Year 3: Gallery
Year 3 No chairs spelling lesson, by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 5:08pm
We have enjoyed Maths of the Day activities so much this term, that we had the idea to try the activities in other subjects. On Thursday, the children enjoyed a 'no chairs or tables' SPAG lesson. In pairs, we had to move around the classroom, looking for hints and clues for this week's spelling words. When we found a clue, we had try our best to spell the word correctly. The spelling pattern we worked on this week was the /u/ sound spelt 'ou'.
Maths of the Day in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jan 2018 @ 1:56pm
I am so impressed with how well the children are doing with their times tables! They have enjoyed playing lots of games and doing Maths of the Day activities to learn the 3 and 4 times tables.
On Thursday, the children did Maths of the Day and played a game called Networking Numbers. The children worked together in pairs to solve timestable problems. For each question, they had to work with someone new. The chlidren loved doing their maths work standing up for a change!
On Friday, the children did circuit training with a twist. As they moved around the classroom, they had to complete a different 4 times table activity at each table.
For homework last week, the children created their own 3x table board game. I was so impressed with all of the different gamed the children has invented. Everyone enjoyed learning the rules and playing each other's game. What a busy week we have had!
Challenge: If you would like to practise at home. Hit the Button is a fantastic game for practising times tables.
Christmas in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 29th Dec 2017 @ 5:34pm
Design Technology in Year 3: Stone Age Tools and Weapons, by Miss Jones
Date: 12th Dec 2017 @ 1:42pm
Year 3 have had a very busy morning today.
In Topic, we have been learning about how Stone Age people made their own tools and weapons. Our mission was to design and make our very own weapon or tool inspired by what we had learnt so far.
The children have designed and made their very own Stone Age weapon or tool, in pairs. Everyone produced some fantastic designs and had wonderful ideas. Everyones has clearly learnt a lot during our topic lessons. At the end of the session, the children evaluated their final product. Here are our final products.....
Maths of the Day - Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 21st Nov 2017 @ 5:48pm
The children completed an around the world maths of the day activity today to help them practise their favourite method for mental addition.
Anti-Bullying Week (Year 3) , by Miss Jones
Date: 21st Nov 2017 @ 5:45pm
Anti-bullying Week – Monday 13th– Friday 17th November 2017
During the week we did lots of activities to become more aware of the effect of bullying. We learnt the different types of bullying and what this might look like. The children used toothpaste to help them understand that once we have said something, we cannot take it back. Just like once we have squeezed the toothpaste out of the tube, we cannot get it all back in!
We also talked about how hurtful comments can upset people and why we should treat people how we want to be treated ourselves. We used two apples to help show this. An apple we said nice things too looked lovely when we cut it open. However, the apple we said unkind things to was bruised and brown on the inside when cut. This shows how hurtful comments can be to someone's feelings on the inside.
We also watched a video called 'for the birds' where a bird was left out by other small birds because he looked different. The children considered big birds thoughts and feelings when this happened. They also had advice for big bird and anyone else who might be being bullied. Check out our gallery....
Year 3's Stone Age Visitor , by Miss Jones
Date: 21st Nov 2017 @ 3:16pm
What an exciting day Year 3 have had today! We took part in a Stone Age workshop led by Mr and Mrs Trevor, as part of our topic work. We even had a Stone Age visitor!
The children looked at artefacts and made predictions during their historical enquiry. They also sketched some of their favourite tools and weapons. Halfway through the workshop, we were joined by a Stone Age Man who was dressed from head to toe in animal skin/fur! We were able to ask him lots of questions such as how he made his clothes and tools and why he wore a necklace made from shells.
The children enjoyed answering lots of questions using what they already knew about life in Stone Age Britain. Mrs Trevor said that she really enjoyed working with the children from Oldfield because they had clearly listened well and learnt a lot during lessons.
Miss Jones, Mrs Jenson and Mrs Wood were very proud of the children's questions, answers and their behaviour.
Check out our gallery....
Stone Age Cooking in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 6th Nov 2017 @ 4:37pm
Year 3 have been getting busy in the kitchen and followed a Stone Age recipe for stewed fruit. We used lots of cooking skills and enjoyed making the Stone Age inspired dish, We talked about how people in the Stone Age would hunt and gather their own food. The next day we tasted our dishes and wrote a set of instructions for someone else to make it. We also evaluated our dish, thinking abouts its taste, smell and appearance and what we would do differently next time.
Some of the children asked for the recipe so I have uploaded it to the Files section.
Happy cooking!
Year 3 Visit to Tesco, by Miss Jones
Date: 11th Oct 2017 @ 10:41pm
What a fabulous time we have had at Tesco! Have a look at our gallery to see what we got up to.
As part of our science topic, Year 3 visited the Tesco store in Chester and took part in a Farm to Fork Trail. They learnt about the importance of healthy eating and how we can make healthy good choices. First, the children took part in a fruit and vegetable colour hunt. Then, we visited the sugar aisle to learn where sugar comes from and how much we should eat in a day. Did you know children should have no more than 6 cubes of sugar and adults should have no more than 7?
After that, we went in the warehouse and tasted lots of healthy snacks that we could haveto reduce the amount of sugar we eat. We tasted prunes, wraps, carrot sticks, cucumber, cream cheese, sunflower seeds and tzatziki. Next, the children visited the cereal aisle so that they could predict and measure the amount of sugar in some of our favourite cereals. We were shocked to see so much sugar in most of the cereals. Finally, we used selected some low sugar ingredients to make our own breakfast cereal to take home.
Thank you to Mrs Jenson, Mrs Wood, Clive's mum, Abby's mum and Liam's mum for coming along and helping with our visit.
3D shape building in year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 13th Jul 2017 @ 7:22pm
In maths we have been looking at 3D shape. We used cocktail sticks and clay to make various 3D shapes. We talked about how shapes with curved edges wouldn't be possible to build using straight cocktail sticks. Then we labelled them and explained their properties. After, we used our shapes to solve shape riddles.
Egyptian Death Masks , by Miss Jones
Date: 13th Jul 2017 @ 7:05pm
We have had a very busy week so far in year 3. We have started to make Egyptian death masks based on our own design. Here is how they look so far...
Thanks you to all the parents who have supported with finding materials for the children to use.
How does water travel around a plant? Yr 3 science , by Miss Jones
Date: 4th Jul 2017 @ 3:15pm
Today we set up an experiment to see how water is transported around a plant. We put white roses in water with dye. Within an hour they had completely changed colour! This shows how the stem carries water to the rest of a plant. We decided it was like a straw. Check out the gallery to see the flowers change....
Movie time in year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 30th Jun 2017 @ 1:43pm
Year 3 have really enjoyed wearing their pyjamas and bringing their teddies to school today. This afternoon, we enjoyed watching Spy Kids 3 with popcorn and a hot chocolate.
Well done done on filling your pebble jar boys and girls.
Miss Jones.
Ness Gardens (year 3) more added, by Miss Jones
Date: 26th Jun 2017 @ 7:50pm
We have had a wonderful time at Ness Gardens today. We had a fabulous tour of the Gardens and even saw a banana tree! Afterwards, we dissected a flower and talked about each part's important role in pollination. We also searched for different species of bee and did a mini beast hunt. We found a young toad, baby frogs, earwigs, a mosquito, woodlice and spiders. When it was time for lunch, we enjoyed a picnic on the grass. In the afternoon, we had explored the Gardens further and even got a chance to play in the play area.
The children asked excellent questions today and listened brilliantly to our guide, Rose. She even commended the children on how much they already knew about plants. I was so proud of the children today and gave them all 2 stickers on their sticker charts.
Thank you you to Mrs Holmes, Mrs Ruston, Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Evans for coming along with us. Your support was really appreciated and we hope you enjoyed the Gardens as much as we did.
Check out our gallery....
Miss Jones.
Year 3 Science - What will my plant need to help it grow?, by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jun 2017 @ 3:25pm
Today in science, we planted our own flowering plant. We talked about everything a plant needs to help it grown into a strong and healthy plant. We will be sure to keep it in a warm place with lots of sunlight and we will water it everyday. Keep an eye out in the gallery for updates on how our plants are growing....
Angle Eaters in Year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jun 2017 @ 3:04pm
Today in maths we were learning about right angles. To help us identify right angles in and around the classroom, we made our very own angle eater. They are very fussy and will only eat right angles. Check out our gallery to see the different places we found right angles.
Year 3 Science - What is a shadow? , by Miss Jones
Date: 14th Jun 2017 @ 3:43pm
Year 3 have had such a busy day today, investigating what shadows are. We started by striking a pose outside to see what happens when our bodies block the light.
Then we combined science, DT and literacy for a shadow investigation. We wanted to understand how shadows are formed so we decided to make the different characters (Rhodopis, pirates and the servants) and settings (pyramids, pirate ship, palm trees) from the opening of the Egyptian Cinderella. We then performed the opening in our colour groups. Thank you to year 1 for letting us borrow your classroom so we had a light source (projector) and a screen to perform on.
We had lots of fun designing, constructing and acting with our puppets. Check out our gallery for today...
Year 3 Homework Heros, by Miss Jones
Date: 17th May 2017 @ 5:10pm
I have really loved seeing all of your lovely homework this week. Well done everyone!
As part of our science topic, light, the children we asked to research the benefits/dangers of the sun and how we can stay safe. They presented their research in the form of mindmaps, leaflets, posters, word processed work, write ups and collages.
Check out our gallery of work...
Year 3 Tattenhall, by Miss Jones
Date: 15th May 2017 @ 6:13pm
Year 3 have arrived and are all settled in at Tattenhall. We have had lots of fun already; inside and outdoors. This afternoon, we enjoyed outdoor team building games and orienteering. We have just finished our dinner and jelly and will be setting off on our Millenium Mile walk shortly.
Year 3 Science - Why do we need light to see things?, by Miss Jones
Date: 8th May 2017 @ 5:16pm
Today in science, we started out new topic; light and dark. We wanted to investigate the question, why do we need light to see things? We found out about different light sources and how they helped us to see things by producing light. We even did an experiment to test whether we could see things without a light source. We tried to identify objects in dark, feely bags. We concluded that we could only tell what the objects were when we opened the bag and let a light source in.
Year 3 Science - What is soil made up of?, by Miss Jones
Date: 8th May 2017 @ 5:12pm
On Friday, Year 3 ventured outside for their science lesson. We were learning about rocks and soils and wanted to know what soil was made up of. To help us, Miss Jones hid clue cards outside on the playground. The children had to then find out what was in soil and why it was important. The children were amazed to find out that soil had clay, silt, organic matter, water, sand, air and animals in it!
Welcome to Paige Sanders from the University of Chester, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 27th Mar 2017 @ 8:58am
Welcome to Paige Sanders from the University of Chester. Paige is a final year student who is completing her enrichment placement with us this week. She is looking forward to supporting in Year 3 and Year 4.
The 'Choc' Cycle - Year 3 Science, by Miss Jones
Date: 22nd Mar 2017 @ 8:51pm
We had lots of fun today in science. We were learning about the rock cycle and used chocolate to help us understand how the three different types of rocks are formed. Here is what we found out:
The melted chocolate represented the molten rock or magma that is turns to lava when a volcano erupts. When lava cools, it forms igneous rocks.
Grating the chocolate igneous rocks represented the process of weathering where rivers and the weather break up rocks into bits of sediment.
We layered the 'sediment' and put pressure on the top to show how sedimentary rocks are formed.
When this set, we cut it open to reveal the layers inside.
Finally, we took some of the sedimentary rock and squeezed it in our hands to represent the amount of pressure and heat needed to turn a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock.
Using chocolate really helped us understand the different stages to the rock cycle ☺️
Y3 French , by Mrs Bailey
Date: 14th Mar 2017 @ 4:17pm
Y3 had fun learning French this week. We enjoyed learning the alphabet and used the following links to help us:
End of term in year 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 24th Dec 2016 @ 7:55pm
We had a brilliant last day in year 3. We did Christmas arts and crafts, activities and played party games.
Merry Christmas everyone.