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Belly Breathing in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 23rd Oct 2023 @ 1:15pm

As part of our myHappymind programme we have been learning how to do Belly Breathing - lying on the floor, resting a soft toy on our tummy, placing our hands gently on our soft toy and gently breathing in and out, noticing what happens to our tummy and teddy as we do this.

Learning in Y1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 4:34pm

Congratulations to everyone in Year 1 for completing their first myHappymind module where we have been learning about the brain and it's three parts - the hippocampus, amygdala and the pre frontal cortex. We have discovered that our brains grow when we learn new things and this is called neuroplasticity. We have been celebrating times when we have noticed that we have used different parts of our brain. We were proud to receive our first myHappymind certificate in Year 1 at the end of this module. Next term we will be completing the Celebrate module.

We have had lots of fun learning how to put three moving actions together in gymnastics today with Mr Bell, using a range of gymnastics equipment including the climbing frame.

A huge thank you to our visitors today. Mrs Maddocks, Mr Stephens and Pat came to speak to us about what they played with when they were children. We had prepared questions beforehand to ask them and found out about toys from the past. We identified things that were similar to what children play with today and things that are different. The children were surprised to hear there were only three television channels when our visitors were young, and there was no Disney + channel  !

In science today we wrote a class poem to help us identify the features of animal parts and their actions. We rewrote the words to The Wheels On The Bus.

Some of our favourite lines were:
The wings of the bat go swoop, dive, swoop.

The legs of the fox go prowl, prance, run.

The paws of the cat go grip, scratch, grip.

The tail of the monkey goes swish, swish, swish.

Year 5, by Mrs Wong

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 2:25pm

Year 5 have been researching the land uses of the Grand Canyon. Super researching everyone. 

Year 5, by Mrs Wong

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 2:21pm

Year 5 have worked hard on their 'Queen of the Falls' diary entries. Well done team 5! 

Y3 nature inspired prints, by Mrs Hover

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 1:48pm

Y1 art colour creations, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 6:12pm

Year 1 have loved learning all about the primary and secondary colours, mixing their own shades and creating light and dark shades of a colour. 
They have been working towards creating a piece of art based on Wassily Kandinsky's style. 
Here are some pictures of them being creative. 

Y2 Yayoi Kusama inspired Art, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 10:13pm

We have been exploring the artwork of Yayoi Kusama- particularly her pumpkins!
We had a go at drawing our own pumpkins and decorating them in the style of Kusama. Lots of polka dots exploring how to use paint to create effects such as stroking, dapping and twisting. So far they look great! 

Y2 Science, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Oct 2023 @ 10:04pm

A very practical end to our Materials topic today! We investigated an unusual material - magic snow! It demonstrated absorbency in action. We then investigated which other materials are absorbent. 
Our challenge today was to design and make a new nappy. We took apart a nappy to see what was involved before designing our own using materials tested in previous lessons. Great learning on absorbency, waterproofing and strength! Wonderful cooperation in Year 2.

Year 3 Week 6, by Mrs Hover

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 1:25pm

A snapshot of our art work linking to William Morris and Noah's Ark in RE!

Y4 and Y6 Rugby, by Mr Brown

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 11:05am

Some of our Y4 and Y6 children took part in the Chester Schools Partnership Rugby festival held at Chester Rugby club this week.

On Wednesday our Y4 children played brilliantly on a wet morning, playing with a smile on their faces and enjoying their 4 games.

Our Y6 children had glorious weather on Thursday morning for their event. They improved with every game scoring tries and showing great organisation in defence.

Thank you to al of the parents, grandparents and Mrs McComb for helping with transport.

Year 5 Music, by Mrs Wong

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 2:52pm

The children have enjoyed singing and playing 'Living on a Prayer' during our music sessions. 

Year 6 shadows, by Miss Oldman

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 4:17pm

We investigated how to make amazing shadow shapes as part of our 'light and sight' science topic.

Year 6 clay boats, by Miss Oldman

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 4:13pm

Here we are making our amazing clay boats. Next week, we will paint them using dazzle camouflage techniques that were used in the war years.

Year 4 Mini Beast Hunt, by Miss Doyle

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 10:17am

On Friday, Year 4 had so much fun searching our school grounds for mini beasts!🕷Out topic in science is all about Living Things. We wanted to see what kind of habitats and mini beasts were around our school! We used our team work skills to work together in groups or pairs to see how many creatures we could find!

Year 4 Forest School, by Miss Doyle

Date: 9th Oct 2023 @ 9:47am

Year 4 had a fantastic day at Forest School in September. Our work was linked to our science topic, all about Living Things. We looked at animal skeletons and tried to indentify which animals they were. We learned all about vertebrates and invertebrates! 

We had the chance to develop our team work skills by working together to build bug hotels. We then got to collect bugs and put them in their new homes.

The highlight of the day was using Dragon Sneezers and toasting marshmallows over our fire pit :) 

Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Oct 2023 @ 1:47pm

We enjoyed telling the class what we like to play with, why we like playing with it and using describing words to help everyone understand more about our favourite toys. Some children brought their favourite toy into school to show everyone, some brought photographs and some told us from their memory. Mrs A Davies and Mrs Bailey learnt a lot about how some of the toys work and were introduced to some toys we hadn't heard of!

We have been learning about how incredible our brains are. We learnt a new word today called 'neuroplasticity' and thought about times when we work hard at something and our brain grows. We practiced that today! We used shoulder partner work (talking to the person next to us about our learning, the question being asked). This helped us to recall learning from last week ... and when we did this our brains grew! 

In gymnastics we really enjoyed using the apparatus to explore different ways to travel and move around the equipment.

Fish and chip Friday was another highlight of the day! The children are continuing to grow in independence as they learn to make choices about vegetables and fruit, collect and carry their trays, cut up their own food and then clear away their tray, plate etc from the dinner table. They were super role models to our Reception children.

National Poetry Day, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 5:22pm

We enjoyed sharing poems by Michael Rosen. We especially enjoyed Bendy Man and changed the word 'man' to lots of other words that rhyme. We also discovered we have some bendy children in our class, so we tried to think of some words to rhyme with their names too. 

Year 5 Art, by Mrs Wong

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:11pm

Forest School, by Miss Jones

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:01pm

What a fabulous day at Forest school. We built troll houses in our troll families for Timothy Limpet and Tabitha Lumpet. We then made our own trolls out of clay. The children worked incredibly in their teams and were so proud of what they achieved… so were we! This afternoon we went on a mini beast hunt and collected them for our micro habitat. Everyone enjoyed toasting marshmallows after some dragon sneeze practice! Well done Year 2… it has been a pleasure to watch your enthusiasm and creativity today, you’ve made me feel very proud!

Miss Jones

Year 3 Week 5, by Mrs Hover

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 12:56pm

This week, we have been looking at rock layers in Science and creating our own presentations using Google Slides about 'How Computers work'.

Year 5 Poetry, by Mrs Wong

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 12:31pm

Year 5 enjoyed creating diamanté poems for national poetry day. 

Learning in Y1 29/9/23, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 5:49pm

Year 1 have been developing their balancing skills today in gymnastics with some adventurous ways to balance!

In science we played 20 questions to help us practice naming the body parts. We have been looking at body parts that are singular and those which come in pairs. We have also been exploring our senses, thinking about things we love to smell, taste, hear, see and touch.

We celebrated World Heart day and planned in time over the day to exercise our heart and to give our heart rest time. 

In our My Happy Mind lesson today we have been finding out all about our brain, where it is and some fun facts about it. Did you know it weighs about the same as 3 cans of beans? We are going to be finding out more about the important jobs our brain does, over the next few weeks.


Next Friday the children can bring in a toy to help introduce our topic on Toys. They will have the opportunity next Friday to tell us about their toy. Please see the note on our class page for more information.


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