Year 1: Gallery

Busy times in Year 1 this week, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 14th Oct 2017 @ 10:10am

Hands-on learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 29th Sep 2017 @ 10:42pm

King's students working in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 5:20pm

Thank you to our five King's 6th Form students who have been supporting children's learning in year 1. The children loved learning new playground games - Duck Duck Goose and Farmer Farmer. We made use of our new playground markings, developing hopscotch games. We also used origarmi to create aeroplanes and had great fun seeing how successful they were at flying. They worked with children developing cutting skills and learnt how to play Ninjargos with a group of children!

We look forward to welcoming them back to Oldfield in a couple of weeks.

Active learning in year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 15th Sep 2017 @ 5:09pm

First week back in school for Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Sep 2017 @ 12:41pm

Year 1 pebble jar treat and thank you to Miss Hinge and Mr Egan, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 3:52pm

Year 1 have enjoyed their surprise pebble jar treat... an ice lolly and a party for Miss Hinge and Mr Egan!


A big thank you to Miss Hinge and Mr Egan for all their hardwork and good luck to you both in the future!

Year 1 - Material madness, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 29th Jun 2017 @ 5:01pm

As sports day was cancelled due to the rain, Year 1 have had a fun filled day focusing on materials.

We learnt all about where paper came from and how it is made before designing and creating our own. We can not wait to see what it looks like once it has dried.

In the afternoon, we focused on using scientific vocabulary to describe the properties of different materials. 

I wonder whether they can remember what our new words (transparent, opaque and absorbent) mean at home?

Toys in Space, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 15th Jun 2017 @ 5:31pm

This week, we have been focusing on the characters within the book and their feelings in different situations.

We have used out DT skills to design, create and evaluate our own Hoctopize puppets.

Look who appeared in Year 1..., by Mrs Harrison

Date: 5th Jun 2017 @ 4:54pm

We came back to school this morning all happy and jolly (a little sleepy from the early start) to find a poor bunny looking for his friends. We searched high and low...


Luckily, we found them all around the classroom. The toys are much happier now but we found them in some unusual places and can not wait to find out why.

Year 1 - People who help us..., by Mrs Harrison

Date: 26th May 2017 @ 2:59pm

Thank you to all those who have come and visited us over the half term.

We have really enjoyed listening to how fire fighters, police officers, scientists, environmental officers, librarians, carers for the elderly, Brownie leaders and even Mums help us!


Thank you to Year 1 parents, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 11th May 2017 @ 5:37pm

A big thank you to the Year 1 parents for supporting us with our Extreme reading challenge. Children from across the school love to stop and look at their photographs.

Another thank you for collecting and bringing in so many recycable materials.  The pile filled our carpet area! Some children decided they wanted to take spare materials home and the rest went to Reception for their construction area.

Attached are photographs of our display and our emergency vehicles so far.

PC Francis and PC Harrison came to visit Year 1, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 4th May 2017 @ 12:26pm

As part of our 'People who help us' topic, Year 1 had PC Francis and PC Harrison come to visit us in a police car!

The class challenged them both with their fantastic questions...

"What do you do?" "How do you help?" Freya

"How long have you been a police officer?" Evie

"How many cases have you solved?" Alfie

"What mysteries do you solve?" Felix

As you can see from the photographs, they tried on the protection vests and hats. The vests were very heavy!

We were very lucky, we even had a look inside a police car and used the special ink to do our own finger prints.

A BIG thank you to Mr Francis and Mr Harrison for your time and bringing some fantastic resources for us to try on and use.

We can not wait for Mr Weeks and Mrs Pierce to visit in the next couple of weeks.

How to trap an evil pea!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 3rd May 2017 @ 5:15pm

Have you ever heard of an evil pea?

Year 1 have been reading the text 'Supertato' in literacy. We found that to catch an evil pea we require jelly.

On Tuesday, some magical potion appeared in the classroom. The children looked at it and smelt it, guessing what the liquid could be. Blackcurrent juice? Strawberry juice? Jelly juice?

The class then predicted how long it would take for the jelly to set in the fridge. 1 minute? 1 hour? 1 day?

In groups, the children then squashed the evil peas into the jelly to capture them!

We look forward to writing our instruction texts about 'How to trap an evil pea!'


Numbers, words and ROBOTS!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 20th Apr 2017 @ 4:12pm

This week Year 1 have been developing their number formations, ability to read and write numbers 0-20 in words and they even turned into robots!

As robots, the class gave commands to each other. It was not as easy as they thought as they soon realised they had to give direct instructions using words such as; turn, right, left, forwards, backwards and even how many steps!

Y1 Knowsley Safari Park, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 24th Mar 2017 @ 4:20pm

Year 1 had a fantastic time at Knowsley Safari Park along side Year 2 and Year 4.


We developed our understanding about how to identify features which allow us to group animals.

Some children even touched a snake and a giant African snail!


The most popular event during the trip was the sealion show where we met some cheeky chaps.


In the afternoon, we took a trip around the safari park spotting our favourite animals and learning about those unfamilar animals. We even saw baboons climbing on top of cars!

We are going on a plant hunt..., by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Mar 2017 @ 3:42pm

This week, Year 1 have been developing their understanding of the different parts found in plants and trees and what there functions are.

We also took part in a plant hunt searching the woodlands and fields for wild and garden plants. We found alot of daises and nettles!


Year 1 World Book Day, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 10th Mar 2017 @ 1:52pm

Year 1 brought in their favourite books from home to share with the rest of class. We had a fantastic selection of books!

As a class, we read the story 'We are family' and discussed how everyone has an extremely special family but everyone's family is different.

Year 1 golden time, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Feb 2017 @ 2:26pm

Bird Day, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 16th Feb 2017 @ 4:35pm

On Wednesday, Year 1 had a bird day. We looked closely at birds, sketching them using pencils and black biro pens. We then added information to our sketches by researching birds using videos, books and Ipads.

In the afternoon, we identified different birds around the forest and field. What beautiful sounds they make!

Year 1 then used their knowledge about the features of birds and their artistic skills to create clay birds.

We have had lots of fun learning all about birds.

I wonder what facts Year 1 can share with you at home?

Kind feelings, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 16th Feb 2017 @ 4:26pm

Year 1 shared compliments and smiles to their friends on Tuesday.

We then created bright and colourful hearts to share our happiness with family at home.

Spread a little kindness, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 8th Feb 2017 @ 4:25pm

As it is Children's Mental Health Awareness week, Year 1 have been focusing upon kindness. We carried out an experiment to see how it feels when we do not listen to each other. Unfortunately, it made us feel 'lonely, upset, ignored and forgotten' just like the mouse felt in our class story 'The Lion Inside'.

These are feelings which we did not want, so we turned our sadness into laughter as Ollie F squirted toothpaste out onto a plate! Ollie was then asked to put the toothpaste back inside the tube! Well, this proved to be difficult. Ollie tried, Connor tried, Brooke tried and Seth tried but no-one could put it back into the tube! Luckily, Jessica had an idea! She said... 

"When we talk, we can't take it back". 

All the class agreed. Just like toothpaste, we can't take back what we say. Therefore we have decided, as a class, that it is always best to think before we say anything.

Our final activity was to think about all the different acts of kindness that we can do and create our own Kindness Flower.

Roar!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 3rd Feb 2017 @ 3:48pm

What an amazing couple of weeks we have had!

Year 1 have been working extremely hard creating animal masks, snakes and ladders board games, moving animals and even creating animal dances.

We have had a fantastic show case of talent throughout the week as well.

Sophie read a story to the class with fantastic expression. The class were amazed by her reading skills. 

Rachel, Ava, Evie and Niamh performed a brilliant dance to the class. Everyone was so impressed.

"I really enjoyed that! It makes me want to dance!"

said Ollie dancing away to the music.

Sense Detectives, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 20th Jan 2017 @ 2:03pm

Year 1 used their five senses to investigate and describe the different objects.


I wonder whether they can tell you what their five senses are at home?

Year 1 forest school lesson, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 2:48pm

Year 1 have turned into their favourite animals!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 4:18pm

Who am I?

We have been travelling in the style of our animals and describing what our friends animals look like to support our writing in acrostic poems.

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