Year 2 World Book Day
Lesson: English
Class: Year 2 Year: 2021 - 2022
We have had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day today. It was so lovely to see the children in their outfits and hear them talk about their favourite books. We enjoyed looking at each other's favourites too during Buddy Reading. The children read beautifully to each other and there was a real buzz around our classroom the enthusiasm the children had for reading was contagious.
As part of our World Book Day celebrations, the children in Year 2 were given a box of beautiful new books by the PTA. The children have loved exploring them in small groups today. Thank you very much to all involved with the PTA. I am sure we will enjoy these books for many years to come.
The children also enjoyed taking part in a World Book Day themed quiz in small teams. They really enjoyed coming up with their own quiz team name too. We also made bookmarks to use in class.