Year 3: Gallery
Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 4, by Miss Yates
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 3:51pm
Nye and his family were very busy over the Easter holidays building a pirate ship for their garden! It is a fantastic spot for reading - as Nye is showing here :)
Nye has enjoyed reading some David Walliams recently. Here he is enjoying his book and explaining why he loves it. If you like David Walliams' books too, you can listen to some of his audiobooks here
Sam and his sister Alice have been very busy coding and earned this certificate for completing an 'hour of code' on Code Studio. Well done :)
Zoe has been working on her art making these wonderful drawings with #drawWithRob
Alice has been working hard again this week. I love her paper aeroplane!
Here is Danny's fantastic poem about the colour red. What amazing writing :)
Home learning resources from Week 3 (week beginning 20th April), by Miss Yates
Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 12:55pm
Down Behind the Dustbin - a poem written by Year 3, by Miss Yates
Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 12:16pm
Down Behind the Dustbin
A poem written by Year 3 and inspired by Michael Rosen
By Sam
By Maya
By Harry L
By Jayden
By Emily
By Elliott
By Cai
By Danny
By Nye
By Erin
By Alice
By Oliver
By Max
Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 3, by Miss Yates
Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:09pm
Maya has worked very hard today making a fantastic musical instrument from recycled objects and writing her poem out in beautiful handwriting.
Sam has produced some excellent work today too. His handwriting for his poem is very neat. Look at his creative Science work - he used his magnet action figure to check if other objects were magnetic.
Here is Alice's excellent work so far for this week. Have a look at her brilliant 'I'm bored' jar! Those activities will keep her very entertained :)
Jack W has been working hard this week and over the holidays. He made a lovely card to thank important workers and made a cartoon to show the fight against the virus.
Reuben has been very busy working on his fantastic English, helping his Dad to plant vegetables and even burying a time capsule!
Sam has made this FANTASTIC drawing of his family in the style of the 'Wimpy Kid' illustrations.
Jayden has been working really hard on his English this week. Look at his beautiful joined handwriting and fantastic illustrations :)
Danny has been very busy this week :) I love his poetry work and fantastic illustrations!
Alice has been very busy making a musical instrument out of recycled things. She also worked on some very tricky Maths with her Mum!
I love Alice's History work here. She asked some brilliant questions to find out more about what life was like for her Grandfather when he was her age.
Home learning resources from Week 2 (week beginning 30th March), by Miss Yates
Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 2:14pm
Year 3's riddles. Can you guess the animals?, by Miss Yates
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 1:42pm
Thank you for your fantastic riddles, Year 3. Can you guess which animal each poem is about?
Here is Cai's:
Here is Casper's:
Here is Christian's:
Here is Elliott's:
Here is Jack W's
Here is Alice's:
Here is Jayden's:
Here is Nye's:
Year 3's fantastic home learning - Week 2, by Miss Yates
Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 7:37pm
Sam has done lots of brilliant learning at home this week. Don't his Science experiments look exciting!
Alfie has made some lovely art work to help spread happiness from his window. He also knows A LOT of capital cities! He made this list without checking an atlas or google! Very impressive
Erin has written some lovely descriptive writing and drawn a fantastic picture looking out of one of her windows. Doesn't her trampoline look really fun!
Elliott wrote a fantastic report about pythons. I love the design on his title.
Alice has been doing lots of wonderful learning at home. I love her report about cheetahs. I really like how she had used pictures as a flap over writing. I love her letter for her history homework. She describes perfectly how we are feeling at this unusual time. Brilliant times table work too! I hope your little brother enjoyed your music lesson too, Alice
Jack W wrote a brilliant report about a rhino.
Elliott has been doing lots of reading
Sam wrote a fascinating report about Minecraft
Some more lovely work from Alice.
Nye has has a brilliant week! I think that he should wear his Joe Wicks outfit to school when we have our next pebble jar treat
Home Learning resources from week 1 (week beginning 22nd March), by Miss Yates
Date: 29th Mar 2020 @ 12:27pm
Here are all of the resources that you will need if you missed out on anything from the week beginning the 22nd March.
Year 3's fantastic home learning!, by Miss Yates
Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 11:28am
Have a read of Jack W's wonderful descriptive writing.
Excellent home learning from Alice. Look at her fantastic descriptive writing! The PE obstacle course sounds very fun too
Look at Max's wonderful home learning His rainbow is making us all feel cheerful.
Here is a lovely rainbow picture by Jayden - it makes me feel full of joy!
Here is Christian's fantastic descriptive writing with a lovely illustration.
Reuben made this fantastic obstacle course in his PE session this week.
Nye has been working hard in the cabin in his garden. What fantastic writing!
Alice's home learning is brilliant. Look at her wonderful writing and lovely rainbow picture.
Drawing Ideas to try at home, by Miss Jones
Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 6:44pm
Something to try at home....
Here are some step by step guides for turning numbers or letters into drawings.
Happy drawing!
Miss Jones
Encouraging words about each other in Y3, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 23rd Nov 2019 @ 10:35am
I RE this week we have been looking at comments in the Bible to find out what Jesus said about himself - I am the Bread of Life, I am the Good Shepherd and I am the Light of the World.
We then thought about each other and how we would describe ourselves. Our friends helped us with this. We have chosen one comment to share with you about each other. Some children used this opportunity to write about members of their family and staff at school.
Y3 comments about each other
Joel is a bundle of fun.
Jack O is rollercoaster of happiness.
Sophia is ray of friendship.
Casper is a bundle of kindness.
Niamh is a body of love.
Cai is a sparkle of friendship.
Libby is a heart of energy.
Brodie is a sparkle of joy.
Danny is a wave of happiness.
Lucie is a bubble of friendship.
Harry M is a mansion of friendship.
Oliver is a heart of friendship.
Harry L is a glass of laughter.
Max is a palace of imagination.
Elliott is a ship of hope and destiny.
Christian is a bubble of happiness.
Matilda is a house of friendship and laughter.
Jack W is a body of joy.
Sam is an ocean of imagination.
Emily is a jug of joy.
Alice is a mansion of creativity.
Jayden is a drone of imagination.
Emma is a star of respect.
Megan is a flower of happiness.
Zoe is an adventurous cloud.
Alfie is a crown of care.
Erin is a queen of intelligence.
Maya is a delicate flower ready to bloom into a glorious rainbow.
Nye is a mansion of comedy.
Reuben is a zooming basketball of triumph and intelligence.
Stone Age Workshop, by Miss Young
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 4:03pm
We loved our Stone Age workshop this morning. We explored artefacts from the Stone Age, learned what it means to be an archaeologist and enjoyed seeing what a Stone Age man might wear!
Happy Diwali, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 1st Nov 2019 @ 2:27pm
Y3 enjoyed learning about Diwali on Friday. We were involved in self-learning tasks, sharing what we had learnt with others in the class. We had a go at designing our own Rangoli patterns - which aren't as easy as they look!
Mini Makers in Y3, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 5:04pm
Year 3 have had an AMAZING day today with the Mini Makery team! We made potions, vegetable skeletons and rainforest pictures... and then ate them! Including LOADS of foods that lots of us had never tried before. The Makery team also set us the Mini Makery Rainbow Challenge - the children have taken these home and are attempting to try 55 different fruits and vegetables over the next seven days! Visit for more information on this super experience, linked with our healthy food and bodies topic in Science.
Reading surprises in Y3, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 15th Sep 2019 @ 5:32pm
Our Year 3 children are looking forward to choosing from our mystery books. Which one will they choose for us to read together next?! There are clues to help them make their choices.
Share the learning in year 3 , by Miss Jones
Date: 23rd Jul 2019 @ 2:12pm
We loved welcoming parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters to the year 3 classroom this morning to share our ancient Egypt work.
Year 3 Ness Gardens, by Miss Jones
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 8:22am
Year 3 had a wonderful time at Ness Botanical Gardens last Friday. The sun was shining and there was plenty to see. We enjoyed a tour around the gardens and looked at many beautiful plants and flowers. We even planted our our radish or bean seed to bring home and watch grow. After that, we learnt all about the life cycle of a flowering plant. The lady leading the tour was very impressed with the childrens' knowledge and understanding. Then, we did a bee hunt and explored their habitat. Did you know bees have a very important role in the reproduction of plants. We then enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch before exploring the rest of the gardens.
The children were a credit to Oldfield with their excellent behaviour, inquisitiveness and curiosity.
Thank you to Mrs Pierce, Mrs Hampson, Mrs Batchelor and Mrs Davies for coming along and helping with trip. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did.
Sports day, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd Jun 2019 @ 10:44am
Thank you to everyone who supported our Sports Day this year. It was great to see and hear the support for all the children taking part, your cheers and claps were huge motivators! The weather was fabulous and a great day was had by all.
Thank you to those who supported the PTA by purchasing raffle tickets. There were some amazing prizes - our Year 6 pupils did a great job of writing letters to companies to encourage them to donate prizes. We raised a total of £216!
Using the chrome books in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 13th Jun 2019 @ 9:21pm
Year 3 were thrilled that they got to use the new google chrome books today. We incorporated safe internet use and research skills to create a timeline of key events in ancient Egyptian times. We also used our own personal logins and talked about why we should keep passwords private.
Year 3 French breakfast , by Mrs Woodward
Date: 12th Jun 2019 @ 3:35pm
Year 3 enjoyed a French day. They had a French breakfast and tasted French pastries,crepes,brioche and baguettes,then talked about which ones they liked. Chocolate crepes were the favourite ‘Ooh la la!’
Active maths in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 7th Jun 2019 @ 6:03pm
We have enjoyed competing TWO active maths activities today. We worked in the hall and in our classroom because of the rainy weather but that did not stop us having lots of fun.
We have practised reading time on analogue clocks and we have been estimating how long something would take to do. What could you do in an hour? A minute? A second?
Year 3 Residential - Tattenhall 2019, by Miss Jones
Date: 20th May 2019 @ 7:23pm
What a brilliant time we have had!
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their first residential experience at Tattenhall last Thursday and Friday. The weather was glorious on the first day so we spend as much time as possible outside. We weaved willow to make a fish sculpture, played team building games and enjoyed bouldering in pairs. After tea, we all went on the Millennium Mile walk around Tattenhall village before spending lots of time in the adventure park. On the second day, we took part in den building and fire lighting sessions. We even roasted some sweet treats on the fire.
All of the adults involved in the trip were amazed by the children’s determination, politeness and excellent behaviour.
Thank you to Mrs Woodington, Mrs Woodward, Mr Brown and Mrs Davies for assisting with the trip.
Welcome to a new volunteer at Oldfield, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd Apr 2019 @ 1:33pm
It was lovely to welcome Gaby Hall, our new volunteer, to Oldfield this week. Gaby will be supporting children in our Year 3 class on a Friday afternoon.
Year 3 maths of the day - adding fractions, by Miss Jones
Date: 20th Mar 2019 @ 11:48am
Today in maths, we did an activity called around the world. We had to find hidden word problems in the hall and answer them in pairs. This helped us practise adding fractions that have the same denominator.
Year 3 Geography with an artistic twist , by Miss Jones
Date: 11th Feb 2019 @ 7:19pm