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Year 3 French breakfast , by Mrs Woodward
Date: 12th Jun 2019 @ 3:35pm
Year 3 enjoyed a French day. They had a French breakfast and tasted French pastries,crepes,brioche and baguettes,then talked about which ones they liked. Chocolate crepes were the favourite ‘Ooh la la!’
Active maths in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 7th Jun 2019 @ 6:03pm
We have enjoyed competing TWO active maths activities today. We worked in the hall and in our classroom because of the rainy weather but that did not stop us having lots of fun.
We have practised reading time on analogue clocks and we have been estimating how long something would take to do. What could you do in an hour? A minute? A second?
Active maths in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 7th Jun 2019 @ 2:07pm
We had lots of fun today counting to 100 using active learning. Thankfully the rained stayed away!
Year 4's mysterious object!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 6th Jun 2019 @ 2:19pm
This week, we watched a short film about the remote Isle of Ulva in the Scottish Highlands. We imagined that this was our location for our Year 4 residential! In small groups, we created our own maps of the island, plotting key features and then we recorded all our questions about our week's residential on the island.
Donald the ferryman, spotted something unusual on the shoreline after a big storm and he asked if we could help him to describe the object and predict what this object could be. A few other islanders had likened the object to the legend of the kelpie.
Year 2 - Library visit, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 6th Jun 2019 @ 11:58am
Year 2 - Planting beans and cress, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 6th Jun 2019 @ 11:54am
Welcome to our new volunteer, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 4th Jun 2019 @ 9:14am
Welcome to Sally Peel who is volunteering with us in Year 1. We are looking forward to working with her.
Y5 Quad Athletics, by Mrs Percival
Date: 23rd May 2019 @ 9:19pm
Today we took part in the Quad Athletics event at Upton. The children each had to do a throw, standing long jump, run 75m and then 600m. We had a lovely afternoon and the children were placed 6th out of 14 schools.
Y4 Dewa Educational Visit., by Mrs Leake
Date: 23rd May 2019 @ 3:04pm
We had a great day exploring Roman Chester
Year 3 Residential - Tattenhall 2019, by Miss Jones
Date: 20th May 2019 @ 7:23pm
What a brilliant time we have had!
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their first residential experience at Tattenhall last Thursday and Friday. The weather was glorious on the first day so we spend as much time as possible outside. We weaved willow to make a fish sculpture, played team building games and enjoyed bouldering in pairs. After tea, we all went on the Millennium Mile walk around Tattenhall village before spending lots of time in the adventure park. On the second day, we took part in den building and fire lighting sessions. We even roasted some sweet treats on the fire.
All of the adults involved in the trip were amazed by the children’s determination, politeness and excellent behaviour.
Thank you to Mrs Woodington, Mrs Woodward, Mr Brown and Mrs Davies for assisting with the trip.
PTA Bake Sale, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 17th May 2019 @ 5:28pm
Thank you to everyone who supported our final Bake Sale of the academic year. There was a wonderful array of creativity on display this afternoon. The Holiday theme clearly inspired lots of you as you can see from the photographs. In total £174.95 was raised so a huge thank you to everyone who baked, bought and helped!
Winners from each class will be announced on Monday.
Year 2 - Sustainable Palm Oil, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 17th May 2019 @ 5:10pm
As part of our topic on plants, Year 2 have begun to develop their understanding of sustainable palm oil through the Chester Zoo website.
Click here to go to Chester Zoo's Sustainable Palm Oil Website page.
I wonder whether Year 2 can tell you which city has become the first sustainable palm oil city in the world?
This week we have also started to develop our typing skills on the Ipads by creating posters to encourage people to buy products which use sustainable palm oil.
Attached are some photographs of the posters as well as research based homeworks.
Year 2 - Police Officer visit, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 16th May 2019 @ 3:39pm
Year 2 had a special surprise this morning as PC Harrison came to visit and answer our questions about being a police officer.
Last week, we discussed ambitions for the future and it was lovely to see how many children wanted to work with the police.
We got to try on different types of uniform, find out more about police officers equipment and even sit in the car!
Y5 Active Maths, by Mrs Percival
Date: 16th May 2019 @ 1:23pm
Today we were working on adding and subtracting decimals. We did our maths on the field. We played a game called Ten and Go. There was a lot of running around and calculating. We had a great time!
Year 4 - Beeston Residential 2!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 15th May 2019 @ 4:41pm
Year 4 - Beeston Residential!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 15th May 2019 @ 4:22pm
Fantastic residential Year 4 - lots of lovely memories!
Gymnastics in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 10th May 2019 @ 5:29pm
Year 1 are enjoying learning new gymnastic skills with Mr Bell on Friday mornings.
Year 2 - Obstacle course and solving missing number problems, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 4th May 2019 @ 6:36pm
Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 3rd May 2019 @ 1:56pm
Key Steps Gymnastics competition 2019, by Miss Jones
Date: 3rd May 2019 @ 10:13am
On Thursday, Miss Jones took a group of Year 4 and Year 6 children to a gymnastics competition at the Ellesmere Port Gymnastics Club. All children had to complete a tricky floor routine and a vault. Some children were competing as a team and others were competing as individual gymnasts. The children worked so hard on memorising and perfecting their routines. I was so impressed! It was lovely to see them all enjoy themselves and cheer on all the other gymnasts.
Our Year 4 team won their event and will progress through to the county finals in July.
The Year 6 team came 5th in their event.
Well done to all the gymnasts who took part and thank you to Mr Eddison and Mrs Wynne for supporting with transport.
Miss Jones.
Y5 Who rolled the stone away?, by Mrs Percival
Date: 23rd Apr 2019 @ 10:04am
This morning we were detectives looking into the Easter Story. The children Discussed clues from the empty tomb amid “forensic” evidence around the moving of the stone away from the tomb.
Welcome to a new volunteer at Oldfield, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd Apr 2019 @ 1:33pm
It was lovely to welcome Gaby Hall, our new volunteer, to Oldfield this week. Gaby will be supporting children in our Year 3 class on a Friday afternoon.
Wake Up Shake Up before school club, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 21st Apr 2019 @ 10:47pm
Wake Up Shake Up is a before school club which takes place in our school hall Monday – Thursdays. It is run by SR Development.
The club is open from 7.45 am and costs £2 per child per session. Pre booking is not required – simply turn up on the days you need to!
New playtime equipment , by Mrs Bailey
Date: 21st Apr 2019 @ 10:35pm
Our Reception and Year 1 children are enjoying playing with our new playtime equipment. Playtimes are very active!
The goal posts and the base of the basketball hoop are made of plastic so we need to take particular care of these. Small resources are kept in the storage boxes,
We have reminded the children that this equipment is for use during school hours. Your support in reminding them would be appreciated.