Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Hover

Mrs Leake


Summer Term - First Half 

Year 3 Team: Mrs Hover and Mrs Leake

Mrs Jones and Mr Ainsworth

daisy chain.png

Welcome back to the first half of the Summer term! We are very excited about our new books in English and Guided Reading! In English, we will need to use our imagination as we are transported to a magical world like the picture above. In Guided Reading, we will start by exploring part of a Disney movie and famous landmarks around the world!


In Maths, we will be finishing our unit on ‘Time’ and then we will look at different types of pictographs and bar graphs. Below, is the QR code for the Mathsframe times table games we play in school.


QR Code.png

In Science, we will be learning about ‘Forces and Magnets’ and in RE, we will be focusing on Islam and how Muslims worship.


In the Wider Curriculum, we will be exploring India in our new Geography topic and following on from last term’s History unit, we will be creating some Ancient Egyptian art work! 

We will also be starting a new project in Computing where we will create pieces of work using different images and text. If you would like to continue developing your coding skills, the website link is: In French we will learn the words for different fruits and vegetables and in Music, we will be joining in with AmaSing online singing sessions! This will end up with a performance with other schools called, ‘AmaSing Back Through The Decades’ - more details to follow!


Every Friday, we will have Gymnastics with Mr Bell and there will be a mixture of Tennis lessons and Cricket lessons with a coach from Cheshire Cricket. Please see the PE timetable below.

Finally, we will continue with our ‘Relate’ topic in our My Happy Mind sessions and then move on to our final topic, ‘Engage’. This unit focuses on bringing together everything we have learnt throughout the myHappymind curriculum. We will continue to add to our class toolbox with strategies to help us when looking at the Zones of Regulation.


Zones of Regulation(1).png




PE Timetable

Gymnastics will take place every Friday

Week 1: Cricket (Thursday 18th April)

Week 2: Tennis (Tuesday 23rd April) and Cricket (Thursday 25th April)

Week 3: Cricket (Thursday 2nd May)

Week 4: (Just Gymnastics this week)

Week 5: Tennis (Tuesday 14th May)

Week 6: Tennis (Tuesday 21st May)

Timetable (Homework)

Monday: Reading and library books exchanged; 


Wednesday: Homework due


Friday: Reading books exchanged; Homework handed out 


PPA (Planning, Preparation & Assessment Time)

On Friday mornings, Mr Bell will be teaching Gymnastics (Mrs Leake's PPA). Mrs Hover will also be having PPA on a Friday morning.


Other important information

Snack - Toast is 25p a day. Please book your snack on Parent Pay for the week ahead. You could also supply your child with a piece of fruit/vegetable.

Water bottles - children should continue to bring their water bottles in daily.

Please make sure your child has a waterproof coat each day as we go outside during playtimes in most weather conditions.

Please label your child’s clothing, packed lunches and water bottles.



Homework is one task linked to our learning in school that week - either English, Maths or from the Wider Curriculum. It should take your child about 20 minutes and should be able to be completed independently or with some adult support. When your child is completing their homework, please encourage them to present their work neatly.

There is also a short Spelling task to complete each week linked to our learning in spelling lessons. Click on the Handwriting & Spelling tab above with information to help your child.

Homework will be set on a Friday and is due on the following Wednesday. 


We love reading in Year 3. Children become better readers by practising reading as much as possible. We would encourage children to read with an adult or to be read to at home every day for 10 minutes. Children will bring home a levelled reading book that they can read with you. When children have read the book twice with an adult at home or at school, they may change it for a new book. We will also share many texts together in class in our English and Guided Reading lessons and the children can borrow a book of their choice from our reading corner to read in class or at home.

Click on the Reading tab above for lots of book ideas or come and chat to us for some book recommendations.

Times Tables

Being able to recall times table facts quickly and accurately helps children succeed in all of our Maths lessons. In Year 2, children learnt the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. In Year 3, we will be learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Repetition is key to knowing the facts quickly and accurately. Please help your child at home to practise these times tables as much as they can. Questions, chanting and Times Tables Rockstars are all good ways to learn (regular short bursts are the best way!) Click on the Maths tab above for further games.


Contacting Class Teachers

The Year 3 class teachers are Mrs Hover (Monday - Wednesday) and Mrs Leake (Thursday - Friday).

Please always feel free to come and speak to us or alternatively our emails are:


‘How to help your child in Year 3'

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