Year 1: Gallery
My Happy Mind, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 10th Dec 2022 @ 7:58pm
Congratulations to everyone in Year 1 for completing the Celebrate module in myHappymind.
We have enjoyed learning about our character strengths which makes us unique and special. We have found out that we are all different and all have some of the same character strengths.
Character strengths which we have explored:
Love and kindness. Being kind and caring to other people and ourself.
Bravery and honesty. Being brave and determined, even when things are tough. Always telling the truth.
Exploring and learning. Always wanting to learn and find out more about new things. Asking lots of questions.
Teamwork and friendship. Good at working in a team and involving others. Is a good friend.
Love of life and our world. Loves to be involved in lots of different activities. Enjoys learning about the world we live in.
Gymnastics in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 6th Dec 2022 @ 8:16am
Year 1 are enjoying gymnastics with Mr Bell on Friday mornings.
A busy day in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 21st Nov 2022 @ 8:12am
A busy day in Year 1 - phonics, fine motor development, designing cars for the future and gymnastics!
Sewing in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:37pm
We are enjoying sewing our bookmarks in Year 1.
Year 1 Super Little Scientists, by Mrs Marshall
Date: 21st Oct 2022 @ 1:15pm
Year 1 had the best time with Lauren from Super Little Scientists yesterday?. We were learning about seasonal changes and weather and we did some amazing science such as, making rain clouds, creating rainbows, making a tornado (vortex) in a bottle and even some cool autumn leaf bashing with mallets where the colours made a really pretty pattern.
We hope you enjoy our pictures.
PTA Bake Sale, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 9:00pm
PTA Bake Sale
A huge thank you to everyone who supported our recent PTA bake sale. An incredible £315.69 was raised, which will go towards the PTA contribution to the theatre. Every child at Oldfield will benefit from this.
A special thank you to Catherine Golightly and her team for organising the event and setting everything up. Thank you to everyone who supported the event by baking, sending in cakes and purchasing cakes. It was lovely to see our families together in the hall.
Colourful meditation, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 8th Oct 2022 @ 6:44pm
As part of our myHappymind programme, we have been practising calming our bodies down. Today we practised Colourful Meditation. Our Year 1 children were amazing. Ask them to show you at home!
Y1 Science, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 8th Oct 2022 @ 6:37pm
We have been learning to name different parts of our body. As Kain was our Star of the Day, we drew round him and then labelled him.
Sewing in Y1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 8th Oct 2022 @ 6:35pm
Our Year 1 children are enjoying learning to see with a little help from Mrs Turnbull!
Feeling special in Y1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 3:53pm
Today in Year 1 we have been thinking about who is special to us.
Y1 animal groupings, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 7:35am
We are enjoying learning about different animal groups in Year 1. Thank you to King's students for their time on Friday afternoon, helping us with our sorting task.
Y1 Forest Schools, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 4:43pm
We had a great time with Mr Hadfield today at Forest Schools in our incredible school grounds. We learnt about homes and habitats, made a big nest and took on the role of parent and baby birds, built a home for our Gruffalo, went on a bug hunt, practised mindfulness in our quiet spots, used Dragon Sneeze fire steels and toasted marshmallows on an open fire pit to name but a few things! Team work, sharing and gratitude were key elements of our learning today.
Thank you for sending children in with a spare pair of footwear and long sleeved tops and trousers.
Oldfield, by Miss Jones
Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 1:55pm
What a wonderful afternoon we had showcasing all of the talent in our Year 1 Class. The children had obviously worked incredibly hard and took it very seriously. It bought tears of joy and pride watching them!
You are all superstars!
Year 1 visit to Year 2, by Miss Jones
Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 3:36pm
Yesterday we had our transition morning for next year. As the children soon realised, nothing much is changing except our classroom! We had a lovely time exploring our new room and they all decided they loved the green walls!! We enjoyed being creative, turning a black dot into something amazing! It was so lovely to see their imaginations take them in different directions and the work they produced was magical! They were all at ease and seemed more than ready for their Year 2 journey.
We are looking forward to another wonderful year with them.
Miss Jones and Mrs Harrison
Liverpool World Museum, by Miss Jones
Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 3:12pm
WOW! The children have been exceptional and it has been a wonderfully busy day! They have smiled all day long and it has been lovely to see their excitement as we explored the different themed rooms. It was hard to pick a favourite! We had a sunny picnic in the park which seemed to be to everyone’s delight. We are really proud of how the children behaved and respected other’s around them. Thank you to our helpers too for doing a fabulous job!
Inter Schools Rounders Tournament, by Mrs Percival
Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 7:00pm
On Monday a group of Y5 and Y6 children attended the Chester schools Rounders tournament in which over 20 teams took part. Our team won 3 out of their 4 matches and narrowly missed the semi-finals by one point. What we were most impressed with was their team spirit and sportsmanship, they were a real credit to Oldfield.
Year 1 Jubilee Celebrations, by Miss Jones
Date: 26th May 2022 @ 10:28am
Yesterday we had a lovely day celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee! The children had a great time creating their own crowns and enjoying a yummy picnic. We also enjoyed our pebble jar treat in the afternoon! The children have had a super term and we hope you all have a well deserved break.
Miss Jones
Y1 Forest Schools, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd May 2022 @ 10:22am
Y1 had a great day with Mr Hadfield at Forest Schools exploring our wooded area, looking for minibeasts and items of beauty within our enviornment, accessing quiet time and using our senses to notice the world around us, making hedgehogs out of clay and displaying them in our outside art gallery and toasting marshmallows on our outdoor fire. Lots of fun and learning was had by all!
Bake sale, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd May 2022 @ 10:05am
PTA Bake Sale
Thank you so much to everyone who supported our cake sale by contributing and / or buying cakes at the end of the school day. What an incredibly creative array of designs there were on the theme of Celebration! A total of £290.30 was raised, all of which will go towards PTA funded projects. A special thank you to Catherine Golightly and her team of volunteers for organising and running the event.
Y1 Sensory garden, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd May 2022 @ 10:00am
Y1 have been busy preparing their quadrant in the sensory garden.
We have been painting bottle tops and old pieces of wood to make flowers, which will be displayed in the area once they are dry.
We've been planting sunflower seeds and garlic chive seeds in our recycled milk bottles, using the milk bottles as mini greenhouses to aid germination. Keep your eye out for our bunting which will be hung in our quadrant.
Gazebo Day 2, by Miss Jones
Date: 11th May 2022 @ 3:37pm
Today the weather was too wet to set the gazebo up outside so Year One and Jacob moved indoors. We warmed up by playing the game where the children had to clap to catch Bob the fish. We then continued to read the story and acted climbing up to the castle, going inside and meeting the giant! We were so surprised to find out that the giant was friendly. We then acted out cooking a meal from the giant to Jack. After that we climbed back down the beanstalk but it SNAPPED! The giant cried as he couldn’t get back to his castle. We then made and decorated our own leaves to put on a beanstalk.
The children have been absolute super stars and really enjoyed the last two days!
Gazebo Day, by Miss Jones
Date: 10th May 2022 @ 3:45pm
Year One have been so lucky to spend their day in this incredible gazebo with Jacob from The Storyhouse.
We began by playing a game called ‘The Finger of Doom’ to get to know everybody’s name - this was very funny as the rules kept changing. We then started to read the story of Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. We acted out walking to market - the children were fantastic at demonstrating how sad and hungry they might have felt.
We then designed our own colourful labels for a tin of baked beans which we then got to keep take home. We were also given a bean to plant in our tins once we’ve eaten up our baked beans!
Thank you passion for learning and Jacob.
Science Sorting!, by Miss Jones
Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 2:18pm
In science we were learning about the properties of different materials and working in groups to sort them! Lots of little future scientists in making!
Year 1 and 2 AmaSing workshop, by Miss Jones
Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 9:32am
Year 1 and 2 enjoyed their AmaSing workshop this morning. We clapped and sang different rhythms and did movements to music. It was a great way to start our Monday.