Year 3: Gallery
Welcome to Year 3, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 7th Sep 2020 @ 4:24pm
Year 3 have been using a range of texts over the past couple of days. We have been focusing on emotions, how to express them and how to manage them through the books 'The colour monster' and 'Snow White and the angry dwarf'. We have also looked at changes, adaptations and hygiene through the following texts 'The koala who could' and 'Blow your nose big bad wolf'.
I wonder whether the Year 3s can recall one of the texts at home?
Welcome to the Year 3 Classroom, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 2nd Sep 2020 @ 5:25pm
Year 3's home learning! Week 14 (final week), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 9:20pm
Wow! What a way to end Year 3. We had a fantastic end of year Zoom party on Thursday afternoon and Miss Yates and I loved seeing all your smiley faces. It was a real treat. The hats and decorations you made were fabulous. We thoroughly enjoyed looking at your artwork and hearing all your lovely memories. Also, what a difficult game of musical statues. You were all so good (parents as well)!
I hope you enjoyed seeing your surprise guests and are now looking forward to Year 4.
Have an incredible summer break.
Stay safe,
Mrs Harrison and Miss Yates
Home Learning Resources from Week 13 (week beginning 6th July), by Miss Yates
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 10:32pm
Year 3's home learning! Week 13 (beginning 13th July), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 10th Jul 2020 @ 9:07am
Our Superstar Year 3 class!
Mrs Hover and Mrs Leake, we hope you enjoy looking through our amazing artwork in preparation for Year 4.
This is us!
Home Learning Resources from Week 12 (beginning 29th June), by Miss Yates
Date: 4th Jul 2020 @ 1:22pm
Year 3's home learning! Week 12 (beginning 6th July), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 10:51am
Danny has used some fantastic language to describe the fairies this week. Well done Danny you have worked hard on your setting description.
Maya has written a very creative setting description and really focused on expanding her colour description by using the colour thesaurus. She has also worked extremely hard on her spellings this week. What a Superstar!
Sam has used some fantastic descriptive language this week. I particulary like his use of the words fleeing, leaps and the phrase 'depths of the cobalt blue ocean'. Brilliant work Sam!
Alice has used her imagination to write a beautiful and creative setting description. Trampolines disguised as mushrooms and purple lavender growing all around the fairy village. It sounds like a tranquil place to be right now!
Emma has created a beautiful painting for Alice and her family before they go away.
Erin has worked hard this week on her English and maths work. Superstar!
Nye has had a busy week this week achieving awards, reading books, making jam tarts, practising his spellings, solving his angle work and writing a fantastic setting description. Well done Nye.
Year 3's home learning! Week 11 (beginning 22nd June), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 11:23am
Sam has produced some fantastic home learning this week and completed a personal project inspired by his WWF magazine and rhino adoption. Can you spot his fantastic use of punctuation?
Reuben has worked hard using his comprehension and vocabulary skills to draw illustrations based on this weeks poem 'The Garden Year' by Sara Coleridge. Look at the effort he has particulary applied when drawing his lambs and pheasants.
Danny has used his and comprehension and vocabulary skills to investigate the poem 'The Garden Year' by Sara Coleridge. Look at all the new words he has learnt this week!
This week, Alice has worked hard to continue developing her understanding of angles in her maths and vocabulary through a poem in her English home learning. Look at how beautifully neat her handwriting is!
Nye has baked a beautiful apple crumble this week, yum! He successfully completed a 100K bike ride raising ALOT of money for Chester Zoo. What an incredible achievement Nye. Well done. I'm sure your Year 3 classmates, as well as the rest of the school, will feel really proud of you as it's a place close to alot of our hearts.
Home Learning Resources from Week 11 (beginning 22nd June), by Miss Yates
Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 6:13pm
Year 3's home learning! Week 10 (beginning 15th June), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 20th Jun 2020 @ 11:06pm
This week Year 3 have been designing their own robots thinking about their appearance, purpose, functions and commands. Read below to find out more about their impressive inventions!
Alice and Toby the robot
Christian and Bot the robot
Maya and Snugglebot35 the robot
Nye and 90K20 the robot
Reuben and RM - 2M the robot
Sam and Bleepy the robot
Jack W and HPS Hero the robot
Erin and Fender 101 the robot
Danny and Bobby the robot
Home Learning Resources from Week 10 (beginning 15th June), by Miss Yates
Date: 20th Jun 2020 @ 9:04pm
Year 3's home learning! Week 9 (beginning 8th June), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 12:26pm
This week, Year 3 have chose, researched and had fun with a new word! Check out their posters below. Are there any new words you have not heard of before?
Biased by Zoe
Hippogriff by Maya
Reconciliation by Reuben
Ambivalent by Nye
Cantaloupe by Harry L
Kindred by Erin
Exceptional by Elliott
Satisfactory by Cai
Elongated by Alfie
Nanoplastic by Alice
Hydrangea by Jack W
Gratitude by Oliver
Contagious by Danny
Alongside Year 3's exceptional word searching skills, they have also completed many maths and cross-curricular activities. See the photographs below.
Home Learning Resources from Week 9 (beginning 8th June), by Miss Yates
Date: 13th Jun 2020 @ 11:14am
Year 3's home learning! Week 8 (beginning 1st June), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 6th Jun 2020 @ 5:11pm
What crazy weather we've had this week!
Here are some photographs of the Year 3 Superstars hard at work. Please continue to email us with your brilliant home learning. We love to celebrate and share your achievements.
This week...
Harry L has used his incredible typing skills to write his diary from the perspective of his lego figure, Zac. We're so glad he has used the Year 3 class recipe book to try some extra baking at home and it looks like Zac enjoyed his art class.
Erin has written a fantastic letter using her brilliant typing skills. It sounds like Pug the cushion, Erin and Zarlah all had a fun filled day and It's lovely to hear that reading the David Walliams book made them both feel relaxed.
Maya chose to write in role as Lottie the Lemon this week and what a fabulous day it looks like she had! Maya also created a Harry Potter board game, experimented doing the chocolate rock cycle and 'travelled' to China. As you can see she dressed up for the occasion, surrounded herself with pandas, a Chinese dragon and animals from each of the Chinese Years. She even cooked a Chinese stir-fry and noodles for dinner followed by a traditional tea ceremony. What an incredible 'trip' to China she had!
Sam has used his fantastic typing skills this week and wrote a diary entry in the role of Duckbill-Docus. It sounds like he had a tough day but I do love the use of emojis to emphasis the emotions he went through! He has also been working hard on his subtraction, using Code Studio and entering a Blue Peter competition. Super Star!
Jack W has typed up an amazing diary entry! He has clearly planned it thoroughly with lots of detail. Can you guess whose point of view Jack has written the diary from? He has also created a collage using a photograph of his face, challenged himself to complete the maths challenges and created a fantastic handimal of a monkey! Well done Jack.
As well this week, Alice has written a beautiful diary entry from her baby Totto, created a butterfly handprint, developed her French speaking skills, challenged herself in maths and completed the 30 Day Wild activities. It looks like she's had a fun-filled week!
Danny has used his artistic skills this week to create some flower sketches, bake some banana loaf and design Bubbly. Bubbly is the character in the photograph below and who Danny wrote his diary entry in the perspective of. Well done Danny.
Megan has chose to write her diary entry involving Paul the potato. She clearly put a lot of effort into typing up her diary entry. Well done.
Oliver has been on lots of adventures recently and has written a fantastic diary entry written by Pikachu. A familiar character to a lot of Year 3! Oliver has used some brilliant description!
Alfie has been a superstar baker these past couple of weeks! He has been baking delicious cakes with his mum, going on some lovely walks in Christleton, Sandy Lane and on the River Dee meadows and setting geography challenges in his family quizzes. He has wrote a detailed diary entry as a tennis ball. It sounds like they both had a fabulous day at the beach! Well done Aflie. Superstar effort!
Nye chose to write his diary entry from the perspective of an orange named Ted! Both Nye and Ted recommend the set of books 'Kid Normal' by Greg James and Chris Smith. Have you read them before? Nye and his family have also been visiting the new 'Little Free Library' in Vicars Cross. Have you spotted it on your walks?
Before half term, Nye wrote a letter to his Nan as well as myself. I'm sure his Nan would have loved receiving her letter as much as I did. He achieved 10/10 in his spelling test; learnt how to make eggy bread during his Cubs Zoom; participated in a world record breaking drawing attempt; challenged himself completing his maths challenges; cycled and relaxed in the paddling pool and completed a challenge set by his Gramma by choosing his favourite old building in Chester based on its interesting features.
Home Learning Resources from Week 7 (beginning 18th May), by Miss Yates
Date: 23rd May 2020 @ 10:28am
Year 3's home learning! Week 7 (beginning 18th May), by Mrs Harrison
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 2:12pm
Sam has a written a lovely letter to his friend with some fantastic questions! I can imagine Elliott will have a big smile on his face when receiving it.
Harry L has written a fantastic response to Mrs Harrison's letter and created some VE art work. I bet you learnt alot from observing the caterpillar in your garden!
Brodie has used her beautiful handwriting to write a letter informing Mrs Harrison about her yummy flapjacks, colourful painting and six teeth! I can't believe you have lost so many. We thoroughly enjoyed creating the 'You've got a friend in me' video and we are glad you enjoyed it too.
Danny has been working very hard over the past couple of weeks. He has drawn a fantastic self-portrait, created a book review, wrote a letter in response to Mrs Harrison's, researched London and completed some fantastic maths work. Well done Danny!
I can picture the smile on Reuben's friends face when receiving and reading this beautiful letter. What a lovely friend you are Reuben! It is good to hear that you have been keeping yourself busy with different activites.
Mrs Harrison and Nuala are extremely pleased to have recieved this letter from Erin. How lovely to hear about her new dog which I'm sure she has been having many adventures with.
Here is a letter written by Jack W to his Grandad about how well he and his brothers are doing. It sounds like they have been having lots of fun! Jack also wrote Miss Yates a lovely kindness note which put an extra smile on her face. What a Superstar you are!
Maya has written a beautiful and honest letter in response to Mrs Harrison's letter. It sounds like she has made the most of the outdoors and even created a zipline for her Barbie to travel down from the loft! She has created some fantastic Egyptian artwork which must have taken alot of patience and precision. Well done.
It was lovely to read so many of your letters written to your friends and in response to Mrs Harrison's. We are so glad that you are enjoying your home learning and have been enjoying the outdoors.
Wishing you all a safe and fun half term,
Mrs Harrison and Miss Yates
Home Learning Resources from Week 6 (beginning 11th May), by Miss Yates
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 5:05pm
Lovely Lockdown Recipes - a Year 3 cookbook :), by Miss Yates
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 4:17pm
Lovely Lockdown Recipes - a cookbook by Year 3 :)
Alice's Chocolate Cake
Cai's Crisp Sandwich
Christian's Fridge Cake
Reuben's Flack-Jacks
Harry L's Banana Bread
Jack W's Flapjacks
Max's Hot Chocolate
Megan's Egg Sandwich
Sam's Tacos
Brodie's Flapjacks
Erin's bowl of cereal
Nye's Courgette Fritters
Elliott's Warm Milk (or Hot Chocolate!)
Jayden's Brownies
Casper's Marshmallow Crispie Cakes
Oliver's Rainbow Cheesecake
Danny's Custard Tart
Maya's Veggie Delight
Emily's Flapjacks
Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 6 (beginning 11th May), by Miss Yates
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:59pm
Emily invented a very creative piplink. Have a read of her fantastic writing and look how beautiful her handwriting is!
Jack W and Reuben both designed fantastic posters for their Geography work this work. They both make me want to visit London when we are able to travel again.
Max created a very imaginative piplink.
Sam made a really cool robot!
Nye has been very busy organising his books into alphabetical order, learning to skate board, baking, beatboxing and even trying the crossword in the Guardian!
Home learning resources from Week 5 (beginning Monday 4th May), by Miss Yates
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 3:33pm
Year 3's fantastic home learning! Week 5 (week beginning 4th May), by Miss Yates
Date: 5th May 2020 @ 2:01pm
Oliver has been very busy at home cooking, looking after his pets, reading, playing with his family and has even made a beautiful ice egg! Fantastic work, Oliver!
Nye has also been very busy working on some independent projects. He has been learning about border collies, researching the history of football, camping out in his garden and of course doing lots of reading. It looks like such fun, Nye!
Reuben has created a very imaginative piplink :) He also has invented a pokemon game! Reuben, you'll have to teach us all how to play it when we are back in school.
Have a read of Christian's excellent writing about his piplink.
Danny made a union jack to celebrate VE day and has written some fantastic and creative writing this week.
Jack W created a very imaginative piplink! What brilliant writing, Jack!
Home learning resources from Week 4 (week beginning 26th April), by Miss Yates
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 3:09pm
Colour poems, by Miss Yates
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 2:33pm
Well done Year 3 - these poems are fantastic!
By Alfie:
By Jack W:
By Harry L:
By Reuben:
By Jayden:
By Alice:
By Elliott:
By Sam:
By Erin:
By Christian:
By Emily:
By Max:
Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:56am
Hi LKS2,
we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July bulletin to view. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads.
Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)