Our Gallery
Year 3 quiet garden, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 5:30pm
Year 3 Egyptian artwork, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 28th Jun 2021 @ 6:09pm
Year 3's giraffe paintings inspired by Steven Brown, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 6:58am
Outdoor learning, by Mrs Wheatcroft
Date: 21st Jun 2021 @ 1:11pm
We have been very busy outside, riding the bikes and scooters and washing them in our car wash, taking the babies for a walk in the prams and a picnis, taking the blocks in the wheelbarrows to create some great buildings, reading in the shade, making pictures inspired by Andy Goldsworthy using natural materials and moving water using pipes, tubes, sprays and sponges.
Year 1 - putting out the gnomes, by Miss Jones
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 3:37pm
We put our gnomes in the school garden so that they could look after our plants.
Year 1 Multi-skills Workshop, by Miss Jones
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 3:31pm
We loved completing the six different activities in the multi-skills workshop today. Thankfully the sun came out just in time for us to go outside.
Year 3's visit to Oldfield's Ancient Egyptian Museum, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 9:30pm
Year 3 had great pleasure visiting Oldfield's Ancient Egyptian Museum this afternoon.
We couldn't believe how silent it was in there as Year 3 researched the facts, artefacts and artwork.
We had a wonderful in school visit and look forward to continuing to learn more and more about the Ancient Egyptians.
Year 1 writing, by Miss Jones
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 5:34pm
This week we enjoyed looking at our new book, Goldilocks and just the one bear. We worked hard in our writing lesson on Monday. We were learning all about adjectives and how they can move around in a sentence.
On Wednesday and Thursday we worked on writing a poem to show the noises that Bear would hear in the busy city.
Super sentenes Year One!
Miss Jones.
Year 1 Garden Gnomes, by Miss Jones
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 5:29pm
Year One were really excited to finish creating their own garden gnome for our school garden. The children carefully made their gnome using clay and then painted their design.
I am so proud of how carefully the children worked when making their gnomes. They all did such a wonderful job and they should feel very proud of themselves.
They cannot wait to put them with our plants in the garden.
Well done Year One.
Year 3 English prediction, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 7:00am
Yesterday, Year 3 were given a set of clues which they used to predict what our next text will be about.
We listened to some music, looked at some images and our favourite, because it was the funniest round, was the drawing round.
Mrs Harrison gave us step by step instructions e.g. draw a circle, draw a triangle around the circle etc. At the beginning it looked like an alien however by the end...
Can you guess what we drew?
Year 3 DT - building bridges, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 29th May 2021 @ 7:27am
Year 3 have used their joining skills to build bridges, in pairs, using spaghetti. They have researched the different types of bridges and considered which they believe to create the strongest structure. We look forward to finishing them after half term.
Year 3 Pebble Jar Treat, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 26th May 2021 @ 6:56pm
Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed their Pebble Jar Treat this afternoon and they definitely deserved it. The Year 3 cinema experience... Hercules, popcorn and hot chocolate!
Y4 Rounders in the sun!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 18th May 2021 @ 8:46pm
Y4 Poetry inspired by 'Windrush Child' by John Agard, by Mrs Hover
Date: 13th May 2021 @ 12:38pm
Y5 Strawberry wellies, by Mrs Percival
Date: 12th May 2021 @ 2:06pm
Y5 have been planting strawberry plants in wellies for the quiet garden. We have drilled holes in the bottom of the wellies and cut them down a little. Now we are looking forward to some strawberries and cream before the end of term!
Y5 Forces, by Mrs Percival
Date: 12th May 2021 @ 1:56pm
Today we have been looking at the forces of air resistance and gravity using helicopters.
Year 1: 7.5.21, by Miss Jones
Date: 9th May 2021 @ 7:15pm
It was lovely to see Year One after the long weekend. We have had another busy week of learning :)
In maths we have been using counters to help us use the
Learning in Year 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 3rd May 2021 @ 4:52pm
Have a look at our Gallery to see what we have been up to recently.
Year 4's First Guitar Lesson!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 4:24pm
Year 4 - Raft Race!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 10:49am
Year 4 had great fun racing their rafts on the last day of the Spring Term :)
Year 3 forest school, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 1:45pm
Year 4 - Making boats and designing sheds!, by Mrs Hover
Date: 18th Mar 2021 @ 9:11am
As a fun D&T mini project, the Y4 children have been designing their very own sheds, thinking about the outside and inside space. They also had to incorporate at least one eco element! The size of the shed was chalked onto the playground to help the children imagine the space they were working with. Photos of their designs will follow shortly.
As part of our D&T Raft building project, we explored different sizes and types of paper to create boats exploring the concepts of sinking, travelling and floating.
Year 3 Team, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 2:11pm
Year 3 Whales and World Book Day, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 5th Mar 2021 @ 2:31pm
Year 1 - POETRY, by Miss Jones
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 9:52am
Year 1 have enjoyed looking at poetry for this weeks remote learning. We have looked at two list poems called At the Zoo and In The Empty Classroom. As we are returning to school on Monday, it seemed fitting to write about our classroom.
Have a look at our fabulous poems called 'In the Classroom'.