Year 3's fantastic home learning - Week 2

Class: Year 3 Year: 2019 - 2020

Sam has done lots of brilliant learning at home this week. Don't his Science experiments look exciting!

Alfie has made some lovely art work to help spread happiness from his window. He also knows A LOT of capital cities! He made this list without checking an atlas or google! Very impressive smiley

Erin has written some lovely descriptive writing and drawn a fantastic picture looking out of one of her windows. Doesn't her trampoline look really fun!

Elliott wrote a fantastic report about pythons. I love the design on his title.

Alice has been doing lots of wonderful learning at home. I love her report about cheetahs. I really like how she had used pictures as a flap over writing. I love her letter for her history homework. She describes perfectly how we are feeling at this unusual time. Brilliant times table work too! I hope your little brother enjoyed your music lesson too, Alice smiley

Jack W wrote a brilliant report about a rhino.

Elliott has been doing lots of reading smiley

Sam wrote a fascinating report about Minecraft smiley

Some more lovely work from Alice. 

Nye has has a brilliant week! I think that he should wear his Joe Wicks outfit to school when we have our next pebble jar treat smiley

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