Year 1: Gallery

Space-themed PTA cake sale and coffee afternoon this Friday , by Mrs Bailey

Date: 5th Feb 2019 @ 4:52pm

The force is calling you from a galaxy far, far away! 




From 3pm on Friday 8th February 2019

in the School Hall


It’s time to get your imagination working over time. Think out of this world (literally) for our Space Themed bake sale this Friday. 

We can’t wait to see your creations!


Tea and coffee available 

Prizes for the best entries from each class.


Please label cakes with your child’s name and year group and give to class teachers or the school office on the day.


Please bake and buy generously. All proceeds raised go to the PTA

If you wish to support the cake sale but don’t wish to bake, shop bought cakes are always well appreciated.



We would also be grateful to any of you who can help set up or sell on the day - just reply email to let us know!

Christmas lunch, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 1:52pm

We enjoyed a tasty Christmas lunch today. Thank you to everyone involved in preparing and serving the meal. We listened to festive Christmas music whilst we ate. It was exciting pulling our crackers and reading the jokes inside!

A special thank you to Mrs Stark, Mrs Maddocks and Ms Denham for preparing the food , to our governors who came in to help serve the food and to staff who gave up part of their lunchtime to ensure the lunch went smoothly. 

Fun Friday in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 14th Dec 2018 @ 4:50pm

A busy Friday in Year 1!, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 7th Dec 2018 @ 1:56pm

Hands-on learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 10th Nov 2018 @ 3:13pm

Year 1 Our Week, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 6:16pm

Year 1- Roald Dahl Day, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 14th Sep 2018 @ 6:00pm

We had a great time celebrating Roald Dahl Day and really enjoyed reading and sharing his story 'The Enormous Crocodile'. We made our own crocodiles to practise our cutting skills and used paint and collage to complete the Enormous crocodile and the 'notsobigone'!!

Year 1- Our first week, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Sep 2018 @ 5:12pm

Year 1 Making a Victorian Toy, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 2nd Jul 2018 @ 7:00pm

For our history lesson today we learnt all about the Victorian times and the kind of toys that children would have played with. 

We learnt that a popular toy at the time, particularly with poorer Victorians, was a cup and ball game, so we had a little go at making one of our own!

The children had great fun doing this and loved playing with them once we had finished. They did an excellent job of following the instructions and worked really independently to complete their toys :)

Y1 Goodbye to our Associate Teachers, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 29th Jun 2018 @ 1:48pm

Today we said a sad farewell to our Associate Teachers from the University of Chester.

Miss Kearns and Miss Barrett have been with us since November and have just come to the end of a six week teaching block where they have been teaching Literacy, Numeracy, Phonics and Science to Year 1.

We have really enjoyed having them with us and the children are going to really miss them. 

We would also like to thank them for their lovely card and for the copy of 'The Snail and the Whale' by Julia Donaldson which they kindly bought us as a gift for our book corner. We will think of them every time that we read it :)

We wish them luck in their next school placement and in their future careers :)



Year 1 Making a Hoctopize, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 21st Jun 2018 @ 2:33pm

We are reading a brilliant book called 'Toys in Space' by Mini Grey in Year 1.

One of the characters in the story is a Hoctopize so we had a go at  making one of our own!

We had lots of fun doing it and if you fancy making one, we will be writing the instructions for how to do it!

Year1 Special Visitor, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 14th Jun 2018 @ 6:15pm

Today we had a visit from Nye's Grandma who came to visit to talk to us about the toys she played with when she was a little girl. She brought with her a Bagatelle and a hedgehog she bought when on holiday as a girl in the 1950's. We had a great time learning about the past. Thank you so much for visiting us and helping us with our historical research :)

Year 1 Practical Maths, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 14th Jun 2018 @ 5:22pm

We have done some excellent practical maths this week with our Associate Teachers from the University of Chester, Miss Kearns and Miss Barratt! They have been helping us with our place value knowledge of numbers up to 100. 

Year 1 Toys, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 14th Jun 2018 @ 5:18pm

This week we started our new topic 'Toys' and we were allowed to bring our own toy from home to share with the class. We enjoyed presenting our toy to a small group of children and then writing about our toys. Next week we will be starting to look at the toys our parents and grandparents would have played with and we have some special visitors coming to talk to us!

Year 1 Visit to Vicars Cross Church, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 11th May 2018 @ 4:46pm

As part of our RE topic, we have been learning all about the features of a Christian Church. We visited our local church to see what features we could find!

Active learners in Year 1 this week, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 16th Mar 2018 @ 3:55pm

We have enjoyed re-enacting The Creation Story this week. In maths we have been counting in 2s using cutting and sticking activities and sorting and counting pairs of socks to help us.

Y1 and Y4 enjoying sharing books together, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 9:39am

Maths of the Day in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 8th Feb 2018 @ 5:09pm

We had fun in the hall and classroom today developing our numeracy skills. Number Bingo was very popular as we secured our number recognition. It caused a great deal of excitment as everyone got closer to a full house! We used Numicon resources and bead strings to secure ten in our head and to help us see that we don't need to keep counting from one. 

Friday in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 3rd Feb 2018 @ 2:35pm

RSPB workshop in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 18th Jan 2018 @ 12:44pm

Thank you to Karen and Alex for their interesting bioblitz workshop where we explored our school environment looking for birds and mini beasts and trying to spot tracks and signs. Karen and Alex were very impressed with the children's prior knowledge and engagement in the sessions. We were fortunate that the rain stayed away!

Portraits in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 21st Dec 2017 @ 8:50am

This half term our Year 1 children have used a range of media and techniques to create self portraits. Thank you for to Mrs Turnbull for her invaluable input.

Getting ready for Christmas in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 1st Dec 2017 @ 3:48pm

Developing hand-eye coordination skills in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 23rd Nov 2017 @ 4:10pm

Y1 trip to the library, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 21st Nov 2017 @ 3:14pm

Year 1 enjoyed visiting our local library this afternoon. We shared books together and discovered that there is an enormous choice of fabulous books there for us to borrow. A huge thank you to the staff for making us feel so welcome. We look forward to returning again soon.

Gymnastics in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 20th Oct 2017 @ 11:27am

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