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Gazebo Day 2, by Miss Jones

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 3:37pm

Today the weather was too wet to set the gazebo up outside so Year One and Jacob moved indoors. We warmed up by playing the game where the children had to clap to catch Bob the fish. We then continued to read the story and acted climbing up to the castle, going inside and meeting the giant! We were so surprised to find out that the giant was friendly. We then acted out cooking a meal from the giant to Jack. After that we climbed back down the beanstalk but it SNAPPED! The giant cried as he couldn’t get back to his castle. We then made and decorated our own leaves to put on a beanstalk.


The children have been absolute super stars and really enjoyed the last two days!

Year 4 Residential Photos!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 2:50pm

Wow! What a fantastic residential! We have done so much in two days and the children have been amazing! We tried to send some of the photos last night but we were having internet troubles.  They are all here now! Enjoy! :)

Gazebo Day, by Miss Jones

Date: 10th May 2022 @ 3:45pm

Year One have been so lucky to spend their day in this incredible gazebo with Jacob from The Storyhouse.

We began by playing a game called ‘The Finger of Doom’ to get to know everybody’s name - this was very funny as the rules kept changing. We then started to read the story of Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. We acted out walking to market - the children were fantastic at demonstrating how sad and hungry they might have felt.

We then designed our own colourful labels for a tin of baked beans which we then got to keep take home. We were also given a bean to plant in our tins once we’ve eaten up our baked beans!

Thank you passion for learning and Jacob.

Y4 Poems, by Mrs Hover

Date: 3rd May 2022 @ 9:03pm

 After studying the poem 'Windrush Child' by John Agard, we learnt more about the Windrush Generation.  We then created our own poems pretending we were going on a big journey away from home.

Y5 Golf, by Mrs Percival

Date: 3rd May 2022 @ 3:58pm

Have a look at our golf session with Mr Derbyshire today.....no wonder we won the golf tournament last week,

Y5 National Dance Day, by Mrs Percival

Date: 2nd May 2022 @ 6:10pm

We took part in a National Dance Day dance with over 4,000 children from other schools. We had great fun singing along to the song and dancing with Kelly from Amasing.

Y4's first Brass Lesson and our Raft Race!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 26th Apr 2022 @ 4:08pm

Y4 Boat making, by Mrs Hover

Date: 3rd Apr 2022 @ 6:38am

Year 4 have been making boats in different sizes and out of different materials to see which boats float the best.  After Easter we will be making mini rafts for our Year 4 raft race!

Year 2 Dragon Eyes, by Miss Jones

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 4:59pm

Year 2 have worked so hard with researching, designing and making their own dragon eyes using clay. We can't wait for them to dry out so that they can come home. 

Great work Year 2!

Y5 Amasing drumming, by Mrs Percival

Date: 21st Mar 2022 @ 11:55am

We had a great time drumming with the people from Amasing. We managed to keep some very complicated beat patterns going.

Y2 Forest School, by Miss Anders

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 3:45pm

Today Year 2 enjoyed a day of Forest school with Mr Hadfield. Luckily, the sun was shining! 

We started by looking at a range of interesting objects that Mr Hadfield had brought to show us including herbivore and carnivore skulls and different birds' nests. We listened to see if we could identify some of the birdsong in our school grounds and watched a magpie flying to and from its nest at the top of one of the trees in our school grounds.

Next we worked together to make a  'boy size' shelter using natural materials and in small groups we made 'homes' for a range of superheroes and toy figures. There were even tennis courts and hot tubs included!

Using a dragons sneeze we burned materials such as teabags and cotton wool but one of our favourite activities was toasting marshmallows by the fire pit - delicious!

Mr Hadfield finished off the day by reading the book 'The King of Tiny Things' and then we went  hunting for minibeasts. We found slugs, ladybirds, woodlice and plenty of worms! 

We all had a fantastic day learning more about our school grounds!

Gymnastics, by Miss Young

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 5:33pm

During the Spring 2 term, Year 6 have been partaking in Gymnastics sessions with the main focus being 'team work'. They've used their own body weight to support one another and also ensure they communicate effectively when problem solving. 

Evolution and Inheritance, by Miss Young

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 5:25pm

Year 6 have started to explore 'Evolution and Inheritance' in our Science lessons. 

We used our arm span as a measure of time, beginning with the Big Bang bringing us to the Present day. 

AmaSing, by Miss Young

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 5:21pm

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their first session with Asling and the opportunity to hear our song 'Just Believe', attached for you to sing along and practise at home- https://amasing.org.uk/project/just-believe/


We were then joined by Alex and James from Amasing and loved their drums workshop. 

Y5 World Book Day, by Mrs Percival

Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 12:58pm

Thank you to the PTA for our new reading books. We have been eager to start reading them

Year 4 Roman Bread and an AmaSing workshop!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 8:19pm

Today we tasted different types of bread and baked our very own Roman bread dipped in olive oil or honey.  Some children even tried olives for the first time!  

Yesterday we had a brilliant workshop with the AmaSing team where we learnt more Samba drumming and dancing!

Science Sorting!, by Miss Jones

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 2:18pm

In science we were learning about the properties of different materials and working in groups to sort them! Lots of little future scientists in making! 

Year 1 and 2 AmaSing workshop, by Miss Jones

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 9:32am

Year 1 and 2 enjoyed their AmaSing workshop this morning. We clapped and sang different rhythms and did movements to music. It was a great way to start our Monday. 

Year 2 World Book Day, by Miss Jones

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 5:16pm

We have had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day today. It was so lovely to see the children in their outfits and hear them talk about their favourite books. We enjoyed looking at each other's favourites too during Buddy Reading. The children read beautifully to each other and there was a real buzz around our classroom  the enthusiasm the children had for reading was contagious.  

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the children in Year 2 were given a box of beautiful new books by the PTA. The children have loved exploring them in small groups today. Thank you very much to all involved with the PTA. I am sure we will enjoy these books for many years to come.

The children also enjoyed taking part in a World Book Day themed quiz in small teams. They really enjoyed coming up with their own quiz team name too. We also made bookmarks to use in class. 

World Book Day with Buddies, by Miss Young

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 2:12pm

Year 6 shared their favourite books, along with recommended reads to encourage one another to pick up a book that they'd not explored before. 

We also selected an eBook from the WBD website- https://www.worldbookday.com/world-of-stories/, having read the blurbs and decided which one appealed to us. Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists and Flaming Arrorws proved the most popular. 

After lunch we visited our Reception buddies and shared our favourite books with them, before reading their favourite book aloud to them. 

World Book Day in Year 3, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 12:07pm

We are enjoying a lovely World Book Day in Year 3. The children look fabulous in their costumes- well done everybody! We have enjoyed the World Book Day song, done a Book Quiz, shared our books from home with our classmates, enjoyed our new PTA books, created a 'Book Review' or 'Wanted Poster' for our chose book/character and made some bunting to decorate our classroom. Check out some of our amazing costumes!!! 

Exciting new books in Year 3, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 11:49am

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the children in Year 3 were given a box of beautiful new books by the PTA. The children have loved exploring them today. Thank you very much to all involved  with the PTA. We will enjoy these books for many years to come.

World Book Day 2022, by Miss Jones

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 10:43am

We are having a fin time for World Book Day today! The year 1's look amazing!!!!!

Beautiful new books ready for World Book Day!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 8:42am

A big thank you to the PTA for funding our new books for our Year 4 reading area! The children will be thrilled when they are shown them during World Book Day today! :)

Musical Performance, by Miss Young

Date: 17th Feb 2022 @ 4:11pm

Year 6 have been practising their singing and glockenspeil playing to 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams. They then shared this experience with Reception who joined for a recital and were very complimentary. 

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