Year 5: Gallery
Inter Schools Rounders Tournament, by Mrs Percival
Date: 7th Jul 2022 @ 7:00pm
On Monday a group of Y5 and Y6 children attended the Chester schools Rounders tournament in which over 20 teams took part. Our team won 3 out of their 4 matches and narrowly missed the semi-finals by one point. What we were most impressed with was their team spirit and sportsmanship, they were a real credit to Oldfield.
Bake sale, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd May 2022 @ 10:05am
PTA Bake Sale
Thank you so much to everyone who supported our cake sale by contributing and / or buying cakes at the end of the school day. What an incredibly creative array of designs there were on the theme of Celebration! A total of £290.30 was raised, all of which will go towards PTA funded projects. A special thank you to Catherine Golightly and her team of volunteers for organising and running the event.
Y5 Golf, by Mrs Percival
Date: 3rd May 2022 @ 3:58pm
Have a look at our golf session with Mr Derbyshire wonder we won the golf tournament last week,
Y5 World Book Day, by Mrs Percival
Date: 15th Mar 2022 @ 12:58pm
Thank you to the PTA for our new reading books. We have been eager to start reading them
Parachute investigation, by Mrs Percival
Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 11:48am
We have been investigating whether the surface area size of a parachute affects the time it takes a parachute to fall to the ground. We made sure that we only had one variable in our investigation and that we kept our test fair. We discovered that the larger the surface area, the longer it took for the parachute to fall to the ground.
Y5 Chefs for a day, by Mrs Percival
Date: 9th Nov 2021 @ 5:29pm
We were working with Chef James today. We studied the different types of taste we can experience, made our own dough and pizzas then made a vegetanle biriyani. The whole school smelt delicious as the spices travelled down the corridor.
Y5 Forest Schools, by Mrs Percival
Date: 7th Nov 2021 @ 9:00pm
We had a fabulous Forest Schools day with Mr Hadfield. We learnt about the different types of trees on our grounds, cleared a site and built a den together, explored the forest looking for bugs and practised lighting fires before toasting marshmallows around the fire pit. We can't wait until next week.
Y5 PE, by Mrs Percival
Date: 20th Oct 2021 @ 4:25pm
What a blustery Autumn afternoon's PE lesson we had! Was it windy? Yes. Was it wet? Yes. Were there leaves blowing all over the place? Yes.
Did we love it? Yes we did!
Y5 archaeologists, by Mrs Percival
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 4:23pm
We worked with some History students from Chester University this week. We were being historical detectives, investigating the past through artefacts.
Y5 silent disco, by Mrs Percival
Date: 20th Jul 2021 @ 11:53am
We had a great time today at our silent disco. Rick Astley was the most popular artist!!
Y5 Sports Day, by Mrs Percival
Date: 15th Jul 2021 @ 3:55pm
We had a great afternoon for sports day. Everyone tried their best and there was lots of cheering people on. Well done Year 5!
Y5 Strawberry wellies, by Mrs Percival
Date: 12th May 2021 @ 2:06pm
Y5 have been planting strawberry plants in wellies for the quiet garden. We have drilled holes in the bottom of the wellies and cut them down a little. Now we are looking forward to some strawberries and cream before the end of term!
Y5 Forces, by Mrs Percival
Date: 12th May 2021 @ 1:56pm
Today we have been looking at the forces of air resistance and gravity using helicopters.
Y5 Armistice Day, by Mrs Percival
Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 3:17pm
Today we have been learning about the tomb of the Unknown Warrior. We found out about what the tomb is, where it is and why it is there. We also looked at how Liverpool and Manchester were bombed during World War Two and discovered that a bomb landed on Ellesmere Port. We looked at a photograph of Mrs Percival's great grandfather, who was a soldier in the World War One and talked about his wartime story. At 11am, we observed a 2 minute silence.
Junior Road Safety Activities, by Miss Young
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:59am
Hi UKS2,
we have a mini quiz for you to try out and the July Bulletin. Sorry we can't accept entries for prizes at the moment but continue being safe, especially when out on the roads.
Lexi and Grace- Oldfield's Junior Road Safety Officers :)
Drawing Ideas to try at home, by Miss Jones
Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 6:44pm
Something to try at home....
Here are some step by step guides for turning numbers or letters into drawings.
Happy drawing!
Miss Jones
Author Visit- Murray Lachlan Young, by Miss Young
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 4:12pm
Murray Lachlan Young and the Action Transport Team visited KS2 and delivered a fabulously funny assembly. Before Y5 and 6 created their own stories, with the help of Murray and Joe using juxtapositions as their inspiration.
Sports day, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 22nd Jun 2019 @ 10:44am
Thank you to everyone who supported our Sports Day this year. It was great to see and hear the support for all the children taking part, your cheers and claps were huge motivators! The weather was fabulous and a great day was had by all.
Thank you to those who supported the PTA by purchasing raffle tickets. There were some amazing prizes - our Year 6 pupils did a great job of writing letters to companies to encourage them to donate prizes. We raised a total of £216!
Space-themed PTA cake sale and coffee afternoon this Friday , by Mrs Bailey
Date: 5th Feb 2019 @ 4:52pm
The force is calling you from a galaxy far, far away!
From 3pm on Friday 8th February 2019
in the School Hall
It’s time to get your imagination working over time. Think out of this world (literally) for our Space Themed bake sale this Friday.
We can’t wait to see your creations!
Tea and coffee available
Prizes for the best entries from each class.
Please label cakes with your child’s name and year group and give to class teachers or the school office on the day.
Please bake and buy generously. All proceeds raised go to the PTA
If you wish to support the cake sale but don’t wish to bake, shop bought cakes are always well appreciated.
We would also be grateful to any of you who can help set up or sell on the day - just reply email to let us know!
Christmas lunch, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 1:52pm
We enjoyed a tasty Christmas lunch today. Thank you to everyone involved in preparing and serving the meal. We listened to festive Christmas music whilst we ate. It was exciting pulling our crackers and reading the jokes inside!
A special thank you to Mrs Stark, Mrs Maddocks and Ms Denham for preparing the food , to our governors who came in to help serve the food and to staff who gave up part of their lunchtime to ensure the lunch went smoothly.
Y5 First Aid - Mini Medics, by Mrs Percival
Date: 8th Oct 2018 @ 10:45am
Today we were learning First Aid. We learnt how to do CPR and how to put a casualty into the recovery position, as well as how to help someone who is choking. Fabulous life saving skills!
Year 5 fire safety visit, by Mrs Woodward
Date: 12th Feb 2018 @ 3:36pm
Today we had a visit from the fire service, who spoke to us about fire safety in the home. We then got to see around the fire engine and experience the smoke tent.
Exploring the planets in year 5, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 5th Feb 2018 @ 3:30pm
Today year 5 children enjoyed finding out about the different planets in the solar system.
Year 5 learn about conservation at Chester Zoo, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 16th Jul 2017 @ 1:44pm
Year 5 had a fabulous visit to Chester Zoo on Friday, increasing our understanding of how the zoo supports conservation.
A special thank you to Jonny, Calum, Izzy, Charlie, Eva and Emma for planning our route and leading us around the zoo. They built in time for us to make notes on the differing levels of risk animals are under which will support our work back in class this week.
As always, our Year 5 pupils were a credit to Oldfield with their exemplary behaviour and positive enthusiasm and engagement in the day. We all had a thoroughly enjoyable day.