Our Gallery

Year 3’s trip to Liverpool, by Mrs Hover

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 3:25pm

Year 3 had a brilliant trip to the Walker Art Gallery and World Museum. They learnt lots during the 'Tour and Draw' workshop and in the 'Return of the Gods' exhibition. We also had a bit of time to explore some of the other rooms at the World Museum.

Their behaviour was excellent and commented on by the staff at both museums. They were an absolute pleasure!

Number in Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 2:57pm

We have been looking at how to make 4 and 5. We found lots of different ways to put our stickers but we know that the 'whole' is still the same.

Year 5 Science, by Mrs Wong

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 12:27pm

Year 5 have being investigating friction today. We had to test Mr Brown's boots to find out which surfaces would be less slippy. Watch out for the wet smooth surfaces Mr Brown... there's less friction, which means it's slippier! 

Year 5 DT, by Mrs Wong

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 12:22pm

Year 5 enjoyed testing the strength of paper in preparation for their DT project this half term. 

Year 5, by Mrs Wong

Date: 21st Nov 2023 @ 12:20pm

The children showed great balance and partner work during gym last week. Well done Year 5! 

Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 19th Nov 2023 @ 5:35pm

Year 1 have been creating actions to go with our character strengths. I wonder if they can show you the actions we use for:

Love and kindness

Teamwork and friendship

Love of the World

Bravery and honesty

Explore and learn


In PE we have been practising trapping, passing and using our hands to save a ball. The weather was glorious on Friday morning and we enjoyed using the astroturf on KS2 's playground. 

We enjoyed using all the things we've learnt about toys from the past and in the present, to help us to start designing our own Toy Museum. Some of us chose to work on our own and some chose to work with a partner.

We learnt all about why we were raising money for Children In Need too.

Year 3 Forest School, by Mrs Hover

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 12:13pm

Despite the chilly start, the children have had an amazing time learning all about the Stone Age with Mr Hadfield!

Year 5 Computing, by Mrs Wong

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 8:23am

Year 5 we're learning all about search engines in computing. We assessed ways to search for information, compared search engines and terms and discussed safe use of technology. 

Y5 Guided reading, by Mrs Wong

Date: 15th Nov 2023 @ 8:20am

Year 5 enjoyed exploring vocabulary during yesterdays guided reading session. Great team work Year 5! 

Year 1 D&T, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 7:58pm

Year 1 have been loving their DT topic 'Moving Parts' this half term. So far they have created two moving pictures, the first using a sliding mechanism and the second one using a lever and pivot. Here are some pictures of their creations 😊.

Year 1 multiskills, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 7:46pm

Year 1 had a wonderful time last week at the Ellesmere Port Sports Village, taking part in a number of different activities practising their PE skills in balance, agility, speed and accuracy. They were a credit to Oldfield and we were all very proud of them 😊.

Year 4 Week 1 Autumn 2, by Miss Doyle

Date: 13th Nov 2023 @ 11:20am

Year 4 have had lots of fun this week. We finished our maths chapter by working together in pairs to solve word problems🔢 We started our new Science topic 'Human Nutrition'👩‍🔬. We learned all about the human digestive system, which gave us some giggles. We worked in teams to complete a labelled diagram of it, they were very impressive🧑‍🔬🔭. Lastly, we had lots of fun working together to practise our times tables!

Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 11th Nov 2023 @ 7:25pm

Year 1 we have been identifying toys which are old and toys which are new. We have enjoyed looking at games that we play today and comparing them to games which were played around 50 years ago and across recent decades. Thank you to our King's students who supported us when we played the games. Children played a range of games including Operation, Kerolunk, One Pop, Guess Who, Jacks, a jigsaw, Snakes and Ladders, Game of Life. We learnt how to set up the games, learn the rules, keep to the rules. We practised taking turns.

In phonics we practised our writing, using our phonic knowledge to write new words.

In maths, we looked at odd and even numbers, noticing that even numbers are made up of 2s and odd numbers have an odd 1.

In Zones of Regulation we chose a new tool to try this week. We are going to be doing pushes against the wall, floor, table or on ourselves to support our regulation.

Y5 Forest School, by Mrs Wong

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 3:39pm

Year 5 have had a wonderful day today during Forest school. We enjoyed recreating Jub's Forest home, making hedgehog houses, building dens and toasting marshmallows on our very own fires! Super collaboration, achievement, respect and enjoyment all round... well done team 5!

Y3 learning to sew!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 1:08pm

This week, we have been learning the backstitch and the overstitch in preparation for our Christmas stockings.

Year 5, by Mrs Wong

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 8:03am

Year 5 enjoyed their trip to the cinema yesterday. The Railway children film gave the class some great discussion points and we enjoyed considering how life was different for evacuees during WW2. 

Y2 Multiskills, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 3:17pm

Year 5, by Mrs Wong

Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 8:20am

Year 5 have been learning about inputs, outputs and processes in computing. The children designed their very own teddy with some impressive designs. 

A busy week of learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 5:37pm

Year 1 have been learning all about toys across the decades, from 1950 to the present day. We sorted toys into the decades and thought about what was similar to the toys children play with today and what was different. The children learnt how to play Jacks and Pick Up Sticks!

We have been learning about the seasons in Geography and Science, working in teams to explore the different seasons. We enjoyed singing a song about the seasons. 

In PE we played a fun warm up games called Fishes in the net, where we worked in pairs to catch each other. We practices dribbling using the big toe little toe method and stopping a ball by trapping. We discovered that this isn't as easy as it looks! We got more confident at controlling the ball as we developed our skills.

We have been looking at our character strengths in myHappymind and realising that we are all unique and special and that is what makes us so AMAZING. 

We learnt how to make a heart with our hands to remind us of the character strength of love and kindness. We are going to practice developing our character strengths this week. 

We will be looking at other character strengths over this half term including bravery and honesty, exploring and learning, teamwork and friendship and love of life and our world.

Our Tool of the Week in Zones of Regulation is helping others.

Our art work is on display in our classroom which show our own interpretation of Kandinsky's work.

In preparation for the weekend we learnt about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and how we can keep ourselves this weekend. 


Year 3’s drama skills in English, by Mrs Hover

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 10:33am

This week we have been looking at the beautiful book, 'Winter's Child'. The children have been acting out all the fun activities that Tom (main character) could be doing in the snow.

My Happy Mind in Reception, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 31st Oct 2023 @ 3:58pm

Congratulations to everyone in our Reception class today as they received their first My Happy Mind certificate for completing the first module where we learnt all about the brain.

Today we started the second module called Celebrate and learnt about our superhero powers (our character strengths). We have been practising showing kindness and love to each other today. We learnt that we all have different character strengths and this is something to celebrate. This makes us all unique and special.

We have a new tool of the week in our Zones of Regulation and have been practising the strategy of smiling at other people to help us and others. 

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