Year 1: Gallery

Goldilocks found and questioned by Police in Year 1, by Miss Lynch

Date: 2nd Oct 2015 @ 8:17am

This week Goldilocks has had a difficult week. She has been questioned by the Police and finally admitted that it was her who broke in to the Three Bears Cottage! The children have enjoyed pretending to be Goldilocks and have written letters to the Three Bears apologising for her actions.

We have also be learning a poem about Teddy Bears this week. Year 1 are brilliant at performing the poem from memory and have learned actions. We even performed it to the Year 3 children who were very impressed and gave them a huge round of applause.

Can Year 1 help the Police find Goldilocks?, by Miss Lynch

Date: 25th Sep 2015 @ 8:18am

This week the children have been writing character descriptions and they have enjoyed helping the Police by making 'Wanted' posters. Hopefully with Year 1's help, Goldilocks will be brought to justice!

Y1 golden time, by Miss Lynch

Date: 18th Sep 2015 @ 2:05pm

Year 1 had lots of fun in Golden time this week!

Goldilocks meets Year 1!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 11th Sep 2015 @ 12:53pm

Year 1 First Week September, by Miss Lynch

Date: 2nd Sep 2015 @ 2:38pm

The children have settled in really well this week. They have been learning through play and have particularly enjoyed playing in the Three Bears Cottage and painting pictures.

Y1 and Y2 Park visit, by Miss Lynch

Date: 15th Jul 2015 @ 8:29am

We had a fantastic time at the park and we were really lucky with the sunshine!

Y1 and Y2 Trip to the Park, by Miss Shaw

Date: 14th Jul 2015 @ 9:08pm

Y1 bike afternoon & teddy bear's picnic, by Miss Lynch

Date: 25th Jun 2015 @ 2:46pm

The children absolutely loved their pebble jar treat. Half of the class played with their teddies whilst the other half of the class whizzed around the playground on their bikes. We then had our picnic on the grass under the trees. I would also like to say a special thanks to Vinny's mum and Amelia's mum for making some delicious short bread and cake-pops for our picnic!

Yr 1 The Rainbow Fish, by Miss Lynch

Date: 15th Jun 2015 @ 5:29pm

Wow! wow ! Wow!laugh

What a fantastic week of homework for the children in year 1. The children had to invent their own character that could be in the Rainbow Fish story. You have all been very, very creative.

The children have also created fabulous pieces of writing for their lost posters and made Rainbow Fish using old CDs in literacy. These, along with some of the homework are on display in the year one classroom. So why not check out our gallery....


Miss Jones

Y1 Growing plants , by Miss Lynch

Date: 11th Jun 2015 @ 8:30am

We planted some broad beans. The children each have their own plant pot and have been keeping a broad bean diary in school. Our plants have been growing for three weeks now and many of them have really started to shoot through the soil.

We also planted some cress seeds and we will be watching how well they grow in various conditions.

We looked at the cress today. We found out that the cress growing outside with sunlight and water has grown healthily. The cress with no sunlight and very little water has died.




Yr 1 - The Rainbow Fish comes to school!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 5th Jun 2015 @ 4:26pm

In Year 1 we are reading a book called the Rainbow Fish. We have enjoyed writing about the story's setting and characters.  Before half term, we were shocked to find the Rainbow Fish sitting in the Year 1 classroom! The children asked him lots of brilliant questions so that they could get to know him better. He asked for our advice because he did not know whether to share his sparkly, silver scales with the other fish. We told him that it was kind to share. I wonder whether he took our advice ...

Y1 Liverpool World Museum , by Miss Lynch

Date: 8th May 2015 @ 3:06pm

Y1 Writing their own story, by Miss Lynch

Date: 26th Mar 2015 @ 5:13pm

The children have really impressed me this week. They have written the most amazing stories and some chidlren were even chosen to read their work to each class around school.

When writing the stories, the children had a checklist to remind them to use punctuation, noun phrases- adding description, conjuctions- joining sentences together and time connectives e.g. next, after than, finally. The children were also given stickers for neat work.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did!


Y1 Museum and Build a Bear Trip, by Miss Lynch

Date: 25th Mar 2015 @ 5:26pm

We had a fantastic time on our school trip today! The children were extremely well behaved and learned lots about old and new toys.

Y1 World Book Day, by Miss Lynch

Date: 5th Mar 2015 @ 5:37pm


We had a fantastic time today and the children looked fantastic. Thank you for providing the wonderful costumes!

We started the day by watching a video clip about authors and illustrators and we learned some tips for being a good writer and drawer. Then we went down to the hall and took part in the book swap. All the children had huge smiles on their faces as they walked back to class with a brand new book to take home. We then went to the library and had a great story and even got chance to take a book home with our library card.


Y1 Toy Car homework, by Miss Lynch

Date: 27th Feb 2015 @ 2:07pm

The children (and parents!) worked extremely hard on the toy car homework. We now have a fabulous display of these cars in Year 1. I would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to all the help from the parents. I really appreciate all the time and effort everybody put into this homework-  the children tell me that they thoroughly enjoyed making the cars but don't worry we won't do another big homework like this for a while!

Y1 Handling Data, by Miss Lynch

Date: 13th Feb 2015 @ 12:46pm

Y1 Bikes and scooter pebble jar treat, by Miss Lynch

Date: 13th Feb 2015 @ 12:43pm

Pebble Jar Treat

The children really enjoyed bringing their bikes and scooters in to school! They wanted to play on them all day but we limited them to the morning only!

Y1 We finally opened the Naughty Toy Box!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 13th Feb 2015 @ 12:03pm

The children's letters managed to persuade Mr Brown and we opened the toy box! Inside we found a letter from the toy box and a poem!

Y1 More from the Naughty Toy Box..., by Miss Lynch

Date: 7th Feb 2015 @ 7:05pm

We made Warning posters about the Naughty Toy Box. Then we opened Mr Brown's letter and then we wrote our own letters to try and persuade Mr Brown to open the Naughty Toy Box....

Y1 Toys afraid of the toy box!!!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 29th Jan 2015 @ 2:44pm

Y1 Toys from the past, by Miss Lynch

Date: 29th Jan 2015 @ 8:43am

The children were really interested when listening to our visitor talk about toys in the old days!

Y1 Addition and Subtraction , by Miss Lynch

Date: 21st Jan 2015 @ 11:50am

The children have been adding 10 and subtracting 10 from 2-digit numbers. They have been using the number sqaure for support and some children have even managed to add and subtract ten in their head.

We have also been looking at number pairs to 10 and 20. The children were using cubes to find out all the ways of making 10. We also used ICT to help find number pairs. We even challenged some children to find ways of making 100!

KS1 Christmas Performance Prickly Hay, by Miss Shaw

Date: 17th Dec 2014 @ 10:12pm

Y1 Christmas Play costumes!, by Miss Lynch

Date: 17th Dec 2014 @ 1:57pm

Year 1 looked fabulous in their Christmas Play costumes- I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all the parents for providing the costumes! The children were absolutely fantastic in the Christmas play, with excellent singing, dancing  and instrument playing! Well done Year 1 you all made me very proud.

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