Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mrs Wong


Miss Wong 

Mrs Jenson

Mrs Hilsden 

Mrs Ross


Welcome to the Year 5 webpage


Each half term the webpage will be updated with all the latest information about what we are getting up to in Year 5. Photos of what we are getting upto in school will also be uploaded weekly on the website gallery.  


Summer Term 1



English and Guided Reading 

This half term we will be developing our reading and writing skills through texts with a focus on environmental issues. We will be reading The Paperbag Prince by Collin Tompson in English and completing a persuasive leaflet to give information about waste management. During our Guided Reading lessons, we will be reading a text with a focus on pollution.




 In Maths this half term, we will be continuing to explore decimals and percentages before moving on to geometry. There will be lots of discussion within each lesson before the children move on to complete an independent task in their workbooks. 




In Science this half term, we will be exploring materials to develop our scientific knowledge about different materials and changes in materials. There will be lots of investigations and observations throughout this topic and the children will be able to apply and build on what we have learnt previously in science. 



Wider Curriculum

In History we will be learning and researching The Maya. We will be exploring landscapes in Art. In music we will be experimenting with percussion instruments and developing our understanding of technical terms in music. In computing we will be completing our video production unit. 







PE will take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday this half term. Please send your child in, in their PE on these days. Sometimes these sessions will take place outside so please ensure your child has a waterproof coat for these sessions. 



Enrichment activities

and dates for your diary



We have an educational visit to Xplore in Wrexham on the 16th April. Please ensure the consent forms are returned by Monday 15th April



We will also be swimming every other Wednesday morning, at Christleton High School. Swimming will take place on: 24th April, 8th May, 22nd May, 12th June, 26th June.


We also have Forest School on Friday 26th April. Please ensure children come to school in suitable outdoor attire and bring a spare pair of footwear for when we are inside the school building. 

Other Important Information

Snack – Toast is 25p a day. Please book your child’s snack on Parent Pay for the week ahead. You could also provide your children with a snack of fresh fruit or vegetable.

Water bottles – children should continue to bring their water bottles in daily.

Please make sure your child has a waterproof coat each day as we go outside for breaktimes in most weather conditions.



Thank you for your continued support with the children's engagement with homework. Each week, homework will continue to be set on a Friday and will be due back in the following Wednesday. As the children have now moved into upper Key Stage 2, regular homework routines will help to prepare them for Year 6 and high school. The homework will be related to what we have been learning in school that week, to help support your child’s understanding. I would also recommend daily reading and engagement with Times Tables Rockstars, as this will support your child’s learning in school.





In Year 5, we love to read! Children will continue with their banded books, but I have encouraged the children to choose a free reading book for pleasure. We have also voted on a class novel and I will make time to read to the children a number of times each week. Please see the link below for recommended reads for year 5. We have lots of these books available in school. 


Teacher Contact details

Please feel free to come and speak to me at the end of the day or alternatively you can email me at:


Recommended reads:



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Year 5 English, by Mrs Wong

Year 5 Science, by Mrs Wong

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