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Football V Chester Blue Coat, by Mr Brown

Date: 16th Oct 2022 @ 3:39pm

We played our first league match of the season away at Chester Blur Coat winning 3-1 with goals from Ted, Chris and Reuben. The whole team played well and we look forward to our next match.

Thank you to our families who were able to help with transport and support.

Cherry Grove, Upton Mill View, Upton Heath and JH Godwin are also in our league. We will share the future results.

Y5 Forest Schools, by Mrs Percival

Date: 10th Oct 2022 @ 4:03pm

We had a fabulous day in the school forest on Friday. We made fires and produced some pieces of environmental art.

Y5 Computing, by Mrs Percival

Date: 10th Oct 2022 @ 3:58pm

Year 5 are designing our own websites using Google sites. We have made a great start, our website designs are coming along nicely.

Colourful meditation, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 8th Oct 2022 @ 6:44pm

As part of our myHappymind programme, we have been practising calming our bodies down. Today we practised Colourful Meditation. Our Year 1 children were amazing. Ask them to show you at home!

Stockport Air Raid Shelters Trip, by Miss Young

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 1:21pm

Year 6 visited Stockport Air Raid Shelters and Museum to explore our WW2 History topic further. We spent the whole day in characters as an evacuee. 

Year 2 planning and re-telling stories with their friends, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 7:21pm

Year 4 Brass lesson, by Mrs Hover

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 2:06pm

Forest School, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 3:37pm

We had a brilliant time in forest school (even though it was very rainy!)

Buddy Forest School, by Miss Young

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 3:39pm

Reception and Year 6 enjoyed a fun packed afternoon of Forest School.


We made dens for our very own characters, giving them comfy beds and some even had jacuzzis! Then we engaged with a scavenger hunt before toasting some marshmallows- delicious!

Y3 Geography, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 3:31pm

Year 3 have been looking at the hills and mountains of the UK and created their own 3D maps to represent areas of high ground. They also found out the names of the highest mountains in th UK.

Y3 River Artwork, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 3:25pm

The children have been creating some wonderful artwork based on rivers whilst learning about the parts of a river for their Geography work. They look fabulous year 3!

A taste of our first few weeks in Year 4!, by Mrs Hover

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 9:20am

Year 4 have been extremely busy and here are a few photos showing their 'gorilla' research and the beginning of their facts files. We have also been really impressed by the children's detailed and individual approaches to their Maths journaling. In Computing, Year 4 have been creating their own webpages all to do with books they would recommend and on Monday, it will be our first brass lesson!

The children are getting used to their new monitor roles and at the start of the day, the children choose the CARE value we should focus on for the day. We have a Secret Student who is revealed at the end of the day if they have shown this value. Lots of stickers have been given out so far! :)

Reception, Story Tent, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 12:35pm

Reception had a wonderful time with Gwen in the Story Tent. She shared the story of Paddington Visits the Palace and we loved marching like soldiers, collaging and making buildings, having afternoon tea with sprinkles and teapots, collecting jewels and searching through the marmalade for the lost bears. 
Thank you Gwen!


Reception, Story Tent, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 21st Sep 2022 @ 12:35pm

Y1 animal groupings, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 20th Sep 2022 @ 7:35am

We are enjoying learning about different animal groups in Year 1. Thank you to King's students for their time on Friday afternoon, helping us with our sorting task.

Forest School, by Miss Young

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 3:51pm

Year 6 spent their first Forest School session discussing and demonstrating what makes a good leader- Sept 2022.


Year 6 linked Forest School with our Guided Reading text 'The Explorer' to consider what makes a good shelter? And what skills would we need to survive in the wilderness. 

Library Visit, by Miss Young

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 3:46pm

Year 6 visited the Library to familiarise themselves with the books available and the process of loaning books. 

Reception First Lunch Time, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Date: 12th Sep 2022 @ 3:29pm

The children enjoyed their first lunch at school. They have continued to do really well in the hall and are using lovely manners too. 

Y1 Forest Schools, by Mrs Bailey

Date: 10th Sep 2022 @ 4:43pm

We had a great time with Mr Hadfield today at Forest Schools in our incredible school grounds. We learnt about homes and habitats, made a big nest and took on the role of parent and baby birds, built a home for our Gruffalo, went on a bug hunt, practised mindfulness in our quiet spots, used Dragon Sneeze fire steels and toasted marshmallows on an open fire pit to name but a few things! Team work, sharing and gratitude were key elements of our learning today.

Thank you for sending children in with a spare pair of footwear and long sleeved tops and trousers. 

Year 3- Our first week, by Mrs Harrison

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 3:56pm

What a great first week in Year 3! It has been lovely to see you all again. We have been working hard already. Here are some of our stick skeletons (science) some mapping of the UK and atlas use and making birthday cards!

Blitz Poetry, by Miss Young

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 3:38pm

In table groups, Year 6  arranged, rehearsed and performed 'Blitz' by Mary Désirée Anderson.


Year 2 Superstars!, by Miss Jones

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 3:57pm

It has been wonderful to be back with the Year 2's! They have been superstars today and have worked so so hard. I suspect they'll be some tired stars tonight! A few pictures of our Guided Reading session this morning where we were learning about the geographical features within our text 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' and science this afternoon where we learnt what things need to be classed as living or non living things. 

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