Reception 2023 - 2024

Mrs Wheatcroft

Welcome to our Reception page!

Our Literacy book for this half term is Gigantosaurus by Jonny DuddleGigantosaurus by Jonny Duddle


We will be looking at lots of non fiction texts as well as plenty of dinosaur themed stories. We will looking at life cycles of creatures that lay eggs, volcanos and features of other countries that are different from where we live.  We will 

In maths lessons we will be focussing on counting beyond 20 and looking at numbers that go together to make 5 and 10. 

Our PE lessons continue be on a Tuesday. This term we will be looking at dance and movement, based on a dinosaur theme, and in the seconf half term will be working outside and focussing on activities for Sports Day.

The children are enjoying their myHappymind seesions with Mrs Bailey and are also getting very good at recognising and talking about their feelings and emotions using the language and resources from our              Zones of Regulation.Isebrook School - Zones of Regulation

In phonics we are moving on to Phase 4. The chidren are making superstar progress!

I have put homework sheets in the children's homework books. Please also continue to read for a few minutes each day if possible: just a few pages, we don't expect the children to read the whole book each time.

Attached on this page is a copy of the grapheme mats children use to help them to remember the graphemes we have learned in Phase 2 and Phase 3. Also attached is information about support for the 'tricky' words. 

Mrs Wheatcroft :)







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Dinosaurs, by Mrs Wheatcroft

Reception maths, by Mrs Wheatcroft

EY: My happy mind, by Mrs Wheatcroft

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