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Year 3 - Number Chase (Maths of the Day), by Miss Jones
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 1:50pm
Year 3 played Number Chase in the hall to help practise their multiplication and division. They also used fact families to link multiplication and division and to solve tricky problems.
Year 3 Science , by Miss Jones
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 1:42pm
Year 3 have been working very hard on their rocks topic in science and they would like to show you some of their most recent investigations.
The 'Choc' Cycle
To help the children understand how each different type of rock is formed, we used chocolate to speed up the rock cycle. Melted chococlate represented igneous rock being formed underground from magma and lava. We then grated the chocolate to show the effects of weathering and how rocks break up into bits of sediment. Next, we layered the different sediment on top of each other to represent the formation of sedimentary rock. Finally, we used pressure and heat from our hands and squeezed the sedimentary rock to show how metamorphic rock is formed. The children recorded their observations as we went and they were able to use the correct scientific vocabularly.
On Tuesday, the children looked at images of fossils and discovered four different types; trace fossils, body fossils, cast fossils and mold fossils. The children made excellent information posters about each fossil before making their very own mold fossil! These are currently drying out but once they are dry, the children will be able to take their fossils home.
Year 4 - Story Maps, by Mrs Hover
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 12:36pm
After drawing their own story maps, Year 4 have started to use them to retell the first chapter of 'The Water Horse'.
Year 4 - Division Dual!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 12:22pm
Year 3 are SPaG detectives , by Miss Jones
Date: 31st Jan 2018 @ 5:48pm
The children in year 3 used their best detective skills this morning in English. Over the past week, the children have worked incredibly hard on writing their very own Stone Age adventure story. Their challenge was to include various examples of the SPAG concerts we have learnt so far, in their writing including, prepositional phrases, conjunctions, expanded noun phrases, possessive apostrophes and adverbs. They enjoyed using magnifying glasses to spot the SPaG and recorded their findings using an evidence form.
I can’t wait to read everyone’s stories!
Year 2 - We're going on a habitat hunt..., by Mrs Harrison
Date: 29th Jan 2018 @ 5:04pm
Year 2 had a wonderful time with two ladies from RSPB searching the school grounds for habitats.
Bird nest homework - Year 2, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 29th Jan 2018 @ 4:56pm
As our English text focuses on Plop, an owl who is afraid of the dark, Mrs Hargreaves set the children a task of creating their own birds nest at home. Look at the outstanding effort which the children (and their families) have gone to by creating these amazing birds nests.
I'm sure there will be more to come so watch this space...
Year 2's furry friends, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 29th Jan 2018 @ 4:46pm
Year 2 were extremely lucky today as they had some furry visitors.
Jiggly Puff the rabbit
Acorn and Blossom the mice
and even a surprise guest Ava's Tilly the tortoise
The children really enjoyed petting the rabbit and mice and learnt lots about how to care for pets at home.
Thank you to Ava and Mrs Hargreaves for bringing in their fantastic friends.
Year 4 Watercolour chimpanzees, by Mrs Hover
Date: 23rd Jan 2018 @ 8:30pm
Year 4 - A three day weekend!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 23rd Jan 2018 @ 8:28pm
For today's morning challenge, the children were asked to persuade everyone that weekends should be three days long!
Year 4's mysterious object!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 23rd Jan 2018 @ 8:23pm
Isle of Ulva
The Ferryman has spotted something unusual on the shoreline after a big storm - he asks if we can help him to describe the object and predict what this object could be. A few other islanders have likened the object to the legend of the kelpie.
Year 3 No chairs spelling lesson, by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 5:08pm
We have enjoyed Maths of the Day activities so much this term, that we had the idea to try the activities in other subjects. On Thursday, the children enjoyed a 'no chairs or tables' SPAG lesson. In pairs, we had to move around the classroom, looking for hints and clues for this week's spelling words. When we found a clue, we had try our best to spell the word correctly. The spelling pattern we worked on this week was the /u/ sound spelt 'ou'.
Miss Pinto, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 4:41pm
Miss Pinto enjoyed her first week at Oldfield and is looking forward to spending time in Reception.
Buddy time, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 4:36pm
The children all enjoyed making models, reading and playing games with some of their buddies from Y6.
RSPB and Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 4:20pm
We had a lovely time with the ladies from the RSPB and found all sorts of interesting things in our school grounds.
Maths of the Day in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 1:56pm
I am so impressed with how well the children are doing with their times tables! They have enjoyed playing lots of games and doing Maths of the Day activities to learn the 3 and 4 times tables.
On Thursday, the children did Maths of the Day and played a game called Networking Numbers. The children worked together in pairs to solve timestable problems. For each question, they had to work with someone new. The chlidren loved doing their maths work standing up for a change!
On Friday, the children did circuit training with a twist. As they moved around the classroom, they had to complete a different 4 times table activity at each table.
For homework last week, the children created their own 3x table board game. I was so impressed with all of the different gamed the children has invented. Everyone enjoyed learning the rules and playing each other's game. What a busy week we have had!
Challenge: If you would like to practise at home. Hit the Button is a fantastic game for practising times tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
RSPB workshop in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 18th Jan 2018 @ 12:44pm
Thank you to Karen and Alex for their interesting bioblitz workshop where we explored our school environment looking for birds and mini beasts and trying to spot tracks and signs. Karen and Alex were very impressed with the children's prior knowledge and engagement in the sessions. We were fortunate that the rain stayed away!
Fun at Judo club this morning, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 18th Jan 2018 @ 8:25am
Year 2 - Plop and Year 2 watch the fireworks, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 17th Jan 2018 @ 12:23pm
As we continue to read the story of 'The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark', Year 2 experienced what it would have been like to be Plop in the nest watching the fireworks with his mum. We used our five senses to describe what we could see, hear, feel, taste and smell.
The class was a little messy by the end of the lesson!
Year 2 Maths - Sharing is caring, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 17th Jan 2018 @ 12:19pm
Year 2 have been developing their ability to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s to solve multiplication and division problems through active learning and practical resources.
Y5 Maths of the Day, by Mrs Percival
Date: 16th Jan 2018 @ 9:24am
Today, in Maths of the Day, the children were multiplying a 4 digit number by a 1 digit number. In groups, they had to, one at a time, run to a hoop in the middle of the hall and take single digits. They then made the five digits they had taken into a multiplication calculation.eg 4756 x 7. The team that worked out the most correct calculations in twelve minutes were the winners.
Y5 and 6 Author Visit, by Mrs Percival
Date: 15th Jan 2018 @ 1:54pm
Today , Y5 and Y6 had a visit from an author called Andrew Glennon who came to talk to the children about what it is like to be an author and about how he found inspiration for his new book The Loneliest Robot. His talk was fascinating and really enthused the children to become better writers.
Welcome to our University of Chester Trainee Teacher, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 15th Jan 2018 @ 11:51am
Welcome to Joanna Pinto, a second year trainee teacher from the University of Chester, who will be working in our Reception class. We are looking forward to getting to know her and to supporting her during her placement with us at Oldfield.
A busy Friday in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 12th Jan 2018 @ 5:21pm
Thank you to the volunteers who supported us in Year 1 today - Mrs Kiberd from Lloyd's bank will be reading with the children every Friday morning and 5 students from King's School will be visiting us on alternate Friday afternoons (Mia, Siobhan, Charlie, Sophie and Sara).
Mr Bell also taught gymnastics this morning.
What a busy day!
"and Tango makes three" Penguin life cycles - Year 2, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 12th Jan 2018 @ 2:09pm