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Year 3 Week 5, by Mrs Hover

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 12:56pm

This week, we have been looking at rock layers in Science and creating our own presentations using Google Slides about 'How Computers work'.

Year 5 Poetry, by Mrs Wong

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 12:31pm

Year 5 enjoyed creating diamanté poems for national poetry day. 

Learning in Y1 29/9/23, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 5:49pm

Year 1 have been developing their balancing skills today in gymnastics with some adventurous ways to balance!

In science we played 20 questions to help us practice naming the body parts. We have been looking at body parts that are singular and those which come in pairs. We have also been exploring our senses, thinking about things we love to smell, taste, hear, see and touch.

We celebrated World Heart day and planned in time over the day to exercise our heart and to give our heart rest time. 

In our My Happy Mind lesson today we have been finding out all about our brain, where it is and some fun facts about it. Did you know it weighs about the same as 3 cans of beans? We are going to be finding out more about the important jobs our brain does, over the next few weeks.


Next Friday the children can bring in a toy to help introduce our topic on Toys. They will have the opportunity next Friday to tell us about their toy. Please see the note on our class page for more information.


Year 2, by Miss Jones

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 3:40pm

What a brilliant first few weeks the children have had in Year 2.

They're settling into the new routines well and have already wowed us with their many skills and wonderfulness. Show and Tell becoming one of our favourite parts of the week : ) 

Miss Jones and Mrs Harrison

Year 5 Science, by Mrs Wong

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 1:54pm

Year 5 observing and recording changes to our broad beans! 

Y3 Week 4, by Mrs Hover

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 12:51pm

Another busy week including sketching natural objects in Art, acting out Jonah and the Whale in RE and gooey, fossilised Science!!

Learning in Y1 22/9/23, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 6:18pm

Year 1 have had a busy day at gymnastics with Mr Bell today developing our coordination and control with rolls as well as following instructions and sequences, writing some sentences in phonics, naming our body parts in science and thinking about how useful our body parts are. It was fun playing Simon Says as we learnt the names of the body parts. The class were really good at identifying the body parts from our What am I? clues.

We looked at the story of Elmer as part of our No Outsiders programme and celebrated the differences between each other. 

Garage Band after school club, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:08pm

Thank you to Mrs Scrowther from Edsential for delivering our second week of Garage Band as an after school club. The children enjoyed developing their own chorus for the song that they will produce at the end of this half term.

First days in Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 12:27pm

The children have had a happy and busy start to school life and have settled in so well. 

Year 3's busy few weeks!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 8:55pm

Year 3 have been extremely busy and here is a taster of some of their learning over the last two and a bit weeks!

In English, the children have been enjoying the story, 'Seal Surfer' and writing has included creating animal riddles and dialogue between characters. In Maths, there has been lots of really good journaling and recently we have been calculating one more/less, ten more/less and one hundred more/less than a 3 digit number. In Art, we have been learning about William Morris and we have been practising different shading skills ready for some observational drawing of natural objects next week.

Other learning has included the three different passes in netball; creating presentations in Computing; practising greetings in French and the children are just finishing a Rainforest themed display to help with their understanding in Geography. :)

Year 5 English, by Mrs Wong

Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 5:02pm

Today, Year 5 had lots of fun creating freeze frames and writing sentences using fronted adverbials.

Y1 at Forest Schools, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 6:21pm

Year 1 had a fabulous day at Forest Schools on Friday. Our work, which was linked to our science topic, involved going on a senses hunt, identifying key features of different animals. We looked at animal skeletons and tried to identify what animals they were using their bone structure.
We spent time looking at one of the apple trees in our Forest Schools and will be taking photographs of this area throughout the school year to compare and contrast the changes across the seasons.

We had chance to develop our team work skills as we built grass castles and decorated them using the natural resources around us.

And of course the highlight of the day was using Dragon Sneezers and toasting marshmallows over our fire pit.

Year 1 first week, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 5:11pm

It has been wonderful getting to know all the children this week. They have loved exploring their new classroom and finding out what all the different resources can be used for. They have been absolute superstars and here are just a few pictures from their first week as Year 1s. ?

Welcome to our new staff, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Sep 2023 @ 7:59am

A warm welcome to new staff joining us in September. From left to right:

Jules Franklin who will be supporting in our Reception class, Rebecca Wong who will be teaching in Year 5, Ciara Doyle who will be teaching in Year 4 and Brad Ferguson who will be supporting classes throughout school.

Year 2 playdough making, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 19th Jul 2023 @ 11:57am

Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed making playdough this morning with Mrs H Harrison and are really excited to bring their own little tub home at the end of the day. Below is a link to the playdough recipe that we used and is really easy to make at home.

Have a lovely summer holiday.


Y4 read their pop up story books to Reception, by Mrs Hover

Date: 18th Jul 2023 @ 5:06pm

Y3 Egyptian necklaces, by Miss Oldman

Date: 17th Jul 2023 @ 4:17pm

Wow! What an amazing homework project. Well done Year 3 ?

Everton College Football Day, by Mr Brown

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 3:53pm

We had such a fabulous day in the rain with the staff and students from the Everton Football College.

Y4's Roman Trip 2!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 8:07pm

Y4, by Mrs Hover

Date: 11th Jul 2023 @ 2:58pm

Tattenhall Day 2, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 5th Jul 2023 @ 8:44pm

Jungle Camp- tying knots, building hammocks and shelters and cooking dough on the fire! Another fabulous day at Tattenhall. We are so proud of each and every one of you Year 3! 

Y3 Tattenhall Day 1, by Mr Brown

Date: 4th Jul 2023 @ 9:33pm

We have had the most amazing day at Tattenhall. We really enjoyed Orienteering, then we had lunch. In the afternoon we did Archery, the Zip Wire and the Low Ropes Course. We went for a walk and played at the park after tea.

Y2 silent disco and Chester Zoo, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 28th Jun 2023 @ 9:45am

Silent Disco, by Miss Young

Date: 27th Jun 2023 @ 2:19pm

We had a fabulous time at our silent disco last Friday. 

Y5 Silent Disco, by Mrs Percival

Date: 26th Jun 2023 @ 10:29am

We had a fabulous time at our silent disco last Thursday. Check out some of our moves!

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