Year 1: Gallery
Year 1, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 8:54pm
Year 1 traditional tales, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 13th Nov 2021 @ 2:47pm
Year 1 Nibbles the Monster and Bonfire night, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 7th Nov 2021 @ 9:06pm
A spooktacular week in Year 1, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 24th Oct 2021 @ 8:44am
Autumn in Year 1, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 5:30pm
Year 1, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 7:35pm
Y5 archaeologists, by Mrs Percival
Date: 5th Oct 2021 @ 4:23pm
We worked with some History students from Chester University this week. We were being historical detectives, investigating the past through artefacts.
Year 1 - designing, making and tasting sandwiches, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 7:25pm
Year 1 forest school Friday, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 3rd Sep 2021 @ 8:46pm
Welcome back Year 1!, by Mrs Bailey
Date: 1st Sep 2021 @ 8:39pm
It was lovely to welcome everyone back after the summer break. We were all excited to see each other again and explore our new classroom.
Welcome to the Y1 Classroom, by Mrs Harrison
Date: 1st Sep 2021 @ 7:00pm
Mrs Bailey and Mrs Hilsden are very excited to welcome Year 1 tomorrow and Mrs Harrison is looking forward to seeing Year 1 for forest school on Friday.
Year 1 Mini Makery Workshop, by Miss Jones
Date: 17th Jul 2021 @ 3:31pm
This children loved their workshop with Mrs Watermelon and Miss Lime. They made space pictures, potions and pictures inspired by Goldilocks and Just the One Bear.
If you would like to have a go at home, the Mini Makery team have a Youtube Chanel with lots of fun makes to try.
Year 1 Sports Day & Rocket Making, by Miss Jones
Date: 14th Jul 2021 @ 8:31pm
Sports Day
Year One loved their Sports Day on Tuesday. The children gave it their all in both the competitive races and the fun races. It was so lovely to hear them cheer one another on too. They certainly deserved their ice lolly treat afterwards. Thank you to Mrs Hilsden for helping us at the finish line.
3, 2, 1 blast off....
On Wednesday we designed and made our own rockets! The children thought really hard about their designs before drawing them in their sketchbooks. The children were concentrating so hard during the rocket build, the room fell silent! I was so impressed with the finished results. We hope you liked seeing them at home. Well done Year One!
Year 1 - putting out the gnomes, by Miss Jones
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 3:37pm
We put our gnomes in the school garden so that they could look after our plants.
Year 1 Multi-skills Workshop, by Miss Jones
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 3:31pm
We loved completing the six different activities in the multi-skills workshop today. Thankfully the sun came out just in time for us to go outside.
Year 1 writing, by Miss Jones
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 5:34pm
This week we enjoyed looking at our new book, Goldilocks and just the one bear. We worked hard in our writing lesson on Monday. We were learning all about adjectives and how they can move around in a sentence.
On Wednesday and Thursday we worked on writing a poem to show the noises that Bear would hear in the busy city.
Super sentenes Year One!
Miss Jones.
Year 1 Garden Gnomes, by Miss Jones
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 5:29pm
Year One were really excited to finish creating their own garden gnome for our school garden. The children carefully made their gnome using clay and then painted their design.
I am so proud of how carefully the children worked when making their gnomes. They all did such a wonderful job and they should feel very proud of themselves.
They cannot wait to put them with our plants in the garden.
Well done Year One.
Y5 Strawberry wellies, by Mrs Percival
Date: 12th May 2021 @ 2:06pm
Y5 have been planting strawberry plants in wellies for the quiet garden. We have drilled holes in the bottom of the wellies and cut them down a little. Now we are looking forward to some strawberries and cream before the end of term!
Year 1: 7.5.21, by Miss Jones
Date: 9th May 2021 @ 7:15pm
It was lovely to see Year One after the long weekend. We have had another busy week of learning :)
In maths we have been using counters to help us use the
Learning in Year 1, by Miss Jones
Date: 3rd May 2021 @ 4:52pm
Have a look at our Gallery to see what we have been up to recently.
Year 1 - POETRY, by Miss Jones
Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 9:52am
Year 1 have enjoyed looking at poetry for this weeks remote learning. We have looked at two list poems called At the Zoo and In The Empty Classroom. As we are returning to school on Monday, it seemed fitting to write about our classroom.
Have a look at our fabulous poems called 'In the Classroom'.
Year 1 - What makes ME special?, by Miss Jones
Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 4:51pm
For part of our work for Children's Mental Health, the children in Year 1 talked with a grown up about what makes them special. We enjoyed learning the word unique and exploring what that means.
After discussing what makes them special, the children drew around their grown up's hand and wrote their top 5 reasons down. They then expressed their creativity and decorated their hand.
Reading the children's work just reminded me of what a kind, caring and hard working class Year One are. Click our Gallery to have a look at what makes us special.
Well done to our Year One Superstars
Year 1 Art and Design Technology, by Miss Jones
Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 6:06pm
Today Year 1 have enjoyed learning how to draw a character from our new book called The Lion Inside.
We watched a step by step video by the illustrator, Jim Field to learn how to draw the mouse. Check out our fabulous drawings.
Miss Jones tweeted Jim Field to show him some of our drawings and he replied! How exciting is that.
If you want to have a go, click HERE for the link to the video
Last week, the children worked on designing, making and evaluating their own junk model monster. The final pieces were fabulous.
Check out our gallery to see what a creative class we are.
Year 1 Week beginning 14.12.20, by Miss Jones
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 5:30pm
We have had a lovely week in Year 1 with lots of festive activities too.
On Monday we enjoyed playing Numbots on the iPads. The children loved setting up their Numbot and starting to play the game. I would encourage children to play Numbots at home to help with their number confidence, fluency and recall. Letters to Parents and Carers about accessing Numbots, including Logins were sent home on Monday. Please let me know if you need another copy. Login information is also on a sticker on the front of the children's homework books.
On Wednesday, we enjoyed pulling crackers and eating our delicious Christmas dinners. The children displayed wonderful manners in the hall, saying please and thank you to the adults who helped them. I enjoyed eating my lunch with the children too.
On Thursday, we had our pebble jar treat. We enjoyed watching The Grinch (rateed U). We also enjoyed party games in the hall in the afternoon.
Check our our gallery for more photographs of what we have been up to this week.
Have a wonderful Christmas Break. I look forward to welcoming you all back to school in the New Year.
Miss Jones.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ... in Year One., by Miss Jones
Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 6:43pm
This week we marked the beginning of Advent by making decorations for our classroom Christmas trees. We also enjoyed making angels for a display in the local church.
Kitty the Kindness Elf also appeared in our classroom on Tuesday with a message to spread the kindness. Every day she brings a new way of spreading kindness such as saying please and thank you, letting someone go in front of you or simply smiling and saying hello to someone.
In English we have been learning how to write plurals by adding -s or -es to a word. In Maths we have been working on writing number sentences for addition and how to use counting on to add.