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Y5 and 6 Samaritans visit, by Mrs Percival

Date: 4th May 2018 @ 1:32pm

Y 5 and 6 had a visit from the Samaritans today. The children discussed the importance of talking to people, listening to people and who they might talk to if they are sad, worried or upset. We also discussed how to try to stay emotionally healthy, how our emotions can vary from day to day and how we can deal with that by talking to someone, playing with friends, being with family or by exercising. 

Y5 Parachute investigation, by Mrs Percival

Date: 3rd May 2018 @ 2:29pm

Today we were investigating whether the surface area of a parachute affected the amount of time that it took for a parachute to reach the ground.

Year 4 - Poetry, by Mrs Hover

Date: 1st May 2018 @ 8:12pm

Year 4's poetry inspired by the list poem, 'I come from...' by Robert Seatter

Year 2 - Cosmic Yoga - Star Wars, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 27th Apr 2018 @ 3:06pm

Year 2 - Plants we eat!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 27th Apr 2018 @ 12:38pm

Year 2 have been looking at the different plant parts and which parts we eat.

We looked at the different types of edible plants and how they look different to help us identify which part of the plant they are from. We then visited Spar to look at the edible plants they sold in the store and even tried some at school!

I wonder whether they can identify whether the plant they are eating is the root, stem, leaf, flower, seed, a nut, grain, legume or cereal?

Year 4 - Pebble Jar Treat!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 18th Apr 2018 @ 8:51pm

The Water Horse Day

Today, Year 4 enjoyed watching 'The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep' with their snacks and cuddly toys.  They also created ink drawings of their own mythical creatures and on Monday, we will hold a 'World Meeting' to discuss whether the Loch Ness monster is real based on different evidence.

Year 2 - Pirate treasure map and walking the plank games, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Apr 2018 @ 12:16pm


Year 2 were pirates today as they guided their partner around the sharks to find the treasure using vocabulary such as; up, down, right, left, North, South, East, West.

We then developed our turning vocabulary to direct our friends walking the plank blind folded by using phrases such as; turn, clockwise, anticlockwise, whole, half, quarter and three-quarter.

I wonder whether you could create your own treasure map at home to guide your friend or family member to the treasure using movement and turning vocabulary.

Year 2 - African plantain (banana) pancakes, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 28th Mar 2018 @ 4:11pm

Year 2 were given the challenge to follow a recipe and work in a team to make pancakes.

They each selected one of the following roles to contribute towards making the pancakes.

  • mushing the bananas

  • cracking the egg

  • weighing out 150g flour

  • mixing the ingredients together

Before making the pancakes, year 2 discussed the importance of hygiene when preparing the ingredients. As the pancakes were cooking, the groups discussed why it was important to cut open the pancakes when they were cooking and hygienic methods which could be used to cool down the pancake before eating them.

All children tasted the African pancakes and most enjoyed them. I wonder whether they can recall the recipe to make them at home?

Year 2 - Sorting and grouping, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 28th Mar 2018 @ 3:58pm

Year 2 have been busy sorting and grouping objects that are alive, dead and that have never been alive. We have used the term MRS GREN to help us remember how to identify whether something has ever been alive. I wonder whether you can remember what each letter stands for at home?

We have also focused on habitats and discussed why animals are suited to their habitat.

Year 2 Maasai artwork, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 28th Mar 2018 @ 3:43pm

Year 4 - Fantastic Guitar Performance!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 26th Mar 2018 @ 8:07pm

Y5 Poetry Day, by Mrs Percival

Date: 22nd Mar 2018 @ 8:02pm

Y5 performed the poem Gran Can You Rap on Poetry Day. Great fun!

y5 Fractions, by Mrs Percival

Date: 22nd Mar 2018 @ 7:57pm

Fractious with fractions? Not in Y5!

Y5 Baking Muffins, by Mrs Percival

Date: 22nd Mar 2018 @ 7:48pm

In DT, we have been making blueberry muffins in Y5. They were delicious!

Year 3 Topic, by Miss Jones

Date: 20th Mar 2018 @ 7:44pm

Year 3 worked very hard today making their own “my maps”. We have learnt a lot about the world we live in over the last 3  lessons during our new ‘Marvellous Maps’ topic. 

The children now understand the differences between cities, counties, regions and continents. 

Active learners in Year 1 this week, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 16th Mar 2018 @ 3:55pm

We have enjoyed re-enacting The Creation Story this week. In maths we have been counting in 2s using cutting and sticking activities and sorting and counting pairs of socks to help us.

Year 4 - Inspiring people!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 14th Mar 2018 @ 7:59pm

Should animals be kept in captivity? Year 3 debate, by Miss Jones

Date: 14th Mar 2018 @ 3:17pm

The debates have been had. The opinions have been shared. 

Year 3 have been working very hard on producing persuasive posters or paragraphs to encourage people to consider whether animals should or should not be kept in captivity. The children have thought very hard about their opinion and have used evidence to decide if they are for or against zoos.  It has been wonderful to read such passionate and thought-provoking writing.  Here are just some of the fabulous persuasive pieces... 


Year 4 - Drama, by Mrs Hover

Date: 13th Mar 2018 @ 8:51pm

Today we acted out a scene from 'The Water Horse' to help us create a speech sandwich.

Year 4 - Legendary clay characters , by Mrs Hover

Date: 13th Mar 2018 @ 8:37pm

Characters from Ancient Greek Legends - The Minotaur, Prince Theseus, Princess Ariadne and Medusa

Wonderful Writing in Year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 13th Mar 2018 @ 2:35pm

What fantastic writers we are! 

Check our our new display in the classroom, showcasing our fabulous dragon inspired writing. The children enjoyed painting the dragon and volcano for our display as well as redrafting their work in their best joined up handwriting. 

Have a look at the gallery to see examples of poetry, non-chronological reports and descriptive writing. 

Should animals live in zoos? , by Miss Jones

Date: 12th Mar 2018 @ 11:31pm

Today we read an article about whether animals should be kept in zoos. We came across some tricky words so to help us learn the meanings, we played a word, pictures and definition matching game. 

Following on from our work on Komodo dragons and inspired by the books ‘Zoo’ by Anthony Browne, Year 3 have raised the question: should animals be kept in zoos? We have had lots of debate and passionate discussions around whether animals in captivity are happy or would they be happier in their natural habitat. We have been learning about the importance of valuing other people’s opinions, even if they are different to our own. We have also learnt what a balanced argument is and have looked at reasons for and against zoos. 

The children have had had some excellent discussions and have practised using debating techniques and phrases in a group and whole-class debate. This has led the children to form their own opinions about whether animals should be kept in zoos. This week, the children will practise their persuasive writing and design posters or write persuasive paragraphs to inform people about the reasons for or against animals living in captivity. 

World Book Day in Year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 12th Mar 2018 @ 11:12pm

Year 3 really enjoyed reading with the Year 6 children on World Book Day. They read to each other and shared some of their favourite books. The children’s discussions and the feedback given to one another was wonderful to hear. 

The children also enjoyed hearing a poem, story extract or a tongue twister on the hour, every hour. In the afternoon, we did an emoji quiz to try and guess the name of a well-known children’s story from emojis. They children did very well! 

Check out our gallery for some examples from the quiz and try to guess the story title. 


Y5 Fairtrade Chocolate, by Mrs Percival

Date: 9th Mar 2018 @ 2:34pm

This week, Y5 have been learning about how Fairtrade chocolate is made, from the bean to the bar. We looked at how hard the cocoa farmers have to work in Ghana to grow and harvest the beans and how Fairtrade co-operatives make sure that the farmers get a fair price for their crops.

Eggs!, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 6th Mar 2018 @ 2:47pm

Our eggs have arrived! We are very excited about the chicks hatching over the next few days.

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