Year 2: Gallery

Year 2 - Jump high little dolphin you are safe now, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 21st Dec 2017 @ 7:38am

As a class, Year 2 researched, presented and voted for the animal which they felt needed their help the most.

We used the information provided on the WWF website to inform us of all those endangered animals.

Year 2 couldn’t believe how many there were and the reasons behind them becoming endangered. 


From the votes, it came about that we would adopt a dolphin for our Christmas gift. 

They thoroughly enjoyed unwrapping their present today to find lots of information about the dolphins as well as a certificate for each child.

The class will continue to develop their understanding of animal conservation in the Spring term. 


Jump high little dolphin you are safe now!

Year 2 - our mischievous Elf!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 21st Dec 2017 @ 7:22am

Year 2 editing their stories, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 9:57am

Year 2 worked with a partner to circulate around the editing stations to improve their own versions of 'The dragon machine'. What helpful friends they have!

Year 2 - Our Tudor and present-day houses!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 8th Dec 2017 @ 2:07pm

Wow! This week we finished making our Tudor and present-day houses! We particularly love how unique each one is! What a creative bunch we are!

Year 2 Multiskills, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 1st Dec 2017 @ 4:14pm

Year 2 Pebble Jar Treat, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 16th Nov 2017 @ 4:55pm

Year 2 Detective work - The Great Fire of London, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 6th Nov 2017 @ 4:59pm

Due to their fantastic investigative skills, Year 2 have been asked to research the Great Fire of London and answer the question...

Should the Great Fire of London have happened?

We were all very excited this morning when we received a parcel from the 'police'. We even paused our English lesson! The parcel included witness statements, maps, paintings, tax forms, newspaper articles and much more!

We are all really excited about investigating the Great Fire of London further and becoming great detectives.

Bonjour from Year 2, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 25th Oct 2017 @ 2:31pm

Year 2 have been extremly lucky this week as Mr Smith (Ava's Dad) has very kindly come in and taught us a French lesson based on greetings.

The class have learnt how to ask 'How are you?' and how to answer the question using the following phrases in French...


Year 2 - Chester Zoo ranger surprise!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 6th Oct 2017 @ 4:01pm

Year 2 had a fantastic surprise on Wednesday. A Chester Zoo ranger came in to talk with them about African animals.

They used their prior knowledge of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores to differentiate between animals which live in Africa. 

Did you know that every mango has been passed through an elephants digestive system at some point in time.

Year 2 Music - "Hey you! What you gonna do?", by Mrs Harrison

Date: 6th Oct 2017 @ 3:51pm

Year 2 have been using their creative skills to change elements of the song "Hey you! What you gonna do?"


The class have had the opportunity to develop their rapping and singing skills as well as developing their ability to play the glockenspiel. 


We have some rock stars in this class for sure!

Year 2 Trip to Underwater Street Imagine That!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 21st Sep 2017 @ 4:16pm

Year 2 had a fantastic time at 'Underwater Street Imagine That!' in Liverpool today. 

They explored the imagination village where we were able to become and play different roles in restaurants, hair salons, vets, on and back stage, construction sites and many more!

The class continued to develop their scientific investigation skills by exploring and playing with light, magnets, sounds, water and sand. In the science workshops and shows the children created bath bombs, slime, gigantic bubbles, erupting volcanoes and exploding rockets!

The children used their creative skills to make character bags, fridge magnets and even helped decorate a real life car!

Year 2 had a fantastic day and are looking forward to sharing all their creations at home.


A BIG thank you to our parent helpers. We hope you had as much fun as we did!


There were over 150 photographs taken so if your child is not on one, please let me know.


Year 2 football fun!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 12th Sep 2017 @ 12:50pm

Our first week in Year 2 so far..., by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Sep 2017 @ 4:28pm

Here are some photographs of us exploring in our new classroom. What a fun week we have had!

Y2 Lighthouses, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 17th Jul 2017 @ 6:15pm

Y2 Llandudno Trip, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 20th Jun 2017 @ 4:55pm

We have had the most wonderful day at Llandudno!  We went as part of ourt Geography and History work on the Victorian Seaside! We went on the Great Orme Tramway, watched a traditional Victorian Punch and Judy show, had a walk on the pier and of course enjoyed an ice cream in the sunshine!

Thank you to our parent helpers Mrs Riley and Mrs Ashford for joining us and to all staff for ensuring the children had a great day out. The children were absolute stars all day- I couldn't have been prouder of them!

Y2 Butterflies emerge!, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 11th Jun 2017 @ 10:35am

We have really enjoyed obsefving the Life Cycle of a Butterfly! Here atre our beautiful Painted Lady Catterpillars finally emerged from their crysalides.

Y2 Pebble Jar Treat, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 11th Jun 2017 @ 10:19am

Year 2 had such a busy half term and worked so hard on their end of year assessments! We worked so hard, we also managed to fill the pebble jar too. We had a treat morning where we bought our own toys from home and enjoyed a lovely ice cream in the sunshine! Mrs Harrison, Mrs Hilsden and Mrs Jenson have been very proud this half term of all your hard work!

Y2 Tag Rugby, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 11th Jun 2017 @ 10:13am

We have had a great half term of learning a new game- Tag Rugby! We have learnt some great new skills and enjoyed playing lots of games to practise these skills :)

Y2 Habitat Hunt, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th May 2017 @ 12:32pm

This week we investigated different microhabitats in our school grounds. We found lots of interesting creatures and talked about the conditions in each microhabitat.

Y2 visit from Constable Francis, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 5th May 2017 @ 2:21pm

Thank you very much to Constable Francis who came to visit us this week to talk to us about his role as a Policeman. The children had some excellent questions for him which Constable Francis was more than happy to answer for us. He even let us try on some of his uniform! Thank you for a very interesting afternoon and for giving up time on your precious day off to come and talk to us :)

Y2 Zoo Workshop, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 25th Apr 2017 @ 6:37pm

In Literacy we have been learning all about owls! Chester Zoo came to visit today to teach us all about nocturnal animals. We learnt lots of new and interesting facts to help with our topic.

Y2 African Art, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 25th Apr 2017 @ 6:18pm

We have painted some amazing African style paintings inspired by the work of the artist Martin Bulinya. We used our knowledge of colour mixing to mix all of our own colours and created our own patterns. 

Y2 Knowsley Safari Park, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 23rd Mar 2017 @ 7:39pm

Y2 Football , by Mr Brown

Date: 16th Mar 2017 @ 8:17pm

Well done to our footballers. Played 4, won 2, drew 1 and lost 1.  

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