Year 2: Gallery

Y2 Easter cooking , by Miss Lynch

Date: 1st Apr 2014 @ 4:29pm

We have been busy baking this week. The children took home lovely chocolate crispy nests.

Y2 Poetry, by Miss Lynch

Date: 18th Mar 2014 @ 3:41pm

The children wrote some fantastic poems about Spring. Here are a few lovely examples.

Y2 Investgating Chocolate, by Miss Lynch

Date: 18th Mar 2014 @ 2:40pm

The children have loved investigating chocolate this week. They had to predict what would happen when the bag of chocolate was held in warm water. They also had to think about what would happen when the melted chocolate was put in the fridge. At the end of the investigation the children really enjoyed eating the chocolate!

Forest Schools, by Miss Lynch

Date: 7th Mar 2014 @ 1:50pm

The children throughly enjoyed forest schools. They worked hard as a team to build dens. This included problem solving skills and collecting objects for their furniture. The children also enjoyed sitting around the fire having hot chocolate.

I asked the children what they thought of Forest Schools. Here are a few of their responses:

"I thought it was really really good" (Shannon)

"I liked the hot chocolate and making the tents" (Macie)

"It's really muddy and I like getting muddy" (Matthew Y)

"My favourite part was getting mud all over my face" (Amelie)

"My favourite part was building the tents" (Olivia)

"I liked making the fairy houses" (Amelia)


World Book Day in Year 2, by Miss Lynch

Date: 6th Mar 2014 @ 8:45pm

We had a fantastic day! The children loved dressing up and swapping books.

We read favourite books on our own or with friends. We also enjoyed a free writing session whilst listening to One Direction and Little Mix. In the afternoon we took part in a quiz and the 'Red Devils' team won with 8 points! Finally we enjoyed other book puzzles and games and had a great day.

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