Year 3: Gallery

Year 3 Science - What is soil made up of?, by Miss Jones

Date: 8th May 2017 @ 5:12pm

On Friday, Year 3 ventured outside for their science lesson. We were learning about rocks and soils and wanted to know what soil was made up of. To help us, Miss Jones hid clue cards outside on the playground. The children had to then find out what was in soil and why it was important. The children were amazed to find out that soil had clay, silt, organic matter, water, sand, air and animals in it! 

Welcome to Paige Sanders from the University of Chester, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 27th Mar 2017 @ 8:58am

Welcome to Paige Sanders from the University of Chester. Paige is a final year student who is completing her enrichment placement with us this week. She is looking forward to supporting in Year 3 and Year 4.

The 'Choc' Cycle - Year 3 Science, by Miss Jones

Date: 22nd Mar 2017 @ 8:51pm

We had lots of fun today in science. We were learning about the rock cycle and used chocolate to help us understand how the three different types of rocks are formed. Here is what we found out: 

The melted chocolate represented the molten rock or magma that is turns to lava when a volcano erupts. When lava cools, it forms igneous rocks. 

Grating the chocolate igneous rocks represented the process of weathering where rivers and the weather break up rocks into bits of sediment. 

We layered the 'sediment' and put pressure on the top to show how sedimentary rocks are formed. 

When this set, we cut it open to reveal the layers inside. 

Finally, we took some of the sedimentary rock and squeezed it in our hands to represent the amount of pressure and heat needed to turn a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock. 

Using chocolate really helped us understand the different stages to the rock cycle ☺️

Y3 French , by Mrs Bailey

Date: 14th Mar 2017 @ 4:17pm

Y3 had fun learning French this week. We enjoyed learning the alphabet and used the following links to help us:


End of term in year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 24th Dec 2016 @ 7:55pm

We had a brilliant last day in year 3. We did Christmas arts and crafts, activities and played party games.

Merry Christmas everyone.  

Christmas Carols at Waitrose (Y3), by Miss Jones

Date: 9th Dec 2016 @ 2:00pm

On Friday 9th December, the Year 3 children walked to Waitrose and bravely performed some of their favourite Christmas songs. The sung beautifully to the big audience who had gathered inside the store. They performed for an hour and then had a little snack at the juice bar. Mrs Davies and Miss Jones were very impressed with the children's behaviour when walking along the canal and when inside the store. They really were a credit to the school. 

Thank you to Jude's mum, Vinny's mum, Amelia's mum and Erin's mum for helping us. Also, a very special thanks must go to Mrs Davies who has helped the children perfect their performance every Wednesday over the past few weeks.


Miss Jones.

Golden Time in Year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 27th Nov 2016 @ 1:28pm

The children worked really hard this week to earn their golden time on Friday. There were lots of fun activities happening.  The children were drawing, making friendship bracelets, building Lego models and even pretending to be Miss Jones, recreating this week's maths lessons!

Anti-bullying Week in Year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 23rd Nov 2016 @ 10:14pm

Check out the gallery to see what we have been up to during Anti-bullying Week...

Art and Design Technology in year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 15th Nov 2016 @ 9:49pm

Year 3 have been very busy over the last week. We have been working on sketching Stone Age weapons and tools using different pencil tones and textures. We then designed our own tool ready to make using bamboo canes, string and stones. The children experimented with different fixing techniques.  They particularly enjoyed using the hacksaws to cut their handles to the correct length. 

Then the children had a go at creating their own cave art style picture using tea stained paper and oil pastels.  They have worked very hard to make items for our display. Watch this space to see the finished display.... 

Work experience students from Christleton High School, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 24th Oct 2016 @ 9:49am

We welcome Alice Matthews and Jasmine Peers back to Oldfield this week! Alice and Jasmine both attended Oldfield themselves so it is lovely to welcome them back and support them as part of their work experience with Christleton High School. We are looking forward to working with them and hope they enjoy their week.

Meet the Sugar Detectives, by Miss Jones

Date: 5th Oct 2016 @ 5:06pm

Think Before You Drink!

Did you know that children should have no more than 24g of sugar per day?

Following our visit to Tesco last week, we decided to investigate just how much sugar there is in our favourite drinks. We read the nutritional information to find out the sugar content in grams. Then we weighed out the amount in real sugar. We were surprised by the amount of sugar in apple juice and fruit smoothies because we predicted they would be healthier. Did you know apple juice can have up to 11g of sugar per 100ml?  

Here is what we found out: least to most amount of sugar per bottle 


Water - 0g

Fanta - 17g

Fruit Smoothie - 26g

Coke - 27g

Chocolate Milk - 28g

Ribena - 29g

Vimto - 29g

Volvic Fruit Water - 31g

7up - 36g

Apple Juice - 44g

Lucozade - 48g



Can I cook and eat like a Stone Age man? , by Miss Jones

Date: 3rd Oct 2016 @ 8:37pm

We have been busy bees in year 3 this afternoon. As part of our topic, from Stone Age to Iron Age, we prepared and cooked stewed fruit with hazelnuts and honeycomb. We followed a Stone Age recipe; carefully measuring all of the ingredients before slowly stewing the fruit.  Thank you to Mrs Hilsden for cooking with us. Tomorrow we will taste our creations and evaluate our finished product.  

European Day of Languages, by Miss Jones

Date: 29th Sep 2016 @ 6:27pm

On Monday we celebrated European Languages Day. We are very lucky to have people in the class who can speak different languages. We learnt how to say hello/goodbye, tell someone our name and count to ten, in 4 different languages. Katie taught us in Slovakian, Zofia taught us in Polish, Lindsay taught us in French and Miss Jones taught us in Welsh. 

First week in year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 14th Sep 2016 @ 8:37pm

What a busy week it has been!

The children have settled into year 3 really well and have enjoyed their first week in KS2. They have had a treasure hunt around the classroom to explore their new environment. They also enjoyed having a 'walk and talk' summer holiday catch up. On Thursday we had an 'all about me' theme to the day and learnt a lot about one another in literacy, maths and circle time. We have also been very creative and have had a go at ink blowing and self-portrait sketching. The children's art work will go on display soon so keep your eyes peeled ... 

Year 3 maths , by Miss Jones

Date: 9th Jul 2016 @ 7:12pm

On Thursday the children were busy designing and making their own board games to help them practise their mental addition and subtraction. Afterwards, they played their games with partners and gave each other feedback on their designs.  Check out the gallery to see some examples 

What fabulous homework!, by Miss Jones

Date: 29th Jun 2016 @ 1:27pm

I am so proud of the children this week. Their homework was to create an information poster or booklet to show all of the new facts they learnt during the explorer trail at Chester Zoo. They have used their super ICT skills and amazing art skills. Check out the gallery to see their fabulous work... 

Year 3 - Chester Zoo 🐘, by Miss Jones

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 6:57pm

We really enjoyed being explorers at Chester Zoo today and we found out lots of fascinating facts during our explorer trail. Thank you to Mrs Ashford, Mrs Flint, Mr Jones and Mrs Kelly for helping us find our way around the zoo. Well done to all of the children for their fabulous behaviour on the bus and around the zoo.  

Check out our gallery... 

Golden Time in Year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 17th Jun 2016 @ 4:02pm

We work very hard during the week to earn our Golden Time on Fridays. Here are just some of the activities we have got up to over the past few weeks......

The "Choc" Cycle , by Miss Jones

Date: 17th Jun 2016 @ 3:54pm

This half term in science we are continuing to focus on rocks. This week we have been very busy exploring the three different types of rock and the rock cycle. On Tuesday, we designed information posters for the three different types of rocks. On Friday, we investigated the rock cycle using chocolate - the "choc" cycle. Check out the gallery to see more...

Y3 Tattenhall , by Mr Brown

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 11:47am

We have had a great day today (Thursday). We started with a walk around Tattenhall. After lunch we attempted some very tricky Problem Solving and Team Activities with Adam. Mr Brown, Mrs Holmes and Mrs Davies were very impressed with the team work.

After tea we went on the Milennium Trail and played at the park. We finished the day with hot chocolate, supper and a movie.


We had a great breakfast before Bushcraft with Adam. We found out how to tie different knots and made shelters. 

We celebrated Cameron's birthday with cake and juice. (Thank you Mrs S).


Y1 and Y3 Outdoor Maths, by Miss Lynch

Date: 17th May 2016 @ 12:54pm

Y1 really enjoyed working with the Y3 children today. The behaviour was excellent across both classes and they enjoyed doing a Fraction treasure hunt outside. Y3 were fantastic at supporting the younger children- great team work everybody! :)

World Book Day in Year 3, by Miss Jones

Date: 3rd Mar 2016 @ 5:10pm

We have had a brilliant day celebrating World Book Day in year 3. We started the day looking through a variety of different books hunting for certain feature and word types. Next we took part in the book swap and all came away with a new book for the shelf.  Then we visited the library for a story and brought another book away with us. After lunch we all made a bookmark to use in our new books. We ended the day with a World Book Day themed quiz. Well done to the 'Dream Team' who came first in the quiz.   

Year 3 Maths of the Day - fun with fractions, by Miss Jones

Date: 3rd Mar 2016 @ 5:05pm

The children really enjoyed this weeks Maths of the Day. They had to work as a team to answer 6 fraction problems and then quickly add the answers together. Well done to the rectangles who came first as a team! 

Year 3 friction experiment, by Miss Jones

Date: 1st Mar 2016 @ 11:46pm

Today in science the chlidren were learning all about the force, friction. We carried out an experiment to test how different surfaces create different amounts of friction. We found out that the rougher or bumpier a surface, the more friction is created and the smoother a surface, the less friction is created. This means that a toy car moves quicker along smoother surfaces such as tin foil, and slower on a more bumpy surface like bubble wrap. 


Year 3 inventing our own dragons!, by Miss Jones

Date: 1st Mar 2016 @ 11:42pm

Today in literacy the children used their fantastic imaginations to invent and design their very own imaginary dragon. There were many different types of dragons with lots of special abilities. From a terrifying red and black fire breather, to a multi-coloured rainbow dragon that breathes happiness!


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