Year 1: Gallery

Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 5:06pm

We've had a busy week in Year 1 learning new songs for our Christmas performance. They're really catchy and keep coming into our mind!  Mrs Turnbull worked with us to create something we are going to be wearing for our performance. 

In PE we have been learning how to punt a ball (striking the ball with our instep), which was lots of fun. We all got so much better at it as we practised! 

We finished our history topic today, using our knowledge of toys from the past and toys in the present to do posters showing what we would have in our museum.

Our tool of the week is having a drink of water and asking an adult if we can go for a walk.

Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 19th Nov 2023 @ 5:35pm

Year 1 have been creating actions to go with our character strengths. I wonder if they can show you the actions we use for:

Love and kindness

Teamwork and friendship

Love of the World

Bravery and honesty

Explore and learn


In PE we have been practising trapping, passing and using our hands to save a ball. The weather was glorious on Friday morning and we enjoyed using the astroturf on KS2 's playground. 

We enjoyed using all the things we've learnt about toys from the past and in the present, to help us to start designing our own Toy Museum. Some of us chose to work on our own and some chose to work with a partner.

We learnt all about why we were raising money for Children In Need too.

Year 1 D&T, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 7:58pm

Year 1 have been loving their DT topic 'Moving Parts' this half term. So far they have created two moving pictures, the first using a sliding mechanism and the second one using a lever and pivot. Here are some pictures of their creations 😊.

Year 1 multiskills, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 14th Nov 2023 @ 7:46pm

Year 1 had a wonderful time last week at the Ellesmere Port Sports Village, taking part in a number of different activities practising their PE skills in balance, agility, speed and accuracy. They were a credit to Oldfield and we were all very proud of them 😊.

Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 11th Nov 2023 @ 7:25pm

Year 1 we have been identifying toys which are old and toys which are new. We have enjoyed looking at games that we play today and comparing them to games which were played around 50 years ago and across recent decades. Thank you to our King's students who supported us when we played the games. Children played a range of games including Operation, Kerolunk, One Pop, Guess Who, Jacks, a jigsaw, Snakes and Ladders, Game of Life. We learnt how to set up the games, learn the rules, keep to the rules. We practised taking turns.

In phonics we practised our writing, using our phonic knowledge to write new words.

In maths, we looked at odd and even numbers, noticing that even numbers are made up of 2s and odd numbers have an odd 1.

In Zones of Regulation we chose a new tool to try this week. We are going to be doing pushes against the wall, floor, table or on ourselves to support our regulation.

A busy week of learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 5:37pm

Year 1 have been learning all about toys across the decades, from 1950 to the present day. We sorted toys into the decades and thought about what was similar to the toys children play with today and what was different. The children learnt how to play Jacks and Pick Up Sticks!

We have been learning about the seasons in Geography and Science, working in teams to explore the different seasons. We enjoyed singing a song about the seasons. 

In PE we played a fun warm up games called Fishes in the net, where we worked in pairs to catch each other. We practices dribbling using the big toe little toe method and stopping a ball by trapping. We discovered that this isn't as easy as it looks! We got more confident at controlling the ball as we developed our skills.

We have been looking at our character strengths in myHappymind and realising that we are all unique and special and that is what makes us so AMAZING. 

We learnt how to make a heart with our hands to remind us of the character strength of love and kindness. We are going to practice developing our character strengths this week. 

We will be looking at other character strengths over this half term including bravery and honesty, exploring and learning, teamwork and friendship and love of life and our world.

Our Tool of the Week in Zones of Regulation is helping others.

Our art work is on display in our classroom which show our own interpretation of Kandinsky's work.

In preparation for the weekend we learnt about why we celebrate Bonfire Night and how we can keep ourselves this weekend. 


Learning in Y1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 4:34pm

Congratulations to everyone in Year 1 for completing their first myHappymind module where we have been learning about the brain and it's three parts - the hippocampus, amygdala and the pre frontal cortex. We have discovered that our brains grow when we learn new things and this is called neuroplasticity. We have been celebrating times when we have noticed that we have used different parts of our brain. We were proud to receive our first myHappymind certificate in Year 1 at the end of this module. Next term we will be completing the Celebrate module.

We have had lots of fun learning how to put three moving actions together in gymnastics today with Mr Bell, using a range of gymnastics equipment including the climbing frame.

A huge thank you to our visitors today. Mrs Maddocks, Mr Stephens and Pat came to speak to us about what they played with when they were children. We had prepared questions beforehand to ask them and found out about toys from the past. We identified things that were similar to what children play with today and things that are different. The children were surprised to hear there were only three television channels when our visitors were young, and there was no Disney + channel  !

In science today we wrote a class poem to help us identify the features of animal parts and their actions. We rewrote the words to The Wheels On The Bus.

Some of our favourite lines were:
The wings of the bat go swoop, dive, swoop.

The legs of the fox go prowl, prance, run.

The paws of the cat go grip, scratch, grip.

The tail of the monkey goes swish, swish, swish.

Y1 art colour creations, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 6:12pm

Year 1 have loved learning all about the primary and secondary colours, mixing their own shades and creating light and dark shades of a colour. 
They have been working towards creating a piece of art based on Wassily Kandinsky's style. 
Here are some pictures of them being creative. 

Learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Oct 2023 @ 1:47pm

We enjoyed telling the class what we like to play with, why we like playing with it and using describing words to help everyone understand more about our favourite toys. Some children brought their favourite toy into school to show everyone, some brought photographs and some told us from their memory. Mrs A Davies and Mrs Bailey learnt a lot about how some of the toys work and were introduced to some toys we hadn't heard of!

We have been learning about how incredible our brains are. We learnt a new word today called 'neuroplasticity' and thought about times when we work hard at something and our brain grows. We practiced that today! We used shoulder partner work (talking to the person next to us about our learning, the question being asked). This helped us to recall learning from last week ... and when we did this our brains grew! 

In gymnastics we really enjoyed using the apparatus to explore different ways to travel and move around the equipment.

Fish and chip Friday was another highlight of the day! The children are continuing to grow in independence as they learn to make choices about vegetables and fruit, collect and carry their trays, cut up their own food and then clear away their tray, plate etc from the dinner table. They were super role models to our Reception children.

Learning in Y1 29/9/23, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 5:49pm

Year 1 have been developing their balancing skills today in gymnastics with some adventurous ways to balance!

In science we played 20 questions to help us practice naming the body parts. We have been looking at body parts that are singular and those which come in pairs. We have also been exploring our senses, thinking about things we love to smell, taste, hear, see and touch.

We celebrated World Heart day and planned in time over the day to exercise our heart and to give our heart rest time. 

In our My Happy Mind lesson today we have been finding out all about our brain, where it is and some fun facts about it. Did you know it weighs about the same as 3 cans of beans? We are going to be finding out more about the important jobs our brain does, over the next few weeks.


Next Friday the children can bring in a toy to help introduce our topic on Toys. They will have the opportunity next Friday to tell us about their toy. Please see the note on our class page for more information.


Learning in Y1 22/9/23, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 6:18pm

Year 1 have had a busy day at gymnastics with Mr Bell today developing our coordination and control with rolls as well as following instructions and sequences, writing some sentences in phonics, naming our body parts in science and thinking about how useful our body parts are. It was fun playing Simon Says as we learnt the names of the body parts. The class were really good at identifying the body parts from our What am I? clues.

We looked at the story of Elmer as part of our No Outsiders programme and celebrated the differences between each other. 

Garage Band after school club, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:08pm

Thank you to Mrs Scrowther from Edsential for delivering our second week of Garage Band as an after school club. The children enjoyed developing their own chorus for the song that they will produce at the end of this half term.

Y1 at Forest Schools, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 11th Sep 2023 @ 6:21pm

Year 1 had a fabulous day at Forest Schools on Friday. Our work, which was linked to our science topic, involved going on a senses hunt, identifying key features of different animals. We looked at animal skeletons and tried to identify what animals they were using their bone structure.
We spent time looking at one of the apple trees in our Forest Schools and will be taking photographs of this area throughout the school year to compare and contrast the changes across the seasons.

We had chance to develop our team work skills as we built grass castles and decorated them using the natural resources around us.

And of course the highlight of the day was using Dragon Sneezers and toasting marshmallows over our fire pit.

Year 1 first week, by Mrs Marshall

Date: 7th Sep 2023 @ 5:11pm

It has been wonderful getting to know all the children this week. They have loved exploring their new classroom and finding out what all the different resources can be used for. They have been absolute superstars and here are just a few pictures from their first week as Year 1s. ?

Welcome to our new staff, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Sep 2023 @ 7:59am

A warm welcome to new staff joining us in September. From left to right:

Jules Franklin who will be supporting in our Reception class, Rebecca Wong who will be teaching in Year 5, Ciara Doyle who will be teaching in Year 4 and Brad Ferguson who will be supporting classes throughout school.

Everton College Football Day, by Mr Brown

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 3:53pm

We had such a fabulous day in the rain with the staff and students from the Everton Football College.

PTA Bake Sale, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 4:55pm

A huge thank you to everyone involved in organising and supporting our sporty themed cake sale. As always, some incredibly creative designs were on display!

A special thank you to Catherine Golightly for coorindating the bake sale. Once donations have been counted we will update you on how much we raised for PTA funds.

Coronation Garden, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 30th Apr 2023 @ 8:30pm

A huge thank you to the incredible team at Spar, Vicars Cross who generously gave up their own time to work on our garden project. Their time, enthusiasm and commitment to the project is very much appreciated. Thank you to Spar and to the PTA for funding the materials to enhance this area which were supplied by Walkers Garden Centre and Howarth Timber and Building Supplies.

Beatboxing Year 1s, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 26th Mar 2023 @ 9:12pm

Thank you so much to the PTA for funding our Beatbox workshop. We had a fun packed morning experimenting with our own voice as we learnt how to Beatbox. All the children were engaged in the workshop as the morning progressed. By the end of the session we had written a rap together which everyone was involved in performing. 

Thank you James for an inspiring and fun filled morning.

PTA Bake Sale, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 18th Feb 2023 @ 2:29pm

A huge thank you to everyone who supported our recent Valentine themed bake sale in anyway. As always, this was well supported and there was an impressive array of cakes. A total of £322.62 was raised to go towards PTA funds. 

Y1 Forest Schools, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 18th Feb 2023 @ 2:27pm

Year 1 had great fun learning outside as part of Forest Schools. Mr Hadfield linked our outdoor learning to our science curriculum, with a particular focus on materials and their properties. We enjoyed building protection and shelters for the wildlife living on our school grounds, as well as some of the character toys he brought along.

We had the opportunity to tap into our senses, look up into the sky, relax and feel a sense of stillness, using strategies we have been learning in myHappymind, as we sat in Mr Hadfield's hammock.

To end the day we built an open fire and enjoyed toasting marshmallows. The end to a perfect day!

Toys in the past, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 8th Jan 2023 @ 9:22am

Year 1 have been learning more about toys that children played with in the past. So far we have done this by looking at books about toys from the past, by making toys from the past (today we made Jack-in-a-boxes) and by talking to adults about what they played with when they were younger.

A special thank you to Alistair's granna for sending us a fantastic recording of herself telling us all about her favourite teddy bear Harold. 

Thank you also to Pat, our school Crossing Patrol, for coming to talk to us today. We discovered that Pat played lots of different games with a tennis ball when she was younger. She also played with blocks and had a special teddy. She didn't have any electronic devices.

We have been busy preparing questions to ask some of our parents who are coming into school next Friday afternoon, to find out what they played with when they were younger.



Happiness Club assembly, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Jan 2023 @ 4:54pm

Thank you to Farah from The Happiness Club for her assemblies this week. We have all learnt some useful strategies to support our mental health.

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