Our Gallery
Fairtrade coffee afternoon, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 2nd Mar 2018 @ 6:46pm
Thank you to everyone who supported our Fairtrade coffee afternoon today - sending in cakes, helping to set up and serve, tidying away afterwards and attending the coffee afternoon.
Ukulele, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 2nd Mar 2018 @ 4:17pm
Miss Pinto played her ukulele for us today and we sang some of our favourite songs.
World Book Day, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 2nd Mar 2018 @ 4:13pm
Reception and Year 6 enjoyed a special 'Buddy Reading' time on World Book Day.
Y1 and Y4 enjoying sharing books together, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 1st Mar 2018 @ 9:39am
Year 3 Dragon Poetry , by Miss Jones
Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 1:43pm
For our new topic, the children designed their very own fantasy dragon. They then wrote poems about their dragons using verbs, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. Here are some examples...
PTA Valentine themed cake sale, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 16th Feb 2018 @ 3:09pm
Thank you to everyone who has generously supported our PTA cake sale. An abundance of talent and creativity was demonstrated in the vast array of cakes and biscuits donated for the sale. Thank you to everyone who also supported by attending the sale.
A special thank you to Mrs Wilson and Mrs Evans for coordinating the event, to those who helped to set up and clear away and to Ruth, Hazel and Grace who ran the Guess How Many Sweets in the Jar competition.
All money raised will be used to support PTA projects - please see the PTA Newsletter for further details.
Thanks to Mrs Hargreaves, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 16th Feb 2018 @ 2:32pm
Mrs Hargreaves has been working extremely hard with all the pupils and staff at Oldfield Primary and we wish her all the best in the future.
Year 2 have had a lovely pebble jar treat with Mrs Hargreaves. They have enjoyed playing lots of party games and even gave Mrs Hargreaves a writer of the week certificate for all her amazing work with Year 2.
Phonics ruler splat, phonics bingo and a subtraction treasure hunt in Year 1 , by Mrs Bailey
Date: 15th Feb 2018 @ 5:12pm
Year 3 and 4 Writing Workshop, by Mrs Hover
Date: 14th Feb 2018 @ 8:12pm
Miss Jones and Mrs Hover had a lovely morning working with some Yr 3 and Yr 4 children from Oldfield and local schools on a writing course run by The Literacy Company. After reading and exploring Katie May Green’s beautiful book ‘Seen and not heard’, the children created their own poems. Ideas will then be shared with the rest of Year 3 and Year 4 in future poetry lessons.
Year 4 - Techniquest, by Mrs Hover
Date: 13th Feb 2018 @ 8:23pm
Year 4 were brilliant on their school trip today, enjoying the Lego coding workshop, the 'Light and Sound' show and the Science investigations.
Reception Fire Engine Visit, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 13th Feb 2018 @ 8:27am
We were very excited to have a visit from the Fire Fighters. Bethany's Daddy let us sit in the fire engine, spray the hose and try on the helmets.
Year 5 fire safety visit, by Mrs Woodward
Date: 12th Feb 2018 @ 3:36pm
Today we had a visit from the fire service, who spoke to us about fire safety in the home. We then got to see around the fire engine and experience the smoke tent.
Year 2 - finding properties of 2D shapes, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 12th Feb 2018 @ 12:39pm
Year 2 homework - Plop's nest project , by Mrs Harrison
Date: 12th Feb 2018 @ 12:32pm
Year 4 - Children's Mental Health Week, by Mrs Hover
Date: 11th Feb 2018 @ 9:06pm
This Children’s Mental Health Week, Year 4 celebrated their uniqueness. We really enjoyed talking to different classmates about our similarities and differences.
Year 4 - Ancient Greek Ink drawings, by Mrs Hover
Date: 11th Feb 2018 @ 8:53pm
Year 4 - Guitar lessons , by Mrs Hover
Date: 11th Feb 2018 @ 8:44pm
Golden Time with our King's students in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 1:46pm
Thank you to our King's students for supporting us during Golden Time this afternoon.
Maths of the Day in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 8th Feb 2018 @ 5:09pm
We had fun in the hall and classroom today developing our numeracy skills. Number Bingo was very popular as we secured our number recognition. It caused a great deal of excitment as everyone got closer to a full house! We used Numicon resources and bead strings to secure ten in our head and to help us see that we don't need to keep counting from one.
Mark making and writing in Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 8th Feb 2018 @ 5:04pm
We have been drawing maps and telling stories for our Pirate, Jack Sharp. He has been having some great adventures! We have also been mark making, spelling, writing,, typing and drawing across all areas of our classroom.
Exploring the planets in year 5, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 5th Feb 2018 @ 3:30pm
Today year 5 children enjoyed finding out about the different planets in the solar system.
Friday in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 3rd Feb 2018 @ 2:35pm
Pebble Treat time in Year 3 , by Miss Jones
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 8:39pm
The children have worked so hard since September and really deserved their pebble treat afternoon today. They all voted for a film, hot chococlate and own clothes/PJs day. And of course their cuddly friends joined us.
Well done Year 3!
How long will it take to fill the jar once more....
Year 3 - Number Chase (Maths of the Day), by Miss Jones
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 1:50pm
Year 3 played Number Chase in the hall to help practise their multiplication and division. They also used fact families to link multiplication and division and to solve tricky problems.
Year 3 Science , by Miss Jones
Date: 2nd Feb 2018 @ 1:42pm
Year 3 have been working very hard on their rocks topic in science and they would like to show you some of their most recent investigations.
The 'Choc' Cycle
To help the children understand how each different type of rock is formed, we used chocolate to speed up the rock cycle. Melted chococlate represented igneous rock being formed underground from magma and lava. We then grated the chocolate to show the effects of weathering and how rocks break up into bits of sediment. Next, we layered the different sediment on top of each other to represent the formation of sedimentary rock. Finally, we used pressure and heat from our hands and squeezed the sedimentary rock to show how metamorphic rock is formed. The children recorded their observations as we went and they were able to use the correct scientific vocabularly.
On Tuesday, the children looked at images of fossils and discovered four different types; trace fossils, body fossils, cast fossils and mold fossils. The children made excellent information posters about each fossil before making their very own mold fossil! These are currently drying out but once they are dry, the children will be able to take their fossils home.