Year 1: Gallery
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... in Year One., by Miss Jones
Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 6:43pm
This week we marked the beginning of Advent by making decorations for our classroom Christmas trees. We also enjoyed making angels for a display in the local church.
Kitty the Kindness Elf also appeared in our classroom on Tuesday with a message to spread the kindness. Every day she brings a new way of spreading kindness such as saying please and thank you, letting someone go in front of you or simply smiling and saying hello to someone.
In English we have been learning how to write plurals by adding -s or -es to a word. In Maths we have been working on writing number sentences for addition and how to use counting on to add.
Year 1: Week 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 22nd Nov 2020 @ 4:06pm
Another busy week in Year 1. We have enjoyed exploring number bonds in maths and we have been retelling the story, Lost and Found. The children have all worked really hard on their writing and use of finger spaces. We have also enjoyed spending time in the construction corner, making boats using blocks or lego, for the boy and the penguin to use to get back to the South Pole. We cannot wait to see what our new book will be on Monday.
Year 1 Journey to the South Pole, by Miss Jones
Date: 9th Nov 2020 @ 8:06pm
What a busy day we have had in Year One!
This morning we read a little bit more of our story in English. The boy in the story decided to help the lost penguin by taking him back to the South Pole. We then talked about what it is like in the South Pole by watching a video and using google Earth. We found our that the South Pole is on the continent of Antarctica which is the coldest and windiest continent. Did you know that Antarctica is also classed as a desert because it does not rain very often?
After that, we talking about packing a suitcase for the journey. What would keep us warm? We looked inside Miss Jones' suitcase and practised reading all of the labels. We then wrote our own list of things to pack to go to the South Pole.
After lunch, we decided to make a snack to take on our journey... a jam sandwich. After making sure our hands were washed, we carefully followed the steps to make the sandwich. Then enjoyed eating it. Then we talked about if we liked it and if we would do anything differently next time.
Tomorrow we will write our own instructions to teach someone else how to make a delicious jam sandwich.
Well done Year 1!
Year 1: W/C 3.11.20, by Miss Jones
Date: 8th Nov 2020 @ 11:25am
It was so lovely seeing the Year 1 children return to school after their well deserved break over half term.
We have had another wonderful week together. The children continue to amaze me with their positive behaviour and interest in their learning.
We started the week by discussing the importance of Remembrance Day and how it links to one of our school values: respect. Everyone used watercolour paints to make a paper poppy for our class wreath. There is a photo in our gallery.
We have also enjoyed a moment of calm whilst doing some mindfulness colouring. We talked about enjoying 'me time' and how it can help us feel calm and happy.
We also enjoyed having a go at some Bonfire Night activities on Thursday, including firework printing with vibrant colours and glitter.
Have a look at our gallery to see what we have been up to.
Y1 - Final week of Autumn 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 1st Nov 2020 @ 6:16pm
Year 1 had a lovely last week of the half term. They have worked so hard this half term and have really earnt a restful half term break.
Things took a spooky turn in the last week of half term as we enjoyed lots of Halloween activities.
We sorted trick or treat words in phonics as well as completed a spooky trail outside, looking for tricky words.
We practised counting and recognising teen numbers using pumpkin seeds and tweezers. (Much harder than it looks!)
We used learnt about capacity using magical potion bottles and used key vocabulary to talk about their capacity (full, almost full, half full, almost empty, empty)
We made pumpkin cards and wrote messages to our friends and family.
We were also sent a letter from The Great Wizards asking for help with writing potions for his new book. The children did a great job, remembering to form their letters correctly, use finger spaces and to use their phonics for spellings.
Y1 - Week 6, by Miss Jones
Date: 11th Oct 2020 @ 7:05pm
Another fun week in Year One. On Monday, a mysterious, frozen block of ice appeared on our tuff tray. We enjoyed watching it melt and guessing what was inside. It was lots of ..... Arctic animals! The children are really enjoying playing with them in the Arctic small world area as well as learning about animals that live in cold habitats with Mrs Bailey.
We also had a letter from a character in our English text, Mr Forgetful, who works in the Lost and Found Office. He had mixed up and lost some of the labels for the lost animals and asked for Year One's help. We were able to match up the mixed up labels and write new ones for him. Good job Year One!
Y1 - Week 5, by Miss Jones
Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 2:39pm
Year 1 have had another busy week. We have been practising combining words to make simple sentences and practising counting forwards and backwards. The children were also very excited to start working in their new Maths No Problem workbooks. With Miss Anders, the children have been talking about friendship and how we can be a good friend. The children were able to identify the difference between friendly and unfriendly actions.
For National Poetry Day on Thursday we enjoyed learning actions to two poems all about Autumn, 'I Hear Thunder and The Autumn Action Rhyme'.
Y1 - Week 4, by Miss Jones
Date: 26th Sep 2020 @ 9:54pm
We have had a another busy week in Year One. We have made a whole class piece of artwork to display at the local church. The theme was Harvest so we made a rainbow using fruit and vegetables printing. We have also started our new book in English called Lost and Found. We have enjoyed making predictions about our new book and have practised out cutting skills by making a shape penguin. On Thursday we enjoyed taking part in the skipping workshop. Finally, on Friday we took part in our last Forest Schools session.
Y1 - Week 3, by Miss Jones
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 10:17am
This week, our learning has been based on the most beautiful book called The Colour Monster. One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through colour.
First, we enjoyed listening to the story and discussing each of the different emotions. We then listened to different types of music and talked about how music can affect the way we feel. Then we made birthday cards for everyone in the class so that they feel happy on their birthday. Throughout the week, we have painted and collaged our own colour monsters for our art gallery and made emotion jars for a class display. In Maths, we have practised counting monsters, explored 2d shapes and found different ways to sort objects and monsters. We have also used role-play puppets to retell the story. In writing, we began learning how to use finger spaces and full stops when writing speech bubbles.
What a busy week we have had!
If you would like to listen to the story again, here is the link:
There is also a bonus quiz to try at the end.
Our first full week in Year 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 13th Sep 2020 @ 11:25am
What a busy week we have had this week, topped off with our first Forest School session with Mr Hadfield. For Forest school photographs from Friday 11th September, click here
Miss Jones
Hands-on learning in Year 1, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 4th Sep 2020 @ 4:53pm
Learning in Year 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 17th Jul 2020 @ 3:07pm
Thank you for sending me you work from the final week of Year 1.
You are all Superstars and I hope you have a lovely break over the Summer Holidays.
Thank you all for making me smile this year.
See you at 4:30 for our Goodbye Zoom.
Miss Jones.
Learning in Year 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 12:27pm
Here are some pictures of some of the work you have been doing whilst at home or with your bubble in school.
Home learning in Year 1 (Week 10), by Miss Jones
Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 1:08pm
Week 10 home learning in Year 1
Home Learning in Year 1 (week 9), by Miss Jones
Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 1:06pm
We have had another busy week in Year 1.
This week, our writing has been 'out of this world'. We have focused on Aliens.
There was an alien sighting on Monday and you might recognise where this photo was captured. Year 1 created a list of questions they would ask this cheeky visitor.
We also enjoyed reading Aliens Love Underpants by Clare Freedman and Ben Cort. The children have worked on developing their vocabularly and selecting words to decribe aliens. They have also created their own alien character.
In maths, we have been working on counting numbers to 40 and place value of 2 digit numbers.
Home Learning in Year 1 (Week 8), by Miss Jones
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 12:47pm
Thank you for sharing some of your home learning this week. We have been busy practising counting to 40 and writing senses poetry about summer and our favourite fruit. I really like seeing what you have all been getting up to. Have a read of the poems below and in the photos.
Here is Bella's Summer poem:
Summer is...
Summer is beautiful and fun.
Summer look like flowers blooming, blue skies, bees and butterflies.
Summer smells like flowers, cut grass and sun cream.
Summer sounds like singing birds, busy bees and happy children.
Summer tastes like cold drinks, BBQ, food and cold ice cream.
Here is Jack's Summer poem:
Summer is ....
Summer is nice and beautiful.
Summer looks like beautiful flowers and sandy beaches.
Summer smells like barbequed halloumi and squirty sun cream.
Summer sounds like loud aeroplanes and crashing waves.
Summer tastes like yummy blackcurrent and cold ice cream.
Here is Bea's Summer poem:
Summer is ....
Summer is hot and fun.
Summer looks like flowers and sunny walks.
Summer smells like cut grass and blossom.
Summer sounds like birds singing.
Summer tastes like yummy and delicious ice cream.
Here is Aaron's Summer poem:
Summer is .....
Summer is fun.
Summer looks like beautiful flowers in my garden.
Summer smells like hot air.
Summer sounds like me chilling out at the beach.
Summer tastes like a strawberry.
Here is Eleni's Summer poem
Summer is ...
Summer is sunny and warm.
Summer looks like playing in the garden and splashing in paddling pools.
Summer smells likes beautiful flowers and yummy ice lollies.
Summer sounds like buzzing bees busy making honey.
Summer tastes like cheese burgers sizzling on the BBQ.
Here is Osian's poem:
Home Learning (Week 7), by Miss Jones
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 2:53pm
Here are some home learning pictures from Week 7. Why not have a look at the other Home Learning galleries during half term? Click the link to go straight to our Year One Galleries
Have a lovely half term everyone
Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 5 and 6), by Miss Jones
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 2:40pm
Thank you very much Year 1 for continuing to send your photos and emails - it has been lovely seeing and hearing about what you've been up to!
We have had a very creative week last week in Year 1 with painting in the sunshine, creating shape art, designing and making a musical instrument, decorating bunting for VE day, lego construction, baking, cooking, story writing and book making!
This week the children have been busy measuring using objects in their home and finding out about different groups of animals.
If you have not already, check out the other Time Capsule Gallery item to see your friend's time capsules. They all look great!
Year 1 Time Capsule Project, by Miss Jones
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 4:16pm
During Week 4 of home learning, the Year 1 children worked on decorating and filling their very own time capsule so they can remember the sorts of things they have been doing during home learning. They will hide their time capsules in their house. The time capsules have an important instruciton on the front that says: DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2030.
The chlidren completed a different activity each day to complete their project. Examples of some of the things inside are:
- A family portrait drawing
- An all about me fact file about themselves
- A list of things they had enjoyed doing to keep themselves busy
- A list of things they had learnt
- Photographs, newspaper cuttings or sketches
It was lovely to recieve emails from the children and to see their time capsules! Thank you for your hard work Year 1.
Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 3 and 4), by Miss Jones
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 3:12pm
Thank you for sharing some of your home learning. I really like seeing what you have all been getting up to. Have a look to see what your friends have been up to.
Miss Jones
Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:50am
Hi KS1,
we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July bulletin to share. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads.
Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)
Home Learning in Year 1 (Weeks 1 and 2), by Miss Jones
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 12:30pm
I am really enjoying receiving emails and pictures of the children's home learning. Thank you for taking the time to share them. Year One, you have been busy bees!
Drawing Ideas to try at home, by Miss Jones
Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 6:44pm
Something to try at home....
Here are some step by step guides for turning numbers or letters into drawings.
Happy drawing!
Miss Jones
Year 1 - what are the five senses?, by Miss Jones
Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 8:03pm
Year 1 visited the 'Senses Stations' to find out about the 5 senses. Our favourite activity was jelly tasting of course! The jelly was not the colour we expected so we had to reply on our sense of taste to identify it's flavour.
Year 1 World Book Day 2020, by Miss Jones
Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 1:04pm
What a wonderful Wonderful Word Book day we had!
Our day started off with a mysterious present being left on Miss Jones’s chair. It was a special type of book that we had not seen before. It was a .... dictionary! The message on the book told us to enjoy learning a new word every hour. We loved picking a page to learn a new word every hour. Some of the words we learnt were acorn, acrobat, yolk and igloo. We loved this so much, we will try to do it everyday.
Then we walked to the library. We enjoyed listening to two stories and explored be books in the library. It was very peaceful and the children loved reading there.
Next we shared our books from home with Year 3. It was lovely to see the children coaching one another and talking about their books. Then we swapped teachers for story time. Year 1 enjoyed having Miss Yates read a story to them and Year 3 enjoyed Miss Jones reading to them.
Finally we got creative and made our own monster bookmark to keep track of our page in our favourite book, at home.
Remeber to use your book tokens to get your FREE book. You can use your tokens at Waterstones, WH Smiths, Tesco and Sainsburys.