose to do some art work linked to the 'Water Horse'. We also enjoyed watching the film.
Have a well deserved break Year 4 and we look forward to hearing about your adventures in September!
A big thank you for our lovely cards and gifts, from all the Year 4 team.
Share the learning in year 3 , by Miss Jones
Date: 23rd Jul 2019 @ 2:12pm
We loved welcoming parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters to the year 3 classroom this morning to share our ancient Egypt work.
Afternoon Tea, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 18th Jul 2019 @ 5:16pm
Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who have supported us at Oldfield over the year. Your time is appreciated. We enjoyed sharing Afternoon Tea with our volunteers this afternoon. A special thank you to our Year 6 pupils who waited on our volunteers and had a busy afternoon ensuring everyone was well supplied with refreshments. They did a fabulous job.
PTA Playtime equipment, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 18th Jul 2019 @ 5:04pm
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported PTA events over the school year. We are thrilled with the new playtime equipment that the PTA have bought. Thank you to our School Councillors for helping to choose the equipment.
Year 2 Pebble jar treat - Tea Party, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 18th Jul 2019 @ 8:49am
Year 3 Pebble Treat, by Miss Jones
Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 5:13pm
Year 3 enjoyed spending their afternoon at the park today as a reward for filling their pebble jar. We even had ice lollies! Yum!
Year 2 - Our magical science experiment and observational art work, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 5:02pm
Year 2 - Liverpool World Museum, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 4:55pm
Icing biscuits in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 4:28pm
Thank you to Mrs Smith from Passion for Learning and Ellie, our 6th Form volunteer, who worked with a group of children in Year 1 this afternoon. The children iced biscuits for everyone in the classroom. What a lovely treat at the end of the school day!
Y5 Fire and Rescue visit, by Mrs Percival
Date: 9th Jul 2019 @ 10:46am
Today we had a visit from the Cheshire Fire and Rescue service. The children were taught how to stay safe in a fire and how important a night time routine is. Ask the children to tell you what we should all be doing before we go to bed, to keep us safe. They learnt some really important life time skills today.
Year 2 - Seahorse bookmarks , by Mrs Harrison
Date: 6th Jul 2019 @ 4:50pm
Archery club , by Miss Jones
Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 1:17pm
Well done to the children who have been awarded certificates for their participation in archery club.
Y5 Judo, by Mrs Percival
Date: 4th Jul 2019 @ 11:37am
Over the last few weeks we have been lucky enough to to have some Judo sessions. We have really had a great time!
Year 4 - Angles!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 2nd Jul 2019 @ 8:31pm
Learning about angles in the classroom through the 'Angle Song' and exploring angles used in sport and dance in the hall.
Year 2 Estimation station, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 2nd Jul 2019 @ 10:56am
Y5 Museum Visit, by Mrs Percival
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 9:49pm
We had a great day today at the World Museum, Liverpool looking at artefacts and replicas of items from Anglo-Saxon times.
Year 3 Ness Gardens, by Miss Jones
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 8:22am
Year 3 had a wonderful time at Ness Botanical Gardens last Friday. The sun was shining and there was plenty to see. We enjoyed a tour around the gardens and looked at many beautiful plants and flowers. We even planted our our radish or bean seed to bring home and watch grow. After that, we learnt all about the life cycle of a flowering plant. The lady leading the tour was very impressed with the childrens' knowledge and understanding. Then, we did a bee hunt and explored their habitat. Did you know bees have a very important role in the reproduction of plants. We then enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch before exploring the rest of the gardens.
The children were a credit to Oldfield with their excellent behaviour, inquisitiveness and curiosity.
Thank you to Mrs Pierce, Mrs Hampson, Mrs Batchelor and Mrs Davies for coming along and helping with trip. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did.
Year 4 - Book of Hope, by Mrs Hover
Date: 26th Jun 2019 @ 2:52pm
The children's 'Books of Hope' are finally ready to come home. Enjoy!
Sports day, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd Jun 2019 @ 10:44am
Thank you to everyone who supported our Sports Day this year. It was great to see and hear the support for all the children taking part, your cheers and claps were huge motivators! The weather was fabulous and a great day was had by all.
Thank you to those who supported the PTA by purchasing raffle tickets. There were some amazing prizes - our Year 6 pupils did a great job of writing letters to companies to encourage them to donate prizes. We raised a total of £216!
Year 2 - What would you prefer to be a baby seahorse or a baby human?, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 18th Jun 2019 @ 10:39am
Year 2 have been using their knowledge of Seahorses to compare what baby seahorses and baby humans can do. They worked with their partner to discuss the positives of both and shared their facts with the class.
I wonder how many facts about Seahorses they can recall at home?
Year 2 - What do you sea? Perfect or plastic? , by Mrs Harrison
Date: 14th Jun 2019 @ 6:03pm
Year 2 have been hooked into their new animal conservation topic of underwater animals already. Look at the art work they have created and their fabulous display encouraging people to recycle, reuse and reduce plastic so that it does not pollute our oceans.
Maths in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 14th Jun 2019 @ 4:05pm
Maths in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 14th Jun 2019 @ 4:05pm
Using the chrome books in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 9:21pm
Year 3 were thrilled that they got to use the new google chrome books today. We incorporated safe internet use and research skills to create a timeline of key events in ancient Egyptian times. We also used our own personal logins and talked about why we should keep passwords private.