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Y4 enter the world of the circus!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 10th Nov 2021 @ 8:49pm

Y5 Chefs for a day, by Mrs Percival

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 5:29pm

We were working with Chef James today. We studied the different types of taste we can experience, made our own dough and pizzas then made a vegetanle biriyani. The whole school smelt delicious as the spices travelled down the corridor.

Making poppies for Remembrance Day, by Miss Jones

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 4:01pm

Year 2 have been learning about the significance of poppies and why people wear them on Remembrance Day. We been busy making our own textured poppies today for a display. The children worked so carefully when using the difference types of paper so they could create different textures. 


Year 2 Owl Experience, by Miss Jones

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 3:55pm

This morning the Year 2 children had some surprise visitors waiting for them in the school hall. We we so thrilled to meet Libby and her four owls! Libby taught us about the different owls she brought with her and the owls enjoyed flying in the hall. The children were even brave enought to lie down and have an owl fly right over their heads. We hope you enjoy the photos and short video.

We cannot wait to learn more about owls this half term.




Stockport Air Raid Shelter Trip, by Miss Young

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 3:23pm

Year 6 had a wonderful day at Stockport Air Raid Shelter and Museum. Our WW2 Topic was brought to life and we experienced the day as an evacuee. 

WW2 Shelters, by Miss Young

Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 3:21pm

As part of their homework, Year 6 researched the various types of shelters used in WW2 to keep British citizens safe. What types can you spot in our gallery of wonderful designs?

Year 1 Nibbles the Monster and Bonfire night, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 7th Nov 2021 @ 9:06pm

Y5 Forest Schools, by Mrs Percival

Date: 7th Nov 2021 @ 9:00pm

We had a fabulous Forest Schools day with Mr Hadfield. We learnt about the different types of trees on our grounds, cleared a site and built a den together, explored the forest looking for bugs and practised lighting fires before toasting marshmallows around the fire pit. We can't wait until next week.

A spooktacular week in Year 1, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 24th Oct 2021 @ 8:44am

Year 3 Trip to Liverpool & New Brighton, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 22nd Oct 2021 @ 8:21pm

Y5 PE, by Mrs Percival

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm

What a blustery Autumn afternoon's PE lesson we had! Was it windy? Yes. Was it wet? Yes. Were there leaves blowing all over the place? Yes.

Did we love it? Yes we did!

Blitz Poetry Performance, by Miss Young

Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 12:26pm

The children practised their verses in groups, considering their expression, intonation and pitch before performing the whole poem as a class.

Autumn in Year 1, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 5:30pm

Year 3 Making our own carrier bags, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 3:09pm

This half term we have been learning all about the damage being done to the oceans and the animals that live there through our guided reading text 'The Sea Book'. In the book we learnt how to make our own carrier bag using an old T-shirt! So we had a go in class. We were very pleased with what we had made and to know that by using them we could help reduce the number of plastic carrier bags being used. 

Year 4 Ancient Greek pottery and theatre masks, by Mrs Hover

Date: 12th Oct 2021 @ 9:06pm

WW2 Medals, by Miss Young

Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 5:50pm

Brooke and her Mum kindly brought her Grandpa Bill's DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross), OBE and other medals from his time serving King and country in WW2 as a Flight Lieutenant. 

Hot Seating, by Miss Young

Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 5:44pm

As part of our English lessons, studying 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope' by Jo Hoestlandt we completed a role play activity using hot seating. The children wrote questions as Helen and Lydia to ask Mrs Keller (Madame Eleven O'Clock) before acting them out, considering body language, tone and appropriate answers. 

STEAM Festival, by Miss Young

Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 5:29pm

Year 5 and 6 visited the Boat Museum for a fun packed day of STEAM workshops. Some of which, included: sufactants, telling the time with trees, pixel graphics and animation, magic of chemistry, bath bomb science, escape rooms and fun with physics. 

Light- Periscopes, by Miss Young

Date: 11th Oct 2021 @ 5:23pm

Year 6 mapped out the direction in which light travels (straight) in a persicope using our 4G pitch and skipping ropes to represent our mirrors angled at 45°, in order to reflect the light. We decorated our periscope nets before cutting, scoring and joining them. Finally we tested their effectiveness in seeing around corners and over tables. 

Year 1, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 7:35pm

Reception, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 5:07pm

Numberblocks in the multilink cubes.

Year 3 Forest Schools- Week 2, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 6th Oct 2021 @ 3:28pm

Learning how to recognise the different types of trees, looking for animals/wildlife living the the trees in our school grounds and making our own fires using a flint.

Y5 STEAM festival, by Mrs Percival

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 4:29pm

Today, Y5 went to the STEAM festival at the Boat Museum. We had a great day doing all sorts of things like Chemistry, investigating sound, making keyrings with recycled plastic, making working gears and cranes and we even visited Mars in the planetarium!

Y5 archaeologists, by Mrs Percival

Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 4:23pm

We worked with some History students from Chester University this week. We were being historical detectives, investigating the past through artefacts.

Year 1 - designing, making and tasting sandwiches, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 7:25pm

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