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Gymnastics in Year 3, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Nov 2014 @ 11:04pm

Ron Bell delivers gymnastics to our Year 3's on Friday mornings.

Bread tasting, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Nov 2014 @ 10:23pm

We have been sampling different types of bread in preparation for our sandwich making task.

Road Safety Competition Winners, by Mr Cunnington

Date: 7th Nov 2014 @ 4:17pm

Thank you for all your wonderful Road Safety enteries for our October autumn competition!

We had a record number of entries and Amber and Daniel (Y6 Road Safety Officers) had a very tough job judging the fantastic Infant posters and Junior poem, raps or riddles.

All our finalists were celebrated in our Achievement assembly on Friday 7th November.

Take a look at the winners master pieces online or take a closer look at their work on our Road Safety display in the library.

Remember: BE SAFE, BE SEEN!

Mr Cunnington

Winston Churchill by George, by Mr Cunnington

Date: 7th Nov 2014 @ 3:44pm

Thank you George for a fantastic drawing of Sir Winston Churchill. This week Year 6 have been beginning their work on biographies and focusing on our WW2 topic. 

Hockey, by Mr Brown

Date: 6th Nov 2014 @ 8:05pm

We had a great but cold afternoon at the Hockey.

Year 1 & Year 2 Author Workshop, by Miss Shaw

Date: 6th Nov 2014 @ 7:47pm

Y1 and Y2 Author Workshop, by Miss Lynch

Date: 6th Nov 2014 @ 4:35pm

Hokey Pokey Pig & The Pogs!

This week Year 1 and Year 2 spent the whole morning with an Author called Deborah Elias. She shared her E-book with the chidlren called 'Hokey Pokey Pig & The Pogs.

We all had great fun drawing, colouring, and finding the rhyming words in her story. We hope that by meeting a real author, the children have been inspired and will hopefully write and draw more in the future!

The session ended with a competition where the children had to write a book review saying what they liked about Deborah's book and why.

Congraulations to Grace for winning the Year 1 competition!

Year 5/6 Tag Rugby! , by Mr Huddart

Date: 5th Nov 2014 @ 5:06pm

Well done to all those who took part, you represented the school very well!

Year 2 What makes our city so great?, by Miss Shaw

Date: 1st Nov 2014 @ 12:13pm

These are our fantastic charloal drawings of our wonderful city. We have been learning about the landmarks of our city that make it such a great place to live!

Barnaby Bear in South Africa, by Mr Brown

Date: 27th Oct 2014 @ 11:08am

Barnaby met children in Cape Town? Where's Wally?

Y2 Worry Dolls from Guatemala, by Miss Shaw

Date: 24th Oct 2014 @ 4:14pm

This week we have been reading the wonderful book Silly Billy by Anthony Browne (our author of the month!)

In the story Billy's Grandma gives im some Guatemalan worry dolls. If you tell a worry doll your worries before bedtime they will do all your worrying for you while they are under your pillow. We thought we would have a little go at making some ourselves, so that we have someone to tell our worries to at bedtime.

Y2 Investigating 3D Shapes, by Miss Shaw

Date: 24th Oct 2014 @ 4:07pm

We have learnt so much about 3D shapes this week! We decided the best way to investigate shape was to make some shapes of out own...so we did! We used Marshmallows for our vertices and raw spaghetti for out edges to make skeleton shapes. Here are some of the shapes we managed to make!

Ration Baking, by Mr Cunnington

Date: 23rd Oct 2014 @ 5:14pm

Bread pudding ration baking! It was really tasty!

Y1's gigantic spider display!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 21st Oct 2014 @ 3:50pm

The children are very proud of their spider display! They have all contributed in some way, whether they have made a spider hat, written some facts or written a spider story.

Y1 Frozen display, by Miss Lynch

Date: 21st Oct 2014 @ 2:45pm

Miss Jones (our trainee teacher) has created a wonderful reading corner for Year 1. The children have thoroughly enjoyed reading inside the area and now look forward to reading even more than usual!


Year 4 Tag Rugby!, by Mr Huddart

Date: 20th Oct 2014 @ 4:28pm

Congratulations to the children in Year 4 who won all of their matches in the Chester Cluster Tag Rugby competition! You fully deserve your medals and certificates!

A great start to the sporting year, well done!

Y1 Leaf printing, by Miss Lynch

Date: 10th Oct 2014 @ 4:08pm

Leaf Printing!

We've been getting messy with leaf printing in Year 1. The children brought leaves in from home and created repeating patterns by printing with the leaves. The children had a go on white paper first before working togther to create a large group print.

Y1 Shape, repeating patterns and problem solving, by Miss Lynch

Date: 10th Oct 2014 @ 11:56am

We have been naming 2d and 3d shapes and then discussing their properties. The children had fun making flat 2d shape pictures as well as making 3d models.

We have been looking and continuing shape and colour patterns.

The children have also been solving problems. Different groups of children solved the problems in different ways from writing number sentences to solving them by drawing images.

Year 2 Baking Biscuit Bears, by Miss Shaw

Date: 7th Oct 2014 @ 8:18pm

We have been reading Biscuit Bear by Mini Grey in Guided Reading this week and so decided we would like to bake some biscuit bears of our own! We are also looking at reversible and irreversible changes to materials in Science. We are going to practise our non-fiction writing andwrite some instructions for how to make a Biscuit Bear!

Making a boat for Compare Bear!, by Miss Shaw

Date: 26th Sep 2014 @ 5:16pm

As part of our work on Materials, Year 2 investigated which material would make the best boat for Compare Bear! We had lots of fun making our boats and floating them in a washing up bowl lake!

Y1 number partners to 10 and addition, by Miss Lynch

Date: 26th Sep 2014 @ 11:58am

The children have been working really hard on their maths. They have played lots of games to further develop their understanding of number.


Y1 Ahhh Spiders!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 26th Sep 2014 @ 11:48am

We have been reading a story called 'Ahh Spiders'. The children really enjoyed it.

Each day a spider left a message in our class spider web.

We have been on spider web hunt outside, we have been writing about spiders and making spiders out of paper or construction!

Investigating our local area!, by Miss Shaw

Date: 16th Sep 2014 @ 4:00pm

Year 2 had a great time this week investigating our local area! Here are some photos of us. 

Thank you to Mrs Rustom and Mr Owens who came to help on the walk!

Stockport Air Raid Shelter Trip, by Mr Cunnington

Date: 16th Sep 2014 @ 3:53pm

What a great trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter as part of our WW2 topic!

Check out our photos!

Traction Man is Here!, by Miss Shaw

Date: 12th Sep 2014 @ 8:19pm

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